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Checksheet |
Intro to Study Manual Homepage and Introduction |
1. Look up 'Application' in Glossary and a
dictionary. Make sentences with 'Application'.________ 2. Do the same with 'Apply'._______ 3. Study: "Intro to Study Manual"______ (Look up any words you don't understand in a dictionary). 4a. Look up "Essay" in Glossary._________ |
What is a Student? 'Student' defined. The importance of a student setting a goal for his studies. |
7. Study: "What is a Student?"_______
8a. Look up "Graphic Demo", definition (2), in Glossary.________ 8. Graphic Demo: Make drawings of a student, showing him gradually becoming a professional. Show it to the supervisor._______ 9. Essay: Write what your hopes, dreams or goals are for studying this course. Show it to the supervisor.________ |
Barriers to Study The three principal barriers to results in study. |
10. Study:
"Barriers to Study"_________
11. Essay: Write up 5 examples of each of the three barriers to study._________ |
Understanding and Study The anatomy of understanding and how this applies to study. |
12. Study:
"Understanding and Study" _________
13. Graphic Demo: Make a drawing that shows what Affinity is._______ 14. Graphic Demo: Make a drawing that shows what Reality is._______ 15. Graphic Demo: Make a drawing that shows what Communication is._______ 16. Essay: Explain what ARC is and how it adds up to Understanding. Turn it in to the supervisor._______ 17. Graphic Demo: Make a drawing that shows how Understanding relates to Study._______ |
Conceptual Understanding Understanding the ideas and concepts of a text is different from merely understanding the words. This chapter explains how conceptual understanding is achieved. |
18. Look up 'Concept' in Glossary and dictionary. Make sentences with 'Concept'.________ 19. Study: "Conceptual Understanding" ______ 20. Graphic Demo: Make a drawing showing the difference between a thing, a concept, and a symbol for a thing.________ 21. Essay: Explain the difference between Literal Understanding and Conceptual Understanding with 3 examples of each._______ |
MU's and How to Clear Them An MU is a misunderstood word or symbol. There are 10 types of MU's. What are they and how do you clear them up completely? |
22. Study:
"Misunderstoods and how to clear them" (to 'Clearing Words')._____
23. Essay: Write up one or more examples of each way a person can misunderstand a word. Have this checked by your supervisor._________ 24. Study: "Clearing Words"_________ 25. Supervisor Checkout: The supervisor locates a word that the student doesn't understand (this could be taken from a dictionary). The supervisor uses the word in a sentence to give the student the context of the word. The student then clears the word out loud to the supervisor. If the student does this incorrectly, the supervisor has him restudy the materials and then checks him out again._________ 26. Practical: Go back to the first page of this checksheet and look over the checksheet itself and the materials you have studied on the course so far to see if there are any words you don't fully understand. Clear any words you don't understand and restudy the materials as necessary._________ |
Dictionaries A good dictionary is an important tool in study. How do you find one that is right for you and how do you use it? |
27. Look up 'Dictionary' and Dinky Dictionary' in
Glossary and a dictionary. Clear them the way you just
28. Study: "Dictionaries"_________ 29. Practical: Look up a word in some of the dictionaries listed in the above chapter. Then look up the same word in a dinky dictionary. Compare the dinky dictionary to the good dictionaries._________ 30. Practical: Sort out with the supervisor which dictionaries are right for you.______ |
Checksheets A checksheet is the basic study-program the student follows. Chapter explains details related to that. |
31. Study: "Checksheets"_________
32. Essay: Write an essay on how Certainty applies to study. Explain the difference between Classroom Education and the Checksheet system. Turn it in to the supervisor._______ |
Twinning Each student are paired up with a study partner, a twin. Chapter explains how this system works. |
33. Look up 'Twin' in Glossary and a dictionary.
Clear the word fully._______
34. Study: "Twinning"_________ 35. Essay: What your responsibilities as a twin are. Turn this in to your supervisor._________ |
Demonstrations - Overview When a student has studied something he should be able to show how it works. This is done with various types of Demos. |
1. Look up 'Demonstration' in Glossary and a dictionary. Clear the word fully._______
2. Study: "Demonstrations -Overview"________ 3. Demo: (Demo to your twin) How to cross the street safely._________ 4. Demo: Each of the three barriers to study as listed in earlier on your checksheet._________ 5. Graphic Demo: By drawing directions, demonstrate to your twin: The route you take to get from course to where you live._________ 6. Graphic Demo: How to handle too steep a gradient._________ |
Clay Demos and Clay Table Details of how to make a Clay Demo. Tools and materials needed for this. |
7. Study: "Clay Demos and Clay
Table" _________
8. Clay: A hammer._________ 11. Re-Study: "Barriers to Study"______ 12. Clay: the 3 barriers to study 13. Re-study: "Understanding and Study"________ 15. Re-study: "Conceptual Understanding"_____ 16. Clay: A word cleared to conceptual understanding._________ |
Why Twin Check-outs? About twin check-outs of theory. |
1. Look up 'R-Factor' in Glossary.________ R-FACTOR: Whenever a theory item on a checksheet is marked with a star (*) it means that the item is to be star-rated (as explained in this section). All the star-rate checkouts in this section, as well as the clay demos, are to be checked out by the supervisor. This is to get the student started right. 2. Read definitions in beginning of chapter. Demonstrate each to
the supervisor: *4. Study: "Why Twin Check-outs?" _________ 5. Clay: The first phenomenon._________ 6. Clay: The second phenomenon._________ |
Theory Check-out The continuation of the above. What to ask for in a check-out. What is a pass and what is a flunk? |
*7. Study: "Theory Check-outs" (to
*8. Study: "Examination"_________ 9. Demo: The datum that "all theory check-outs must consult the student's understanding."_________ |
How Not to Check Out This is the third and final chapter about theory check-outs. The three chapters have to studied and passed before a student is allowed to check out another. |
*10. Study: "How Not to Check Out"_______
11. Drill: Checkout: The student must now check the supervisor out on at least a two page chapter. Things that should be flunked are thrown in by the supervisor such as comm lags, glibness, poor definitions, bad demonstrations, etc. The student must say "flunk" immediately or the student is flunked and sent back to study the chapter again. The student is passed when the student can give a 100% standard checkout without any hesitations. (The supervisor picks the materials for the drill.)_________ |
Congratulations! You have now completed the section about check-outs. From this point you can be checked out by your twin or another student. Supervisor check-outs are from here on only done if the checksheet says so or the supervisor wants to find out how well you are doing as a student. | |
Clearing Words Tips for clearing words. Small, grammatical words can be troublesome; how to clear them. About synonyms. |
*1. Study: "Clearing Words"_________
2. Demo: How to clear grammatical words.______ 3. Essay: Give examples of synonyms and explain each and how they are different. Two categories ("Huge" would be a category) and 3 examples of synonyms for each category should be given. You can use a dictionary as a help to find examples.______ |
Method 3 Word Clearing This is a simple but effective method of Word Clearing. It can usually be done by the student himself. Sometimes he needs help from his twin. |
*4. Study: "Method 3 Word Clearing"_________
5. Drill: Method 3 Word Clearing. The coach acts the part of a student who has gotten into trouble while studying. The student applies M3 to the coach and is coached until he can do it correctly. This drill is checked out by the supervisor._________ |
Coaching of Drills Teaches students all the fine points of coaching practical drills. |
*6. Study: "Coaching and Drills"_______ 7. Demo: the 4 points of good coaching: a. Coach with a purpose_______ b. Coach with reality______ c. Coach with intention______ d. Only take up one thing at the time______ 8. Demo: Toughness in Coaching______ |
Method 9 Word Clearing The exact instructions and procedures for M9. |
*9. Study: "Word Clearing Method 9"_______
10. Drill: Method 9 Word Clearing. The coach acts the part of a student being word cleared and coaches the student until he can do Method 9 correctly. This drill is checked out by the supervisor._________ 11. Word Clearing: With your twin, do Method 9 on some materials from the manual.________ NOTE: Word Clearing Methods 3 and 9 are to be used extensively by twins on each other as needed throughout the course. (On this course M9 is liberally used on Pink Sheets given by the supervisor.) |
Pink Sheets This is a supervisor tool. The student is made to study something earlier he is weak in. |
*1. Study: "Pink Sheets" (to "Important Study Data")_________ |
Important Study Data Number of times over materials and personal experience are important. |
*2. Study: "Important Study
3. Clay: Number of times over the material equals certainty and results._________ |
Cramming Cramming is a training service independent of the course. It specializes in trouble-shooting. The person having a difficulty in applying, is interviewed and given a tailor-made study assignment. |
4. Study: "Cramming"_________ |
Essays on Study - Intro The following section is a series of essays mainly based on lectures given by R. Hubbard in 1964. |
1. Look up 'Essay' in Dictionary and Glossary._____ 2a. Look up 'R. Hubbard' in Glossary______ 2b. Look up Saint Hill Manor in Glossary_________ 3. Study: "Essays on Study - Intro"______ |
An Introduction to Study Study forms the doorway to doing new things. There are some "silly" fundamentals a student has to be aware of to succeed. |
*4. Study: "An Introduction to
5. Clay: Study is the willingness to know._________ |
Words and Learning More data about misunderstood words and incomprehensible data. Why specialized words are necessary. How to increase study speed. |
6. Look up: 'nomenclature' and
'terminology' in Glossary and a dictionary._______
*7. Study: "Technical Words and Learning"_________ 8. Clay: A nomenclature not understood is a barrier to communication._________ 9. Demo: Why you need a nomenclature in a specialized field._________ 10. Demo: What to do when you find that what you have just studied is unbelievable._________ 11. Essay: Why you don't take the nomenclature of a similar subject, such as psychology._________ 12. Practical: Take the next chapter and look it over for any words that you don't know. Make a list of those words and look them up. Then go ahead and read the chapter._________ |
False Data
Stripping How false data can prevent the student from accepting true data. |
l3. Study: "False Data Stripping" (to 'procedure')_________ 14. Clay: How false data hang up and prevent learning true data.___________ |
Balance in Study There has to exist a balance between significance, doingness and mass in study in order to get full results. |
*l4. Study: "Balance in Study"_________
15. Clay: Education_________ 16. Demo: The reason why one-sided Education - theory only or practical application only - is too limited for a real education._________ |
Skipped Gradients and
Definitions A detailed account of the skipped gradient and misunderstood word phenomena and how to repair the situation. |
*17. Study: "Skipped Gradients and
18. Demo: First gradient to study is that the student must "be there"._________ 19. Clay: A gradient._________ 20. Clay A skipped gradient._________ 21. Demo: The thing the student is apparently having trouble with is never the thing the student is having trouble with._________ 22. Demo: Demonstrate to your twin the method to apply when a student is having trouble with some materials._________ |
and Study To be able to handle anything you have to be able to confront it. A subject seems as complex as you are unable to confront it. |
*23. Study: "Confronting and Study"_________
24. Clay: "That which a person can confront, he can
handle".______ *26. Study: "Complexity and Confronting"_________
Levels of Competence Illiterate people and people 'who know it all' are both handicapped. A person has to understand and stay alert to survive. Also, about different levels of competence needed depending on what you are going to use the data you study for. |
*30. Study: "Levels of Competence"_____
31. Clay: How understanding can be a substitute for mass in study_________ 32. Demo: Each of these grades of application: a. Knowing a few scraps_____ 33. Essay: How to become a true professional in a chosen field_________ |
Evaluation of Data "A datum is as valuable as it has been evaluated". Explains how to evaluate data. |
34. Look up in Glossary and dictionary
"Evaluation" and "Data"._________ 35. Study: "Evaluation of Data"_____ 36. Clay: Ideal Scene and how it relates to the purpose or goal of an activity.__________ 37. Clay: Out-point_____ 38. Clay: Plus-point_____ 39. Demo: Each of the 11 out-points_____ 40. Demo: Each of the 14 plus-points_____ 41. Clay: Purpose of an education. How the right balance of Significance-Doingness-Mass is related to the purpose of that education. |
Eval of
Textbook-data Drill Practical drill in evaluating printed information. |
42. Study "Eval of Textbook-data
43. Do the drill on an old textbook of yours (one chapter) or on
materials indicated by the supervisor.________ |
The Logics The Logics are described as the axioms of learning and rational thinking. |
44. Study "The
Logics"___________ (This is only zero-rated at this time, but the student should do demos of his own; a full study of the Logics would include making each in clay). |
What is a
Course? A Course has to fill certain requirements in order to be a Course per Study Technology. All the elements are described here. |
1. Study: "What
is a Course?"_____
2. Demo: The elements it takes to make a complete course.___________ |
Courses - What they Are and
What they Aren't Describes two extremes: When Study Technology is 'out', and when it is 'in'. |
3. Study: "Courses - What they Are and
What they Aren't"_______
4. Demo: In-ethics course_____ |
Student Point System Student Points measure a students production and success as a student. Description and values of the Point System. |
6. Study: "Student Point System"_______ (The supervisor may have the student do this assignment earlier, when it is appropriate). Practical: Work out a graph. The point scale in the left margin has to be realistic. A very productive day should bring the curve near the top of the scale. An average day should show the curve in the middle. It should be worked out so the curve stays on the graph.__________ |
Guidelines for Students Rules and regulations for students on a course. |
1. Study:
"Guidelines for Students"_______ (The supervisor may have the student do this assignment earlier, when it is appropriate).
Keeping the Technology
Working Ten important points to keep the technology working.
*1. Study: "Keeping the Technology Working"_________
2. Demo: 3. Clay: group-agreement and technology, why they shouldn't be mixed.________ |
How Technology
Gets Altered How to prevent a technology to be altered into something that doesn't work
*4. Study: "How Technology Gets Altered"______ 5. Clay: What happens to the original confusion when you try to handle with verbal data and explanations.______ 6. Demo: Demonstrate to your twin how to defeat Verbal Tech._________ |
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