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The Help Processes
(The Help processes are run Repetitive Style, unless otherwise stated.)
"What processes should you run? The first process, of course, is ordinary two-way comm (not repetitive). One discusses the preclear helping others and others helping the preclear (This is expanded to four separate flows now). One gets the preclear's views on the subject of help, and without evaluating for the preclear, lets the preclear express these views." (In two way comm you ask light questions [like: any other considerations/ thoughts/ ideas on "subject"], simply to keep the pc talking on the subject. You can take up out rudiments uncovered with 'Flying ruds'. You can get a process EP on a rudiment question - F/N, cog, VGI's.)
F1 "How could another help you?" to EP _________
F2 "How could you help another or others?" to EP _________
F3 "How could others help others?" to EP _________
F0 "How could you help yourself?" to EP _________
Next is:
F1. "Tell me about a problem has another's help been to you?" to EP _________
F2. "Tell me a problem your help has been to another?" to EP _________
F3. "Tell me a problem another's help has been to other's ?" to EP _________
F0. "Tell me a problem that helping yourself has been to you?" to EP _________
Run alternately, repetitive style.
F1. "Tell me about help from another could you
"Tell me about help from another you would rather not confront"
to EP _________
F2. "Tell me about help from you another could
"Tell me about help from you another would rather not confront"
to EP _________
F3. "Tell me about help from others, others could
"Tell me about help from others, others would rather not confront"
to EP _________
F0. "Tell me about help of yours you could confront"
"Tell me about help of yours, you would rather not confront"
to EP _________
"Failed help" is a very hot button. This process runs out ARC breaks and PTP's
F1. "How could another prevent your help?"
"How could another fail to help you?"
Alternately to EP _________
F2. "How could you prevent another's help?"
"How could you fail to help another?"
Alternately to EP _________
F3. "How could others prevent others help?"
"How could you fail to help others?"
Alternately to EP _________
F0. "How could you prevent help for yourself?"
"How could you fail to help yourself?"
Alternately to EP _________
F1. "Who has not intended to help you?"
"Who has helped
Alternately to EP _________
F2. "Who have you intended not to help?"
"Who have you helped?"
Alternately to EP _________
F3. "Who has intended not to help others?"
"Who has helped others?"
Alternately to EP _________
F0. "How have you intended not to help yourself?"
"How have you helped yourself?"
Alternately to EP _________
"This is especially for the person who has been to healers, hypnotists, spiritualists, psychologists, ministers, religious family members, etc." Run on charged terminals. Also: You can take general terminals out of the folder that are connected with the pc's past. In other words, if they have women troubles throughout the folder, you would use women, boss troubles use bosses. Get general terminals, if you can. He has troubles with his boss, Mr. Johnson; you can still run 'a boss' or 'bosses'. In this way pc can go to 'Earlier Similar's' when they come to mind. You can use a specific, but it is less productive.
F1. "How could a _____ fail to help you?" to EP _________
F2. "How could you fail to help a _____?" to EP _________
F3. "How could a _____ fail to help others?" to EP _________
F0. "How could you fail to help yourself regarding a _____?" to EP _________
ALSO: Run on charged terminals (general terminals and specific persons connected with pc's past.)
F1. "How could a _____help you?" to EP _________
F2. "How could you help a _____?" to EP _________
F3. "How could a _____ help others?" to EP _________
F0. "How could you help yourself regarding a _____?" to EP _________
Run on charged (reading) general terminals, culled from the
F1. "Think of a _____ helping you." to EP _________
F2. "Think of you helping a _____." to EP _________
F3. "Think of a _____helping others." to EP _________
F4. "Think of others helping a _____." to EP _________
F5. "Think of a _____ helping a _____." to EP _________
CONCEPT HELP O/W (Overts/Withholds)
Run on charged reading terminals (also a confusion, an unconscious person, a responsible person, a creative person. HCOB 21 Jul 1960 Some Help Terminals.)
F1. "Think of a _____ helping you."
"Think of a _____ not helping you."
Alternately to EP _________
F2. "Think of helping a _____."
"Think of not helping a _____."
Alternately to EP _________
F3. "Think of a _____helping others."
"Think of a _____not helping others."
Alternately to EP _________
F0. "Think of you as a _____ helping yourself."
"Think of you as a _____ not helping yourself." Alternately
to EP _________
HELP O/W (Overts/Withholds)
This lets the pc As-is his failures to help as well as his denials of help.
F1. "Tell me some help another has given you"
"Tell me some help another has not given you"
Alternately to EP _________
F2. "Tell me some help you have given another "
"Tell me some help you have not given another"
to EP _________
F3. "Tell me some help others have given others"
"Tell me some help others have not given others"
to EP _________
F0. "Tell me some help you have given yourself."
"Tell me some help you have not given yourself."
to EP _________
These commands are run consecutively as one process
1,2,3,4,5,6, etc. - Repetitive style.
1. "How could you help me?"
2. "How could I help you?"
3. "How could you help another?"
4. "How could another help you?"
5. "How could another help another?"
6. "How could you help yourself?"
to EP _________
Run on charged terminals. (Also: Do an Assessment on helping the Dynamics, finding the Dynamic on which helping is the least real to the pc, run help on it. Ask pc to tell you about help on each dynamic, one at the time, and note reads on terminals. Fit reading terminals into the process).
F1. "How could a _____ help you?" to EP _________
F2. "How could you help a _____?" to EP _________
F3. "How could a _____ help others?" to EP _________
F0. "If you were a _____
how could you help yourself?"
to EP _________
REGIMEN TWO (run alternately)
F1. "Tell me a motion that has helped you"
"Tell me a motion that has not helped you"
to EP _________
F2. "Tell me a motion that you have helped"
"Tell me a motion that you have not helped"
EP _________
F3. "Tell me a motion that has helped others"
"Tell me a motion that has not helped others"
EP _________
F0. "Tell me a motion that you have helped yourself
"Tell me a motion that you have not helped yourself with" to EP _________
(These processes have a "Who" and
"what" questions so it can act like a list (L&N - see Auditors Rights). You need to be aware of that list phenomena in
running it, could happen in very rare cases. The commands are run each repetitively to EP.)
F1. "Who has failed to control you?"
to EP _________
F2. "Who have you failed to control?" to EP _________
F3. "Who have others failed to control?" to EP _________
F-0. "How have you failed to control yourself?" to EP _________
F1. "What has failed to control you?" to EP _________
F2. "What have you failed to control?" to EP _________
F3. "What have others failed to control?" to EP _________
F0. "What have you failed to control in yourself?" to EP _________
F1. "Who has helped you?" to EP _________
F2. "Who have you helped?" to EP _________
F3. "Who has helped others?" to EP _________
F0. "How have you helped yourself?" to EP _________
This completes the normal Help processes run on Grade One.
(to print out of Help processes)
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