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Objective Processes
the processes
From Pre-logics:
"Definition of Self-determinism: |
EP of Objectives
Objectives have to be run honestly and to an
actual Objectives EP. Failure to run Objectives fully and completely -
especially on pc's with an extensive drug history - can set up a pc for less
than optimum gains from future actions. A pc who can't execute physical commands
is not ready for subjective auditing as you don't know what he is doing
with the command.
At one time the following practice was
"in style". The auditor ran the pc on a few commands; then took
him over to the Meter and had him 'two way communicate' and got an F/N. Auditors
would call that for "EP". What they actually got the F/N on was not the
Objective process but the two way communication. This is what we call 'Quickie'.
Quickie is bad. It means to do
something in a hurry and "doing something less than that could be
achieved". Objectives on a new pc takes tens of hours for a full program.
Typically 25 - 50 hours. But it takes the time it takes. The full results are
achieved by actually doing the processes - not just talking about them. The
auditor needs to have enough understanding of the processes to know what he is
working towards and what he can expect. He also has to realize that his main
focus is on physical manifestations and changes. "The pc's body is the
Meter" is the maxim here. What the pc says is less important. It is not
uncommon that pc's have significant gains from these simple processes, including
going exterior, running out incidents with bad control, increased efficiency in
getting things done, etc. On children Objectives can run out 'attention deficit' and
'hyper activity' and would be the first choice of processes to handle such
Done as Co Audit
If the auditor is not trained in metering he will look for the good and bad
indicators as taught on CT
Level 0 for unmetered pc's. This comes quite naturally
on Objective processing as the body is the 'Meter'. Since the Objectives are
often done as co-auditing as the first audited action, they are often done by
beginning auditors not trained in metering. This whole line-up can be done as
the Objectives step after the Cleansing RD. You would omit two processes
near the end: Control Trio and Goals process. These are subjective and metered
processes. Control Trio and Goals Process, and any other processes in the line-up that
are not done for some reason, would then be included and done as part of Grade 1.
Objective ARC
Objective ARC is the first Objective Process to be done on a pc. It is followed by CCHs 1-10, Op Pro by Dup. Start-Change-Stop, SOP 8C, etc. as listed below.
The commands of Objective ARC are run 1-2-3, 1-2-3, three commands given repetitively.
"Look around here and find something that is really real to you."
"Look around here and find something you wouldn't mind communicating with."
"Look around here and find something you wouldn't mind being around."
The pc and auditor are walking around.
This process will at some point bring about a sudden change and bring a
person up to present time. It can be quite spectacular. Of all Objectives, this
process tends to be the shortest. It often ends with a very bright cog after
only a few commands.
End Phenomena of this process would be person in present time, cognition, and very good indicators, accompanied by an F/N.
CCH 1 to 4
These CCHs are run in a sequence over and over (CCH 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4, and so on)
to EP. CCHs 1-4 are run in that manner until they no longer produce any change. The purpose of CCHs is getting the pc out of the past and into present
time. In fact, a pc that is out of present time is being the past. A common denominator of all aberration is a fixation on the past and
an unawareness of the present environment.
CCH 1 - Give me that hand
This is a Tone 40 process.
This is the first step in the control by the person of their body, which is the basic element of Control-Communication-Havingness (CCH). You first have to bring the person's body under your and then his/her control before you can attempt to bring attention or thinkingness under control.
The auditor and person are seated in chairs without arms. The auditor's knees on the outside of both of the pc's knees. You carry on the process until a flat point is reached. Freezes may be introduced at the end of a cycle, this being after the "Thank you" and before the next command, maintaining a solid comm line (physical contact). A freeze can best be done between two commands, holding the person's hands after the acknowledgement.
The person's hands should be clasped with exactly the right pressure. Make sure every command and cycle are separate. Maintain Tone 40. The stress is on intention from the auditor to the pc with each command. Leave room for the person to do the command before deciding to take the person's hand or make contact with it. The auditor indicates the hand by a nod of the head when giving the command.
The purpose of the process is to demonstrate to the person that control of his body is possible, despite revolts or circuits, and invites him to directly control it. Absolute control by the auditor then passes over toward absolute control of his own body by the pc.
"Give Me That Hand." (Tone 40) (Nod towards hand).
The physical action of taking the person's hand when not given, and then replacing it in the person's lap. Making physical contact with the person's hand if the person resists.
"Thank you."
All commands are Tone 40 with clear intention, one command in one unit of time. Take up each new physical change manifested as though it were an origination when it happens, and query it by asking "What's happening?" This two-way communication is not Tone 40. Run the process only on the right hand.
Run CCH 1 to a flat point and then go on to CCH 2.
If no change in aspect for three commands, with the person actually doing the commands, go on to the next CCH.
CCH 2- Tone 40 8-C
CCH 2 is Tone 40 8C. The purpose of the process is to demonstrate to the pc that his body can be controlled and thus inviting him to control it. To orient him to his present time environment. To increase his ability to duplicate and thus increase his havingness.
Absolute auditor precision is required with no drops from Tone 40, no flubs, total present time. The auditor on the pc's right side. The auditor's body acts as a block to any forward motion when the pc turns. The auditor gives the command, if required, with physical contract of exactly the correct amount of force needed to get the command executed. The auditor does not block the pc from executing the commands. Freezes may be introduced at the end of cycle, this being after the "Thank you" and before the next command.
"You look at that wall."
"Thank you."
"You walk over to that wall."
"Thank you."
"You touch that wall."
"Thank you."
"Turn around."
"Thank you."
Take each new physical change manifested as though it were an origination by the pc, and when it happens, query it by asking "What's happening?" This two-way communication is not Tone 40. Commands smoothly enforced, physically when necessary.
The auditor and pc are ambulant, auditor in physical contact with the pc as needed.
Run CCH 2 to a flat point and then go on to CCH 3. If no change in aspect for three commands, with the pc actually doing the commands, go on to the next CCH.
CCH 3 - Hand Space Mimicry
This is Hand Space Mimicry. It is done by using the hands. The auditor has the pc mimic his hand motions.
The purpose of this process is to develop reality on the auditor using the reality scale (solid communication line). To get a pc into communication by control and duplication. To find the auditor. To be free in two-way communication. The auditor should be gentle and accurate in his motions, all motions being Tone 40, and giving the pc wins.
The process is introduced and run as a formal process. If the pc dopes off in this process, the auditor may take the pc's wrist and help him execute the command one hand at a time. If the pc does not answer during dope off to the question, "Did you contribute to their motion?", the auditor may wait for the normal communication lag of that pc, acknowledge and continue the process.
The auditor raises two hands, palms facing the pc's, about an equal distance between the auditor and the pc and says, "Put your hands against mine. Follow them, and contribute to their motion." He then makes a simple motion with his right hand, then with the left hand. "Did you contribute to their motion?" Acknowledge the answer. The auditor allows the pc to break the solid communication line.
When this is flat, the auditor will next time around do the same with a half-inch of space between his and the pc's palms. The command being "Put your hands facing mine about a half-inch away. Follow them, and contribute to their motion." "Did you contribute to their motion?" Acknowledge. "When this is flat, the auditor will the next time around do it with wider space and so on until the pc is able to follow motions about a meter away (3 feet).
The auditor and pc are seated close together facing each other, the pc's knees between auditor's knees if possible.
Run CCH 3 to a flat point (if no change in aspect for three commands, with the pc actually doing the commands) then go on to CCH 4.
CCH 4 - Book Mimicry
This is the process that can produce some fantastic IQ changes, for it deals directly with the pc's learning rate and his ability to duplicate communications. Bringing up his non-language factor has the effect of bringing the pc into a better control of his environment and into better handling of people and objects in his immediate surroundings.
The purpose of this process is to bring up the pc's communication with control and duplication (control and duplication=communication). Give the pc wins. It is necessary for the auditor to duplicate his own commands. Circular motions are more complex than straight lines. Tolerance of too little or too high a complexity becomes a factor and the auditor should probably begin with motions that begin in the same place each time and are neither very fast nor very slow, nor very complex. The auditor does them seeing to it that the pc understands what is being done, as there is no verbal command. It is a formal process.
The auditor makes simple motions with a book, hands the book to the pc and the pc makes the motion, duplicating the auditor's motion mirror-image wise. The auditor asks the pc if he is satisfied that he duplicated the motion. If the pc is, and the auditor is also fully satisfied, the auditor takes back the book and goes on to the next command.
If the pc is unsure whether he duplicated a command, the auditor repeats it for him and gives him back the book. If the pc is sure he did, and the auditor can see that the duplication is inadequate, the auditor accepts the pc's answer and continues on a simpler gradient of motion, either with the left or right hand, and comes back up until the pc can do the original command correctly. This ensures no invalidation of the pc. Tone 40 only in motions, verbal two-way communication is quite free.
The auditor and pc are seated facing each other, a comfortable distance apart.
Run CCH 4 to a flat point (if no change in aspect for three commands, with the pc actually doing the commands) and then go on to CCH 1.
CCH 1-4 are run to one overall EP. VGI's, cognition, ability regained and an F/N when checked out on the Meter.
CCH 5 - Objective Havingness
Description Stress is upon firm gentleness and understanding, and the raising of the pc's
certainty that he has touched the indicated object. It should be noticed that
this can be run on blind people.
"Touch that (indicated object)."
CCH 6 - Objective Havingness with Body
Stress is upon using only those body parts that are not embarrassing to the
pc as it will be found that the pc ordinarily has very little reality on
various parts of his body. Impossible command should not be given to the pc in
any case.
Auditor and pc move about together as needed, the auditor enforcing the
commands by manual contact using the pc's hands to touch objects and touch
body parts.
CCH 7 - Contact by Duplication
Stress is on precision of command and motion, with each command in its own
unit of time, all commands perfectly duplicated. The pc is to continue to run
process even if he dopes off. Maintain good ARC with the pc. Do not pick one
body part that is aberrated at first, but flatten some non-aberrated body part
before tackling an aberrated body part.
The pc should be walking. Usually, the auditor
is standing by to manually enforce commands.
CCH 8 - Trio
Run it smoothly, without invalidative questions. This is one of the most
effective processes known when thinkingness can be controlled somewhat.
Dispense in the long form is sometimes run first when the pc is set on wasting. The auditor and pc are seated at a comfortable distance, both facing toward
the majority of the room.
CCH 9 - Keep It From Going Away
The purpose of the process is to increase havingness of the pc and bring
about his ability to keep things from going away. This ability lost, can
for having psychosomatic illness.
The stress is on precision and accuracy and finding out that this is
actually Tone 40 8-C with a thinkingness addition. This is the first step on
the route of making things solid.
And so forth. The auditor and pc are ambulant. The auditor assisting by
manual contact.
CCH 10 - Hold It Still
The purpose of this process is to improve an individual's ability to make
things more solid and to assert his ability to control his environment.
The stress is on precision and accuracy and finding out that this is
actually Tone 40 8-C with a thinkingness addition.
And so forth. The auditor and pc are ambulant. The auditor assisting by
manual contact.
R2-67: Objects
For variation, one locates some more objects. By object is meant physical
universe, present time, visible objects.
3-Part Locational Process "Notice that ______." "Thank you." (Auditor points to object but NOT in pc's direction.)
Locational, Body and Room
There is an alternative set of commands on this: They are two different sets of commands. "Look
at that way, look at your hand," etc., is liable to get pc out there,
five feet outside his head.
In training we use, "Notice", but we must remember the process
works fabulously well with "Look".
Objective Show Me
This, by the way, opens the door to mockups and facsimiles anybody could
see. If there is some method of achieving that, this is the process to do it.
A pc overcomes his unwillingness to show things. He has been
made unwilling by life to show anybody anything.
Objective Show Me is first run as a simple locational and is run in this
way until it is flat as simple locational.
"Show me that (object)." Stage 2:
The second stage is run alternately between body and room objects. The
commands are:
"Show me that (object)."
"Thank you." Stage 3:
The third stage of Objective Show Me is run similar to Opening Procedure by
Duplication. Two objects are selected and one part of the pc's body such as
the head, the eyes, the right hand, etc. is selected. The pc is asked to show
the auditor the table, the body part, the chair, the body part, the table, the
body part, the chair, etc.
Care should be taken when running this process not to use body parts that
will embarrass the pc. The target of the process is not the second dynamic and
in running it any specialization toward second dynamic aberration defeats the
process thoroughly.
Opening Procedure by Duplication
Opening Procedure by Duplication has been succeeding in
cases hitherto
untouched by extensive and intricate auditing.
Ranting and raving has gone on in various quarters because of Opening
Procedure by Duplication, even been branded as a "hypnotic
technique" by some. The
fact of the matter is, it runs out hypnosis for in the process of running it,
the restimulation of hypnotism can make an auditor and a pc
believe that hypnotism is taking place. However, Opening Procedure by
Duplication continued past this point runs on out the hypnotism.
Inability to duplicate is also an inability to be cause, and inability to
be effect. The reason one has an Engram Bank is because "it mustn't
happen again," or "it must happen again." In order to make sure
that something does not happen again, one has a picture of it which he
considers necessary to prevent him from duplicating the action. The existence
of a picture, of course, will eventually make him follow the action and follow
the dictates of the picture. Thus, we get the action of an Engram and
When Opening Procedure by Duplication is being run, it is common
for the pc, by comments and reactions, to dramatize the Know to Mystery Scale.
The Know to Mystery Scale, of course, is a very long, tall scale, but any
section of this scale has in it the various level of Know to Mystery. Thus one
can see a pc going up Looking, to Knowing, then going through a different
higher harmonic of Mystery, then Sex, then Eating, and so forth. The auditor
may not see him go through all the levels on the Know to Mystery Scale in
order, but will see him spotting one after another of the level of this scale.
The pc will make such comments as "Looks good enough to eat."
"There's a lot of work connected with this," "It's a mystery to
me." Going up the Mystery to Know Scale, one, of course, crosses the
Emotional Scale, but this Emotional Scale, is of
course, a part of the Know to Mystery Scale.
Opening Procedure by Duplication is begun only after the pc has
some reality on his environment. Until the pc's reality on his environment is
good, Opening Procedure by Duplication should not be done, for the pc only
turns on an unreality circuit and goes through it mechanically.
Have the pc look them over and handle them to his satisfaction. Then have
him place them at some walking distance apart in the room, on a couple of
tables or similar locations.
The commands:
"Look at that book." Repeat with the bottle.
Do not vary the commands in any way. Use Tone 40 "Thank
you" acknowledgement. The basic commands should never be departed from,
and never, never trick the pc by using the book again when you knew he was
just about to start toward the bottle. The purpose of the process is
duplication. Good control should be used.
Accept the pc's answers, whether they are logical, silly, imaginative, dull
or unlawful. In starting the process, you can discuss with him what you are
about to do and make sure you have got the rudiments established.
A. Run the process until a realization occurs, or an ability is regained. It's run to EP.
S-C-S on the body
There is no such thing as bad control, only non-positive control.
Running Start-Change-Stop ( S-C-S) on
the body.
One sees three conditions in processing: 1) the pc who is compulsively
interiorized, 2) the pc who compulsively exteriorized, and 3) the pc who is buttered
all over the universe. The case run on S-C-S would greatly enable the pc to collect himself. This might not occur until you have run him for five
or more hours on it. If this process is continued long enough, the pc will be moving his body by
postulate (i.e., from the outside), not by beams, stimulus-response, etc.
To run this process, the auditor and pc should both stand up. This gives
reality, and the auditor duplicating the pc will bring about greater ARC. The
session always fails when the auditor sits down while running S-C-S.
Each time, you make a contract with the pc. You don't
depend on any former understanding with this process. Each moment in time is
new. We make each move in a new unit of time. He doesn't have to depend on his
memory, so you repeat each time, the whole wording is given.
(NOTE: You can run
Start-Change-Stop on an Object as a first step if pc in
bad shape. Starting, changing and stopping an object is a lower level than moving the
body. The commands would be the same - replacing 'Body' with 'Object'. (It can
be done with an object on a table). Stand Still:
The auditor and pc may be seated. Where the pc is very
unable, both are seated at a table with a number of objects scattered on its
surface. Or auditor and pc may be ambulant, with the auditor in physical contact
with the pc as is necessary to face him toward and guide him to the indicated
The purpose of the process is to give the pc orientation and havingness and
to improve his perception.Commands
"Thank you."End Phenomena
Run the process until a realization occurs, or an
ability is regained.
This is a locational process using the body and the
room. The auditor has the pc touch his body then touch a room object. The
purpose of the process is to establish the orientation and increase the
havingness of the pc and to give him reality on various parts of his body.
"Touch your (body part)."
"Thank you."
"Touch that (indicated room object)."
"Thank you."
End Phenomena
Run the process until a realization occurs, or an
ability is regained.
This is contact by duplication. It is run on room
objects and the pc's body parts. The process is used to heighten perception,
orient the pc, and raise the pc's havingness. Control of attention, as in all
these "contact" processes, naturally takes the attention units out
of the Bank, which itself has been controlling the pc's attention.
"Touch that table." "Thank you."
"Touch your (body part)." "Thank you."
"Touch that table." "Thank you."
"Touch your (same body part)." "Thank you."
etc. in that order.
End Phenomena
Run the process until a realization occurs, or an
ability is regained.
This is a havingness process that has three questions.
The purpose of this process is to remedy havingness objectively.
"Look around the room and tell me what you could
"Look around the room and tell me something you would permit to
"Look around the room and tell me what you could dispense with."
End Phenomena
Run the process until a realization occurs, or an
ability is regained.
This is Tone 40 "Keep it from going away."
"Look at that (indicated object)." "Thank
"Walk over to that (indicated object)." "Thank you."
"Touch that (indicated object)." "Thank you."
"Keep it from going away." "Thank you."
End Phenomena
Run the process until a realization occurs, or an
ability is regained.
This is Tone 40 Hold It Still.
"Look at that (indicated object)." "Thank
"Walk over to that (indicated object)." "Thank you."
"Touch that (indicated object)." "Thank you."
"Hold it still." "Thank you."
End Phenomena
Run the process until a realization occurs, or an
ability is regained.
Creation of Human Ability
The process increases Havingness and perception. The control of the pc's
attention is now gradually given over to his own control.
"Locate some objects", etc. The pc looks at
them or puts his attention on them and notes what they are. This is all there
is to the process.
End Phenomena
Run the process until a realization occurs, or an
ability is regained.
End Phenomena
Run the process until a realization occurs, or an
ability is regained.
Here we have the first example of
extraversion-introversion. The commands are:
"Look at that _____". "Thank you".
Look at your _____(foot, hand, or knee)". "Thank you."
"Notice the chair.
Notice your hand. Notice the wall." 'Look';. 'Notice'; They actually
have a difference.
A pc who is pretty dead in his head had better be told to
"Notice," because the strain and stress which he will experience through trying to get out of his body and "look"
is so
great he will start pulling ridges to pieces. So, of the two, the safest is
"Notice". The other will exteriorize somebody.
"Look at that _____."
"Thank you. "
"Look at your _____(foot, hand, or knee). "
"Thank you."
Alternate commands:
"Notice that _____."
"Thank you. "
"Notice your _____(foot, hand, or knee). "
"Thank you."
End Phenomena
Run the process until a realization occurs, or an
ability is regained.
Here the pc does a little demonstrating. The reason this
is put in here, is because it is one of the more miraculous therapeutic
processes. The inability to demonstrate is the reason why a pc's Bank is
invisible to other people. It is the reason why people have secrets, they pull
Banks in on themselves, and the reason why they don't dare show it to anybody
Stage 1:
"Thank you."
Run this until flat. Then go onto:
"Show me your (body part)."
"Thank you."
"Show me that (object)."
"Thank you."
"Show me your (body part)."
"Thank you."
End Phenomena
Run the process until a realization occurs, or an
ability is regained.
This duplication process uses two dissimilar objects
such as a Book and a Bottle. The auditor has the pc walk over to each object,
pick it up, examine it as to color, temperature, and weight, and return it
exactly where it was.
Use two objects, a book and a bottle.
"Walk over to it."
"Pick it up."
"What is its color?"
"What is its temperature?"
"What is its weight?"
"Put it down in exactly the same place."
End Phenomena
The End Phenomena for Opening Procedure by Duplication
B. Exterior with a very good indicators and a realization.
C. No communication lag and no more change on the process.
Start, Change, and Stop is the anatomy of control.
This is
also the cycle of action.
indicate and when I tell you to 'stand still', I want
you to make that body stand still. Do you
understand that?" "Good."
Repeat commands 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4, until the pc is easily doing the commands on that subject (ack each time).
Start: Auditor is in physical contact with the pc when giving the R-factor each time.
Stop: Auditor is in physical contact with the pc when giving the R-factor each time.
Change: The auditor places four pieces of tape or paper around the floor in a new unit of time, each time the process is cycled through. Auditor is in physical contact with the pc when giving the R factor each time.
The auditor would now run Stand Still again on the body and so on, until neither Start, Change, Stop, nor Stand Still produces any changes in the pc.
Whenever the pc is standing to execute a command, the auditor is standing next to the pc. He also ensures that he is touching the pc (hand lightly on pc's arm or elbow, etc.) when he gives the pc the R-Factor such as in steps 5, 8, and 11 above.
The process, of course, always acknowledges the pc for every execution of a processing command.
Control Trio
This is run in a normal session set up on a Meter.
Therefore, a prerequisite to run Trio is this: Is the pc's body under control? is the pc's attention under control? These two are necessary conditions to run Trio. To assume that power of choice is also under the pc's control is of course pretty far away. It moves Trio up high. So you could say that there are three versions of Trio.
Trio (1) is a directive process like, "Get the idea of having that clock." That is highly directive, that keeps thinkingness under control in the kind of case of who was having a rough time with it.
Trio (2): "Get the idea that it would be all right for that clock to remain as it is", is just an indicating process.
Trio (3) Instead of "dispense with" or "not-know" at command three, we run into actually a brand new process. Its rationale is much higher. "Get the idea of making that clock disappear." Small objects are much easier for the pc to make disappear than large ones, but you haven't told him to make it disappear. You have told him to get the idea of making it disappear. They usually take it literally and try like mad to make it disappear, and it usually does for a short time. This gets him to take over the automaticity of all the losses that he has experienced unwillingly. The universe has been taking things away, and an individual, just by spotting objects and getting the idea that they are going to disappear or are disappearing, take over this automaticity of losses, and he becomes accustomed to it after awhile and he should come out of it.
Therefore, you have a highly directional, a highly workable set of processes, and each part of that Trio would be run relatively flat and go on to the next part (in modern processing it is run to EP). I would say you'd probably run it something on the order of around a hundred commands each. You'd try to stay in that order of magnitude, and you could just run it round and round.
Run each command (ack each response) to EP before going on to the next command
GOALS Process
This is run in a normal session set up on a Meter, acknowledging each response.
1. "Tell me something you are absolutely sure will happen in the next 2 minutes"
Auditor does a 2 way communication on it, to pc certainty and gradually increases span of
time: 1 hr, 3 days, 1 week, 3 months, 1 year etc.TO EP
2. "Tell me something that you would like to do in the next 2 minutes".
1. "Tell me something that you are sure will be there in 2 minutes." Etc.
2. "Tell me something that you would like to have in the next 2 minutes."
Standard Opening Procedure - SOP 8C
An auditor while running this should occasionally ask the pc, "Who is doing this?" Psychotics will tell the auditor that their finger is doing it, and then advance on up to where the hand is doing it, the arm is doing it, and finally the body is doing it, and at last that the pc himself is doing it. This is the acceptance of responsibility for an action.
I have yet to see a pc, who is having physical difficulty of a major sort or mental difficulty, fail to improve under a long and careful running of Opening Procedure of 8-C.
There are two errors that can be made in running the Opening Procedure of 8-C. The first is not to know how to do the process, and the second is not to run it long enough.
"Do you see that chair?" "Go over to it and put your hand on it", "Now look at that lamp", "Now walk over to it and put your hand on it."
This is done with various objects without pointing at precise spots; just an object until the pc is very certain that he is in communication with the objects and the walls and other parts of the room. The auditor can say anything he pleases, or seemingly introduce any significance he wishes to so long as he goes in the direction which makes this work: pc perceiving the physical universe and making contact with it.
When pc is cheerful about that and it is flat auditor does Step A-2: "Do you see that black mark on the left arm of that chair?" "All right, go over to it and put your finger on it," "Now take your finger off it," "Do you see the lower bolt on that light switch?" "All right, go over to it and put your finger on it," "Take your finger off it". This is done until the pc has a uniform perception of any and all objects in the room including the walls, the floor, and the ceiling. This step can be kept up for a long time. It has an infinity of variations. But it is not the variations that work, it is the making and breaking of communication with the actual designated spots.
Part B
Part B has these commands. "Find a spot in this room." No further designation is necessary for this spot. Spotting procedure gives the pc the freedom to pick. When the pc has picked a spot, the auditor says, "Go over to it and put your finger on it." When the pc has done this, the auditor says, "Now let go of it." It must be emphasized that the pc is not to act upon a command until the command is given and must not let go until told to let go. The pc is permitted to select spots until all communication lag is flat, until he is freely selecting spots on the walls, objects, chairs, etc. with no specialization whatsoever -- which means that his perception of the room has become uniform. Many things turn up in running this procedure such as the fact that the pc cannot look at walls, etc.
Part C
Part C of this procedure is run with these commands: "Find a spot in the room", "Make up your mind when you are going to touch it and then touch it," "Make up your mind when you are going to let go of it, and let go". A variation of this process is to have the pc make up his mind about a spot and them have him change his mind and select another spot.
The trouble with most cases and the trouble with any case that is hung up and is not progressing is that an insufficient quantity of Opening Procedure 8-C has been used by the auditor.
The only caution on the part of the auditor is that he must be very precise about giving his orders and must insist on the pc being very certain that he is actually seeing spots and touching them, and about inhibiting the pc from executing the commands before they are given.
Based on write-up by Christine,
web-mistress of:
Additional processes and assists can be obtained from that website. It is
very complete.
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