Ken Ogger - The Pilot's Page
Who is "The Pilot"? - Self Clearing Book in German - Links to Pilot's Pages
Meeting Ken Ogger - The Story of a Recovery - Coroner's Report
Ken Ogger, "the Pilot", was a very outspoken dissident of the Church of Scientology, and pioneer of the Free Zone. He published great amounts of excellent technical writings on the net under this pen-name. He was one of the many who are living proof that not all of Scientology is rotten - a brilliant example for an integrity which rather questions the unquestionable Hubbard than bowing before his authority. As long as they have such people, reform still seems possible.
On May 29th 2007, he was found dead in his swimming pool. According to witnesses, his hands were tied with wire and a concrete weight attached to his feet. The police denies the tied hands and treats the incident as a suicide.
Ken Ogger - Christmas Message 2004
This message was sent by Ken Ogger to some of his friends at Christmas 2004. It shows how he starts to look beyond Scientology and see the bigger picture of spiritual existence. He further develops his vision of it here:
Ken Ogger - Principles of Existance
The Pilot: Self Clearing Book - German
The ZIP-files have been updated on 06.08.1999.
Zip Archive of chapters 1 - 35 in German:
Zip Archives of chapters 1 - 30 in German:
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See the page "Reform Scientology Now!" at
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Get the original Pilot materials (the 32 part SUPER SCIO book) at the following downloads page (scroll down to Pilot's section):
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