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Basic Tools for Life Planning and the Spiritual Clean-Up of Past Difficulties

Workbook for Partner-Training and Self-Help

With Procedures by John Mace and Alan C. Walter

Fair Exchange...



Partner-Training or Self-Help?

Keys to Spiritual Progress

Component Parts of Spiritual Existence

Mental Space

Mental Energy

Mental Push and Pull

Mental Matter


Intentions, Decisions, Cause and Effect

Basic Pattern of Life Planning: the "Paradigm Matrix"

The Origin of Solid Reality

The "Ups and Downs" in Life

Procedure for the Resolution of Shocks

Procedure for the Resolution of Hostile Energies

Procedure for the Resolution of Mental Masses

Procedure for the Resolution of Chronic (Negative) Moods

Procedure for the Resolution of Unpleasant Sensations

Procedure for the Clean-Up of Specific Subjects

Procedure for the Clean-Up of Burdening Experiences

Procedure for the Clean-Up of (Failed) Life Dreams

Procedure for the Stabilization of Spiritual Progress

Recommendations and Hints for Successful Mental Training


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