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Indicators and End
phenomena of Processes


You are going to run the Recall Lists from the book Self Analysis very soon; you will be doing real auditing. It is a series of Major (case) Actions. Each Recall List is considered a Major Action.

A Major Action is: Any auditing action designed to change a case or general considerations or handle continual illness or improve ability.
With this in mind, you need to know the ground rules for doing it right. To this end, let us take a fresh look at some points of the Auditors Code: 

(9) Never let the preclear end session on his own determinism, but finish off those cycles I have begun.
Comment: The pc can occasionally become scared and want to run away from his Bank. The auditor is there to make sure pc gets through temporary difficulties and reaches the EP of the process. There is a basic rule of auditing: "The way out is the way through".

(12) Always run a major case action to its end phenomenon.
Comment: This is related to  (9), but there is more to it. The auditor has to ensure that the pc gets the full benefits available from a process . When the auditor ends a process before its EP appears, he denies the pc the full range of benefits from running that process.

(13) Do not run any one action beyond its end phenomenon.
Comment: A process can be overrun, meaning beyond a point where it has already achieved its desired result, or EP. The auditor has to stay alert to perceive the point at which the EP occurs.

As you can see, each process and each Major Action has a specific End Phenomenon that you  work towards.


End Phenomena
The end phenomena of a process are those indicators on the pc and the Meter that tell the auditor that a process has been successfully completed.

The End Phenomena on any major process include:
PC VGI ("Very Good Indicators"). That means he is happy. He is at 3.3 on the tone scale or higher at the end of the process.

Pc has a cognition: that is, a new realization, a statement like: "I suddenly realize..." Or: "It just became clear to me..." He has realized something new about his life, his past, his relationships, and so on. It is a subjective new understanding the pc has obtained as a result of running the process. Sometimes it can be a spectacular life-changing new knowledge. It is not always spectacular, but it is always a "What do you know!" type of realization. It results in a higher degree of awareness and consequently a greater ability to succeed with one's activities in life.

A Floating Needle. This applies of course only to metered sessions. You learn to run some processes - such as Self Analysis - without a Meter. These processes were designed for that. They could be run with the pc on a Meter as well. If they are, you will see the Floating Needle at the EP.

The Definition of A Floating Needle (FN or F/N): A floating needle is a certain needle behavior on a Meter. It is a harmonic motion of the needle over the dial at a slow, even pace. A valid  floating needle is always accompanied by very good indicators in the pc.

So the EP you are looking for when doing unmetered auditing of the Self Analysis Lists are VGI's and Cognition.

Here are some other technical words that you should have an understanding of, when you run a process like a Self Analysis Lists:

Key-In: Is a moment where an earlier upset or earlier incident is restimulated and affects pc in a negative way.

Key-Out: The action of a reactive  incident (or many related incidents) dropping away without the mental image pictures being erased. The picture is still there but now far away. The pc feels released or separate from his Reactive Mind or some portion of it.

Release: A preclear whose Reactive Mind or some major portion of it is keyed-out and is not influencing him.

Good and Bad Indicators
While the pc is in session or while he is on a program of sessions, there is a long list of Indicators the auditor looks out for. When many Good Indicators are present the pc is doing well. If any Bad Indicators are present the pc would be doing poorly and at risk of doing worse. Learn the lists of Good Indicators and Bad Indicators well. If you see them at the beginning of session or during a session, you should note down your observations in your report as they will give you and the case supervisor an idea of how well your pc is doing. Always note the indicators at the end of session. If you see Bad Indicators at the start of session you must address them before you begin any Major Action in the session unless the Major Action for the session is designed to address the specific Bad Indicators you see. For example, the pc comes into the session teary-eyed; the Major Action, already decided, is to address the recent loss of her dog that has her so upset, so you just go ahead.


Bad Indicators in PC's
1. Pc does not want to be audited, or has 'no time' for auditing
2. Pc protesting being audited.
3. Pc looking worse after session.
4. Pc not able to find incidents easily.
6. Pc less certain about self or auditing.
7. Pc not doing well in life.
8. Aches, pains, emotions, not blowing or easing.
9. Pc in trouble after auditing.
10. Pc protests auditor's action.
11. Pc wandering all over his past.
12. Pc sad or upset at session end.
13. Pc demanding special solutions.
14. Pc's skin tone dull.
15. Pc's eyes look dull.
16. Pc attempting to self audit in or out of session.
17. Pc continues to be plagued by old problems after they have been run.
18. Pc depending the same as before on medical treatment.
19. Pc uses, or continues to use, other treatments.
20. Pc lazy, not working at the process and not keeping auditor informed.
21. Pc not becoming happier.
22. Pc wants 'special auditing'.
23. Pc not getting cognitions.
24. Pc is dispersed.
25. Pc trying to repeatedly explain condition to auditor or others.
26. Pc bored with auditing.
27. Pc not available for sessions.
28. Pc feeling tired.
29. Pc's attention on auditor.
30. Pc unwilling to run the process or incident.
31. Pc feels overwhelmed.
32. Pc taking drugs or drinking alcohol.
33. Pc unsure that auditing works for him.
34. Pc still doing former practices.
35. Pc does not handle his surroundings more easily.
36. Pc sick between sessions.
37. Pc not going on to next Grade or level.

Meter related Bad Indicators
38. No TA action on running incidents.

The two fundamental Bad Indicators, which take precedence over all others:
PC not interested in own case.
PC not talking to auditor.


Good Indicators in PC's
1. Pc cheerful or getting more cheerful.
2. Pc cogniting in auditing.
3. Fundamental rightnesses of pc seem to prove themselves.
4. Pc stating things to auditor accurately and briefly.
5. Pc finding things quickly.
6. Pc focusing on process question or commands.
7. Pc running rapidly and processes going to EP as confirmed by Meter and cognitions.
8. Pc finds information easily.
9. Pc running well and when he runs into somatics they discharge.
10. Pc gets hot and cools off in auditing or gets warm and stays warm in session.
11. Pc has occasional aches, pains, emotions turn on in session, but briefly.
12. Pc not having many present time problems and they are easily handled when they happen.
13. Pc stays certain of the session solution.
14. Pc happy and satisfied with auditor. "He can do no wrong".
15. Pc not against or protesting auditor's actions.
16. Pc looks better after auditing.
17. Pc has more energy.
18. Pc not battling pains, aches or illnesses during auditing. He can have somatics, but he doesn't get sick.
19. Pc wants more auditing.
20. Pc's confidence increases.
21. Pc's itsa's freely but he stays on subject.
22. Auditor finds pc's case explanations easy to understand.
23. Pc's itsa and confront improving.
24. Pc's Bank getting straightened out.
25. Pc comfortable about getting auditing.
26. Pc turns up for auditing voluntarily.
27. Pc punctual and willing and ready to get auditing but is relaxed about it.
28. Pc's trouble in life lessening.
29. Pc's attention becoming freer and more under his control.
30. Pc getting more interested in the data and the technology.
31. Pc's havingness in life improving.
32. Pc feels his environment is easier to handle.


Meter related Good Indicators
33. Meter responding as expected.
34. What's being done gives good Meter reactions.
35. What is being found gives good Meter reaction.
36. Needle loose and responsive.
37. The Meter responds when pc gets a cognition.
38. Further Meter response when pc continues to talk about something.
39. Meter behaves as expected.
40. Meter's TA range between 2.0 to 3.5.
41. Good TA action on finding things.
42. Meter responding well on what pc (and auditor) think is wrong.

The two fundamental Good Indicators, whose presence allows all others are:
PC interested in own case.
PC in good communication with the auditor.

The Meter
When you learn to use a Meter, your knowledge of this will play an important part in how you determine your pc's progress in auditing. But being a good observer of indicators is a basic skill of permanent value. Many of these indicators apply to life as well as to auditing. The usefulness of the ability to determine by direct observation how somebody is doing extends far beyond the auditing situation.


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