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The Training Routines
& How to Do them
oaching the TRs
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Two students doing TRs. Here the girl is coach; the man the student auditor. They take turns and help each other through the drills to full End Phenomena. |
Coaching the TRs
The one twin is called the student. He is the one, that receives the training. He learns step by step to act and behave as the auditor does in session. So the student is the one, that receives the training.
The other twin is called the coach. She is the one, that directs the student. She is the instructor of the drill, the one that calls the shots. The term 'coach' is best known from sports; he instructs the players and shows them what to do. He gives the players practical advice from the sideline.
In the TRs you take turns, however. First twin A is the coach, twin B the student. After a while they switch around, so twin B is the coach and twin A the student.
To be a good coach in TRs, it is important that you follow the written materials closely. You are there to point out when the student doesn't do it right. You find the paragraph in the written materials that he is violating and point out what he did wrong. You can ask him to read it again (when needed). There is no need for heated discussions. You simply follow the written materials and point out what he did wrong. The course instructor is not directly involved in the drills. But if a problem should arise, that you can't solve on the spot with the use of the written materials, you should call him over and have him help clear it up. As a coach you are there to step by step help the student through the steps to becoming a better and better student auditor.
The drills may at first seem designed to be a contest between coach and student. But that is the wrong idea. You are on the same team. The coach is the sparring partner. She will invent situations that are realistic and she trains the student to handle them correctly so he becomes well prepared for a live pc in a real session.
Set as a goal for yourself and the student that he is going to do the training drill correctly. Work and coach with this goal in mind all the time. When you correct the student you do it for a reason. You want him to gain a better understanding of the drill and become better in executing it. Step by little step you get him to the best of his ability.1. Coach with a purpose.
2. Coach with reality. Be realistic in your coaching. When you make up a situation, make sure it is a situation the student could actually run into as an auditor.
On TR-4, handling of originations, you train situations, where the pc comes with out-of-context statements, such as "My leg suddenly hurts" or whatever. The coach will usually have a sheet of such statements to read from. She should make such statements sound real as a pc would say them. She does not have to 'feel the pain' of course. It's a game of play-acting. You should just be able to state it in a natural way. You shouldn't take anything from your own past experience. This could develop into restimulation and you would lose control. Stay with inventing things in present time and at any time be able to step back and correct the student, when needed.
Behind all your coaching should be the intention that by the end of the coaching session the student will be better at the drill than when he started out. His being aware of the goals and his improvement and validating it is also part of the training activity. The student must have the feeling that he accomplished something in the training step, no matter how little. As a coach you should create a positive atmosphere of "You can do it!" It is your intention at all times in drilling that you will bring about a greater understanding and ability on the part of the student of the subject matter being coached.3. Coach with intention.
4. Only take up one thing at the time. For example: When you are coaching TR-4, you are trying to put it all together. But when you first start out coaching TR-4 you would look at one little aspect at the time.
A good way to go is to look for elements from each of the
earlier TRs. Is the student confronting you? (TR-0); if not, correct
only that.
Does he state the question each time as his own, and does
he really intend you to receive it? (TR-1); if not, take up this thing only as
the next step.
Does his acknowledgments really end the communication
cycle for you? (TR-2). Coach only this point next.
Never do two or more points at the same time. Make sure he does one point correctly before you go onto the next point or next drill. You should set a high standard of ability as to stretch him a little further. It doesn't mean that you should never be satisfied. It does mean that you work from the viewpoint that your student can always get better. Once you have reached one level of ability, you should validate that and then right away work towards a higher level of ability.
As a coach you should always be a sharp observer and do precise coaching. Never allow yourself to
be sloppy about it. When
you later become the student you would want your coach to be sharp and precise
If you should doubt that you are doing the
correct thing, you should call the instructor and get it cleared up. He will
know what to show you from the materials.
In being a good coach you never state your opinion as
such. You don't say, "I think" or, "maybe it is better this
way". You use positive direct statements. As a coach you have a prime responsibility for the
results obtained by the student in the coaching session. You have a
responsibility for the student and the session. Make sure you always run good
positive control and give him clear and correct directions.
Once in a while, the student will get into long explanations and reasons why he is doing what he is doing. Letting him talk about it at great length does not accomplish anything. You want to keep talking to an absolute minimum. Actually doing the drills will accomplish the goal for the training session, and faster.
When coaching the drills you should all the time keep in mind the paragraphs "Purpose" and "Theory" for each drill.
These training drills can occasionally fly into the teeth of all kinds bad old habits and things in the student's Bank. In training you should pay a minimum of attention to that. It is possible that during a drill the student auditor can become angry, misemotional or even extremely upset. Your correct response as a coach is not to back off.
You should realize the student has to overcome this in order to become a good auditor. You should simply continue the drill until the student can do it without stress, duress and feels good about it. So don't back off. Push the student firmly but gently through whatever difficulty he ran into.The maxim is: Get the student through it!
There is one thing, you shouldn't forget as a coach: That is to tell the student, when he is doing something exactly right. The way to get your student better is not only to correct wrongnesses. An important part is to compliment rightnesses.
With regard to pushing the student through his difficulties, and to complimenting rightnesses, always consider, as you push your student, the possibility that he became over-stressed because you might have given him a steeper gradient to confront than he can handle. If this is the case, and the class instructor can help you determine if it is so, then you would simply return to the subject on which the student started to fail, and begin again, but with a tiny piece of the subject that he can immediately have a WIN at. When you have both validated this win, you as coach can give him the next gradient up in terms of difficulty, and so on, win by win, until your student can win by handling all that you were throwing at him before, and more. As a bonus, by taking this care with your student, you will train yourself to be an excellent coach who produces excellent student wins.
Self coaching. Do not allow self-coaching. Do not allow self-coaching. Self-coaching means that the student points out to himself, what he did wrong. If he does that a lot, you are doing a sloppy job as a coach. He should have his attention on you and any materials he is using; not himself as a student auditor. If the student starts to self coach he is introverting. He is looking too much at himself and what he is doing and how he is doing it instead of just doing it. These drills are simple. Almost painfully simple. But they have to be kept that way to be most effective. You as a coach should prevent the student from self coaching by being on the ball and you 'flunk' the student for doing it if he begins to self coach.
As a coach your first duty is to keep an eye on your student auditor and how he is doing. Part of many of these drills is play-acting. You make up situations and act as you think a pc would or could. You can be all carried away as an actress and get into entertaining your student and make him laugh and make him like you rather than being a sharp coach.
You have fallen into being "interesting" rather than "interested". There is nothing wrong in having a lot of fun while doing these drills. They are a lot of fun. But never forget that your first duty as a coach is to have your attention on your student's performance and to see how good he can get on each training drill.
To a large degree the progress of the student auditor depends on the standard of coaching. Good coaching produces good auditors that in turn will produce good results in real sessions. Good results produce better people. Good coaches are the more likely to become the best auditors.
Morale and Coaching
If his coach is just trying to "be nice" the student doesn't really learn anything - and he won't appreciate the coaching either. This comes down to some basic laws:
Morale depends on production.
Production is the evidence and proof of competence.
Morale is up when competence is demonstrated.
Morale isn't built by being "nice"
It is built by taking pride in what you are doing and by knowing and
demonstrating that you are doing it right. These laws are at work in coaching sessions in other
You can have a situation where the coach and student auditor are in a "games condition". That means they are not working on the same goal but are in some kind of opposition to each other. This gives a problem situation or "no progress" situation. No progress, no wins, no production. There is no demonstration of competence permitted and morale is low. Coaches and students must not allow such a situation to happen. The instructor should keep an open eye for something like that developing.
Keep your student auditor's morale and production high. Give him tough but standard coaching sessions so he becomes competent. Then, when he passes, he knows he has demonstrated his competence in applying the materials.
Toughness and ARC
Toughness (in the meaning we use it in) is the Reality part. It is insisting upon "You can do it" until the student actually does it right. That's what we mean by toughness and tough coaching. It is insisting upon it being done right and not being satisfied until that standard has been met.
This is best done with ARC. You validate any progress you observe in your student. You grant him beingness by letting him know he is on the right track, that he will do it right, that he is capable of all you ask for and a lot more!
Toughness in coaching is also insisting upon doing the drills and not spending a whole lot of time talking about them. Toughness in coaching is getting the student through any problems or misemotions that may be stirred up in the process.
Nothing of this exclude high ARC. But ARC without the needed reality is something else. Such ARC does not belong in drilling and training.
Going through the TRs
In this course we concentrate on drilling students to
become auditors. The same TRs are also used to help new students, who do not
look to become auditors, but to improve their communication cycle in life. More permissive and less tough
coaching is sometimes used for such courses. To get all the benefits, do the Auditors
TRs Course the hard way.
The coaching system here is designed for professional auditors. It is the best approach for getting perfect TRs. Tough coaching is the way.
Theoretically, a student could do OT TR-0 to a pass then the next one, next one and finally do TR-4 to a pass and be done with it. This would however be very rare and would more likely mean that the coach wasn't coaching at all. Neither coach nor instructor was alert to weaknesses in earlier TRs and did not remedy them right away.
This is the system used in coaching student auditors:
1) The student drills each TR to a pass
2) On a later TR (say TR-2) a weakness in an earlier TR (say TR-0) shows up.
3) The student is put back on TR-0 to handle the outnesses now revealed.
4) If he was put back to TR-0 from TR-2 he would then do TR-0 to a new pass, TR-0 Bullbait to a new pass, TR-1 to a new pass and go back to TR-2 and do that one to a pass.The rule is: If a student can't do an earlier TR and is flunking on that, he cannot do the later TRs.
So each time a weakness shows up in a lower TR he is put back to remedy that TR. Going up the TRs will expose any weaknesses in earlier TRs that wasn't evident when doing that TR the earlier time or times.
So you get the student through the TR he is doing to an honest pass. You put him onto the next one.
You look out for weaknesses in earlier TRs now showing up and put him back to re-drill and coach him on the weaknesses that showed up and get him up to a new pass.
Sometimes you will find his basic knowledge upon which his TRs are based is shaky. He may not fully understand the ARC triangle as it relates to TRs or the communication formula.
In that case he is made to redo his basic theory and the clay demonstrations with it. To spell it out:
- On the Auditors TRs course the student drills each TR to a pass.
- If the student auditor has trouble on a higher TR and can't pass it, it is due to outnesses in a lower TR.
- He is put back on that TR and redoes it to a new and more informed pass.
- He then redoes the TRs from that point going back up - each to a new and more informed pass.
- If the student has difficulties on the lower TRs you put him all the way back to restudy ARC and the communication formula as there is something in the theory he has misunderstood or not grasped.
This has proven to be the fastest and best system to teach student auditors to get natural, relaxed and perfect TRs.
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