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Sec. 102. - Subject matter of copyright: In general (a) Copyright protection subsists, in accordance with this title, in original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Works of authorship include the following categories: (1) literary works; (2) musical works, including any accompanying words; (3) dramatic works, including any accompanying music; (4) pantomimes and choreographic works; (5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works; (6) motion pictures and other audiovisual works; (7) sound recordings; and (8) architectural works. (b)
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Sec. 107. - Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair
2005 version: Subtitle of publication changed from: "Users Manual in Standard Clearing Technology, Level 0-5" to: "Users Manual in Clearing Technology. Ability Clearing and Engram Clearing." Also "Clearing Technology" or "CT" is used throughout instead of "Standard Clearing Technology" and "ST". "Ability Clearing" is used for Levels 0-4 tech and Engram Clearing remains Level 5 tech. "R. Hubbard" is now called "Ron Hubbard" throughout. The whole publication has been proofread one more time. Some rough spots (especially "What is an ARC break", "Prepared Lists" chapter have been edited for clarity. Many pictures have been replaced with better ones. Many new pictures have been added. The corrections are in terms of content minor throughout and older versions are still usable.
The 2004 edition, version 8x with built-in Search function. January 1, 2004.
Standard Clearing Technology - Version 4.55Pro, updates from 4.0:
CT-0: Overview updated. New chapter on Study and word clearing. Also PC Hat. Updates in Time Track, Illustrated. More data on CDEI Scale and ARC breaks. Know-mystery and Awareness scale data revised. Comments on Axioms slightly revised. CT-1: Update regarding running Objectives. CT-3: Updates to Recall Int Remedy. CT-4: New chapter on 'Living with right and wrong' and 'Manners'. Updates under 'Effort processing' and 'Justifications'. CT-4Pro is of course entirely new. CT-5: A short history of Engram running with a preview of CT-5 - Engram Clearing. Also The Time Track and Engram Running. (CT-5 - Engram Clearing - will be published later in 2003 on this website).
(Version 4.55 smaller updates to "Guided Tour")
Also, May 9 update: two relevant links to copyright questions: About Copyright, Legal. Clearbird's CopyrightsVersion 5.1. Updates, Additions to Level 0-4Pro (sections marked with asterix (*): CT-0: PC Hat, (PC Hat, Print-out), Meter drill on Metabolism, Meter Check, (typo), Metabolism, Chapter on Drugs. CT-1: EP of Objectives. CT-2: (typo), Def. of Responsibility, POW comment. CT-3: Sample Repair Pgm. CT-4Pro: Suppression and Entheta, Pick Your Fights, Glossary (entries marked with*), Basic Vitamin Table (Glossary). PTS RD CL., Illness, Health & Auditing.
Version 7.0 Pro Updates:
Checksheets for Level 0, Level
1, Level 2, Level
3 and Level 4, Solo
Auditing Basics.
Version 7.0 to 8.0 Search function added. Titles of each document revised as to show up more understandably in 'Search'. All links double checked and faulty or misdirected links corrected. Search function added to Glossaries and and a number of glossaries already contained in manual are made easily accessible from glossary page. Design of front page redone. Navigation of Index page revised and improved. General revision of of typesetting errors and page set-up.
Clearbird Publishing and The Road to Clear are not affiliated with Church of Scientology or the official Dianetics organizations.
Scientology, Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard, Standard Tech, Book One, E-meter, Happiness Rundown, Purification Rundown, etc. are trademarked words owned by L. Ron Hubbard's estate and heirs (RTC, CST) and are as a rule not used in this publication. The Road to Clear is an independent presentation of L. Ron Hubbard's Standard Tech of Scientology and Dianetics and does not violate any law within copyright or trademark as covered in length under 'About Clearbird'. Clearbird is a publisher independent of organizational and financial interests of Church of Scientology, the Sea Organization, etc. Road to Clear is an independent textbook in the subjects of Scientology and Dianetics made available to the online community totally legally based upon Clearbird Publishing's copyrights.
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