1st Edition (pilot), September 2003

Prerequisites: Level Zero. Word Clearing Intensive as Pc.
The course is aimed at teaching student auditors:
1. Objective Processes
2. Help Processes
3. Grade One Problems Processes
4. Prepchecking.

* = 100% knowledge and understanding and ability to apply.
0 rated  = read and listened to the data with understanding and no MUs.
A demonstration of any of the materials may be requested by the supervisor.
The checksheet is one time through materials and practical, including the auditing requirements.

Due to the many processes and rundowns contained in The Road to Clear they are not all part of a checksheet at this point. Yet, an auditor can be called upon applying a specific process or rundown  to a pc. As long as the auditor has been checked out and drilled the action per Drilling Processes he should be ready to go. He can do any action listed under a level he has already completed. The checksheets are thus at this point intended to cover a basic training route that brings the auditor's basic skill level up to a point where he easily can tackle any and all actions contained in The Road to Clear.

The student is to apply the Study technology throughout this course. 

As part of Level One the student is to Read R. Hubbard's "Problems of Work".





The Objectives section has only the prerequisites of Auditors TRs Course and the Study Manual.
The Objectives can be run as co-auditing without a Meter with excellent results as long as the student knows his TRs 0-4, Upper Indoc TRs, Auditors Code, Indicators, Obnosis, and the tech of the Objective processes.

Study: Level One - Overview._______
Study: "Barriers to Study"._______
Study: "Objective Processes Theory"._______
Study: The Tone Scale._______

* Study: Observing the Obvious._______
Drill:  AB-1 "Observing the Obvious" with a twin.________

Study: Indicators and EP._______
Drill:  AB-6 "Spotting BI's" with a twin.________
The drill should be modified to Objective Processes:
Student and coach walking around, no Meter required, 
physical rather than verbal indicators stressed.

* Study: "Objective Processes Theory"._______
Clay: Affinity as Control._______
Clay: Communication as physical exchange._______
Clay: Reality as Havingness and Mass._______
Clay: Intention._______
Demo: Physical origination and how to handle._______
Demo: Verbal origination and how to handle._______
Demo: "Quickie Objectives"._______
Demo: Correctly run Objectives._______
Clay: Self-determinism as: " The ability to 
locate in space and time energy and matter."._______

Study: Coaching Instructions._______

* Study: TRs Instructions._______

OT TR-0._______
TR-0 Bullbait._______

**Final Supervisor pass with all TRs in: TR-4.________

* Study: Upper Indoc TRs._______

Clay: Control._______
Demo: Difference between good control and bad control._______
Demo: Intention._______


* Auditors Trust._______
Demo: Why you run processes with high ARC and not military style._______

* Auditors Code._______
Demo: Each of the clauses of Auditors Code 1-24._______
(for co-auditors not having done Level Zero this is done in clay).

Drilling Objective Processes
The Objectives are drilled with a big doll for pc. Coach is holding and moving the doll around while coaching the drills.

Doll Drills, Objectives:
1.Objective ARC._______
2. CCH._______
a. CCH 1._______
b. CCH 2._______
c. CCH 3._______
d. CCH 4._______
3.CCH 5._______
4. CCH 6._______
5. CCH 7._______
6. CCH 8._______
7. CCH 9._______
8. CCH 10._______
9. R2-67: Objects._______
10. 3-Part Loc. Prcs._______
11. Loc, Body/Room._______
12. Obj. Show Me._______
13. Op Pro by Dup._______
14. S-C-S, body._______
15. Control Trio._______
16. Goals Prcs._______
17. SOP 8C._______



Meter Drills
 The Meter Drills are done for each level regardless of student having passed them earlier.

Drill: EM-1 Touch and Let Go_________
Drill: EM-2 Basic Controls_________
Drill: EM-3 TA Counter_________
Drill: EM-4A Setting up the Meter_________
Drill: EM 4B - Holding the cans_________
Drill: EM 4C - Correcting False TA_________
Drill: EM-5A Can Squeeze_________
Drill: EM-5B Metabolism Test_________
Drill: EM-6 Moving the Tone Arm_________
Drill: EM-7 Read the TA positions_________
Drill: EM-8 TA Motion/No Motion_________
Drill: EM-9 Body Motion and TA_________
Drill: EM-10 Noting TA Blow Downs_________
Drill: EM-11 Needle on the Dial_________
Drill: EM-12 Defining Needle Actions_________
Drill: EM-13 Body Reactions_________
Drill: EM-14 Reads and No Reads_________
Drill: EM-15 What the Needle is Doing_________
Drill: EM-16 Producing Needle Actions_________
Drill: EM-17 Cleaning a Read_________
Drill: EM-18 Instant Read, Rud Check_________
Drill: EM-19 Instant Reads_________
Drill: EM-20 Comm and Dirty Needles_________
Drill: EM-21A Meter Steering_________
Drill: EM-21B Cleaning a Dirty Needle_________

* Study: "Floating Needle and EP"

Demo: An F/N with TA position.________
Demo: The four parts of a full EP.________
Demo: A Rudiment EP.________
Demo: Why you F/N every item or process that originally read.________

* Study: "Advanced Meter Data".________

Demo on Meter: How rings can cause.________ 
"Rock Slams" and how to prevent it.________
Demo with Meter: "Be quiet during Blowdowns".________
Drill: Doing a Trim Check while pc is on the cans.________

* Study: False TA Handling.________

Demo: The TA is measuring resistance.________
Demo: How pc's case can cause high TA.________
Demo: How physical conditions can cause high TA.________

Doll Drill: Full False TA Handling.________


Study: How to Fly the Rudiments.________
Doll Drill: Fly each rudiment to an F/N.________

Study: Model Session
Doll Drill: Do the following C/S instruction on a doll in full Model Session:
0. Checklist for starting session.________
1. Fly a rudiment.________
2. Clear Command, "Recall eating an apple".________
3. Run "Recall eating an apple" to EP.________
4. Clear command, "Recall eating a pear".________
5. Run "recall eating a pear" to EP.________
6. Run Havingness Process: "Look around here.________
and find something you could have" to F/N VGIs.________

Study: "Floating Needle and EP".________
Doll Drill: Ending a session that resulted in a Big Win.________

Study: Auditors Rights (C/S Series 1).________
Doll Drill: AB-13 Auditors Rights Drill.________

Study: Styles of Auditing.________

* Level One - Repetitive Style.________
Demo: "number of auditing commands given and 
answered in any auditing period that adds up to case gains".________
Drill: The difference between Listen Style and Repetitive Style.________
(this is done by showing the use of TR-3 and other TRs.) 

* Mutter TR.________
Drill: Mutter TR.________


Study: Pc Folders and Auditors Admin

Drill: Keep worksheets doing the doll drill from "Model Session" above. Note time and TA position and Meter reads. Use numbers for commands and shorthand for pc's answers. Go over it with a red ink pen afterwards and correct it so it is readable.________



Study Chapter: "Why Help Has to Be Cleared".________
Clay: Help.________
Clay: Valence.________
Clay: Identification.________
Clay: How help can lead to Identification.________
Demo: How Help can become Betrayal.________
Essay: How a person's response to Help is an index of sanity.________


Study: "Problems and Solutions".________

Clay: Relationship between Problems and Solutions.________

Study: "Prior Confusion".________
Clay: Prior Confusion.________

* Study: "Problems Processes - Theory".________
Clay: Problem.________
Clay: Present Time Problem.________
Confusion and Stable Datum.________
Demo: Problems and 'confront and create'.________
Demo: Handling past solutions.________
Demo: Handling prior confusion.________
Demo: Communication and problems.________


* Study: "How to Prep-check".________
Clay: "The buttons cover a series of 
types of decisions thetans make about things.".________


Study: Doll Drills._______

* Study: Help Processes.________

Drill the Help Processes on a doll:
1. 2 WAY COMM on HELP.________
2. Problem Help.________
3. Confront Help.________
4. Two Way Failed Help.________
5. Formula 16.________
6. Formula 17.________
7. Five Way Concept Help.________
8. Concept Help O/W.________
9. Help O/W.________
10. 6 Way Bracket on Help.________
11. Running Help on an Item.________
12 Regimen Two.________
13. Formula Twenty.________

* Study: "Problems Processes".________
Drill the Problems Processes on a doll:
1. Invent Problems Process.________
2. HAS Five.________
3. Problems Process for PTPs.________
4. Problem of Comparable Magnitude.________
5. 31 March 60 Problems Process.________
6. Routine 1A problems Process.________
7. Solutions to Solutions.________
8. R2-20.________
9. Problems Intensive.________
10. Grade One Quad.________
11. Havingness for Grade One.______

Doll Drill: A 20 buttons Prep-check on a doll, using fruits as subjects.________


Complete reading the book "Problems of Work".________


Student Attest Theory and Drilling:

I have completed the theory/drilling section of this checksheet and have left no MUs behind. 
I know and can apply the data.

Student:_______________________ Date:_________________

I have trained this student to the best of my ability and he/she has completed the Theory requirements  and have applied Study Tech correctly and knows and can apply the data.

Supervisor:____________________ Date:_________________


Student to complete at least one pc on Grade One Expanded.________





I have completed the requirements of this checksheet and I can do basic auditing  correctly and audit correctly on Level One actions and have done so.

Student:_______________________ Date:_________________

I have trained this student to the best of my ability and he/she has completed the requirements of this checksheet and  can do Basic Auditing correctly and has taken a pc to Grade One Release.

Supervisor:____________________ Date:_________________

© Clearbird Publishing, 2003.