Group Consciousness Processing
Article by Heidrun Beer (08-10/1999)
Copyright (c) 1999 - all rights reserved
This article is intended for printing after a period of evaluating feedback. Editing is still in progress. Write to if you want to share your ideas!
Mirror-Images: Physical and Spiritual Evolution
Group Consciousness Processing Principles
- Introduction -
This article deals with group consciousness; with the newly discovered "multi-cell" variety of spiritual being - the potential component part or "cell" of the group consciousness compound -; with the well-known old "single-cell" type of spiritual being who is of a different, very much incompatible character; and with the principles which we need to understand in order to provide for each of these two fundamentally different types of spiritual being the processing which will allow them the greatest gains and best serve their spiritual progress.
For the sake of the subject, the whole background theory is included in the article. It is written as concise as possible, but it covers an extensive area which at least needs to be outlined, so it requires some time to work through it.
For the practical work, it is sufficient to understand very few principles. If you are short in time, or if you feel that you are already familiar with the idea of a group consciousness compound and that you understand how an individual spiritual being - like in a human existence - relates to such a structure, you might want to jump directly to the processing section. Just make sure that you keep in mind these fundamental principles (follow the hyperlinks in the text if you want to read more about a certain concept):
- Main Principles -
The Missing Principle -- Frequent Trouble Situations for the "Multi-Cell" Personality
Up to this date, all processing has been based upon the assumption that the same rules apply to every person who can possibly arrive in the client's chair. Every processing school which exists today is built on that assumption - their research has led to different sets of rules, but all schools apply the same set of rules to every single client.
Practical experience has shown though that this is not a workable approach. Failure rates and unresolved cases indicate that some fundamental principles are still missing in the theoretical and practical design of today's processing schools. Maybe it is only one principle, which - if applied - would at once render all these schools competent to deal with all possible cases, where they today struggle to successfully help a certain percentage of people.
Cases need a different treatment, depending on whether they are "single-cell" spiritual beings, or have the "multi-cell" capacity which enables them to enter into a group consciousness compound. The case structure - and therefore the processing rules - for these two groups are different, in some areas even opposite.
Failure to understand and apply this rule will lead to unresolved cases with all their unpleasant consequences for the client and his processor and/or processing center.
The essential difference between "single-cell" and "multi-cell" spiritual beings is that "single-cell" interaction is based upon exchange of perceptions, intentions and values, whereas "multi-cell" interaction is based upon sharing of perceptions, intentions and values.
As most of the processing clients whom we encounter today are still "single-cell" spiritual beings, we have not seen enough of the failures in the cases of the "multi-cell" variety of spiritual beings to identify the involved case factors with precision.
And as the average processing coach's literacy in the area of group consciousness is close to zero, the "multi-cell" spiritual beings themselves have nobody who would educate them in their own basic character traits. They get only educated in "single-cell" spiritual principles (if at all), and therefore are not trained to perceive and understand themselves and their own reactions.
The following is a first overview of categories where a "multi-cell" spiritual being usually has unresolved case and/or life difficulties:
Frequent Trouble Situations for the "Multi-Cell" Personality:
The hyperlinks in this chapter lead to the processing recommendations for each of the mentioned phenomena.
- General spiritual illiteracy, resulting in non-optimum behaviour or unskilled attempts to implement ideas, with the consequential loss of resources, working time and connections as well as drops in mood- and confidence-levels
- Specialized spiritual illiteracy (got only education in "single-cell" spiritual principles), resulting in non-optimum behaviour or unskilled attempts to implement ideas, especially (but not only) in the area of group consciousness activities and patterns, with the consequential loss of resources, working time and connections as well as drops in mood- and confidence-levels
- Ordinary conflicts or incidents with "single-cell" individuals. The charge of this type will resemble the forms of negative energy that is found in "single-cell" individuals as well: Upsets, mental masses, stuck or "frozen" energy flows, mental image pictures which contain unpleasant sensations and contra-survival decisions and intentions, and other non-optimum manifestations.
- Missing group consciousness compound ("spiritual family"): A powerless life condition and "mutilated" feeling which indicates that the person has not yet found "their people". Can be related to past failed connection attempts (see below).
- Failed connection attempts, either with other "multi-cell" individuals who are not willing to connect (or illiterate about their group consciousness capabilities), or with "single-cell" individuals who are not capable of entering into a group consciousness compound at all, and whom they cannot recognize for what they are, because they never got educated in the subject of group consciousness. Could also be a candidate who in a stage of half-connection or temporary connection has been recruited by another, competing group consciousness compound.
- Loss of a group consciousness partner who was an integrated member of the own group consciousness compound. If the compound had high intensity of traffic on the transparent channel and was working on high affinity- and mood levels (love), such a loss can create a severe trauma for both the compound and its individual "cells". The resulting "bleeding effect" can not be resolved with traditional processing - it requires spiritual exercises and activities which stop the "bleeding" and close the "wound".
- Disfunctional transparent channel. This can manifest in either too much or too little perception. Too little perception is the smaller problem - the transparent channel perception can be cleaned with general processing and trained with spiritual exercises. Too much perception indicates either lack of knowledge or lack of control of the amount of connectedness with other individuals in the group consciousness compound. It also can indicate that the individual "cell" has created links with too many other individuals (see also Exhaustion).
- Synchronization failures with other "multi-cell" individuals. This manifests in a different way than the charge between "single-cell" individuals: both individuals have a perception of both sides and are experienced as a malfunction WITHIN THE SAME BEINGNESS. This type of charge is not perceived outside of oneself. Some manifestations would be: tension, friction, frequency dissonances and - most prominent - synchronization "incidents" which are perceived as painful by the "multi-cell" variety of spiritual being. "Single-cell" individuals cannot duplicate this type of charge, as they are of a different build. But it could be that they can be trained in the processing principles and procedures which are necessary to resolve them.
- Acute pain of one of the compound's member-cells (or a candidate in temporary connection). In situations where one (or more) of the compound's "cells" are in physical and/or emotional or spiritual pain, the well-being of the other "cells" and especially the pace-maker can be severely affected. If it is not possible to do something efficient to correct the situation immediately, this can inhibit the compound's performance to a very high degree or even destroy it completely.
- Parasitic influence of undetected "single-cell" individuals, combined with some sub-acute defect of the group consciousness compound, creates cancer-like ruthless individualism which finally "kills" the compound.
- Processing by a "single-cell" processor, training by a "single-cell" coach, or spiritual guidance by an individual, a group or a center which is composed from "single-cell" individuals and/or is not literate in group consciousness principles. If "multi-cell" individuals have very bad indicators or very violent protest on processing or training, they most likely have been in the hands of "single-cell" persons or groups, who totally innocently violated group consciousness rules which the "multi-cell" individual expected to be applied.
- False Case: They are accused of harmful acts by "single-cell" individuals, which they actually have not committed, and develop a "false case" consisting of protest against these accusations, righteousness computations and maybe actual harmful acts committed in self-defense. Similar accusations could alse be made by themselves against "single-cell" individuals.
From this situation a multitude of complications can arise. The simplicity of it is that the "multi-cell" individual violates essential life rules of the "single-cell" individual just by applying its own essential life rules, and vice versa. They are not compatible. The only way of co-existence for them is the complete understanding of each other's nature, and a behaviour code which establishes a common ground on which both can operate safely.
Actual harmful acts are rare in the genuine "multi-cell" individuals, as they immediately perceive the pain they cause to the other person on their own transparent channel. If there are any at all, they will have happened as a mistake because of missing knowledge, or they are harmful omissions which are done by "swimming with the current" of the culture, or they are committed in extreme conflict situations.
These are some typical areas of trouble for the "multi-cell" individual. The list is not necessarily complete, but it should serve to give you an idea about the area we are looking at. With this concentrated information, you can now jump to the Group Consciousness Processing Principles, or continue your reading with one of the following chapters:
Mirror-Images: Physical and Spiritual Evolution
Group Consciousness Processing Principles
Group Consciousness Processing Recommendations
Group Consciousness Incident Examples
- Extended Directory -
Frequent Trouble Situations for the "Multi-Cell" Personality
Mirror-Images: Physical and Spiritual Evolution
Group Consciousness Processing Principles
Group Consciousness Processing Recommendations
Specialized spiritual illiteracy
Ordinary conflicts or incidents with "single-cell" individuals
PROCEDURE: Resolving the Unknowing Application of "Multi-Cell" Principles to "Single-Cell" Individuals
Missing Group Consciousness Compound
PROCEDURE: Resolving the Group Consciousness Aspects of Connection Failures
PROCEDURE: Resolving the Group Consciousness Aspects of Connection Failures - for Clients Exterior to the Physical Universe
Loss of a Group Consciousness Partner
PROCEDURE: Resolving the "Bleeding Effect" After Losing a Spiritually Intact Connection
PROCEDURE: Resolving the "Bleeding Effect" After a Connection Went Bad
Disfunctional Transparent Channel
PROCEDURE: Improving the Quality of Spiritual Perceptions (1)
PROCEDURE: Improving the Quality of Spiritual Perceptions (2)
PROCEDURE: Dealing with an Overwhelming Excess of Spiritual Perceptions
Synchronization failures with other "multi-cell" individuals
PROCEDURE: Resolving the Pain and Learning the Lesson from any Synchronization Failure
Acute pain of one of the compound's member-cells (or a candidate in temporary connection).
Parasitic influence of undetected "single-cell" individuals
Group Consciousness Incident Examples
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