Poetry by Heidrun Beer
Early Period (Translations from German) -- Present Time Production (beginning 2009)
This page is an ongoing work. New entries are being added on a regular basis. Please come back often!
Last updated: 28.03.2018
Heidrun Beer in March 2013
Heidrun Beer, born in 1954, has been writing poetry from her 14th year on. After some years of very rich poetry production in her late teens to early 30's, her writer's focus shifted from poetry to novels. With the start of her software developer career, her focus shifted again to more left-brained writings like non-fiction books, manuals and websites in the area of spirituality and mental training.
Beginning in 2009, parallel with screenplay writing, a new and different poetry era began. Poems were no longer her main outlet of creativity, written in her own unique and strongly individual style, but more a playing ground for experimentation with various styles and formats. After a recess of 4 years, new works start in 2018 and seem to gravitate back to where she came from.
This web page gives some translations of her early poetry work which has originally been written in German (translations done by herself) - more translations are added occasionally -, but mainly it reflects her ongoing production in present time. Most of her newer poetry has been written in English. Some new german poems are presented without a translation, as she says that they "wanted to be in German" J
Present Time Production (beginning 2009)
NOT A HAIKU: Your Words, Your Smile 26.11.2009 Your Face 08.01.2010 The Night is Nearly Clear 23.01.2010 My House 31.01.2010 The Sun Goes Down 21.02.2010 A Bridge of Love 11.03.2010 From Tender Hands 22.01.2013 Beim Schlafengehn (german) 14.02.2013 Over Night 16.02.2013 A Thousand Hands I Want to Have 28.02.2013 If I Were blind 11.03.2013 How Did It Happen? 26.03.2013 Your World 11.04.2013 Your Rose - From Beyond 20.07.2013 With You My Time 10.10.2013 Your Message 19.02.2014
A Start That's Born On Earth 25.03.2018 27.03.2018
Early Period (Translations from German)
My Land 16.09.1982/12.01.2010 Explain That... 25.06.1982/13.01.2010 Winter's End 23.12.1982/01.04.2010 Isis 10.02.1979/11.04.2010 Time and Again 15.06.1986/12.05.2010