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Anti-Q and A Drill


Q and A - "Man's deadliest disease."


Q and A is a failure to complete a cycle 
of action on a preclear. An auditor who 
   starts a process, just gets it going, takes up   
a new idea and abandons the original 
process is Q and A'ing - it's BAD!

When you fail to complete cycles you will 
leave your pc with all kinds of charge in 
restimulation and with no or little gain 
from the process.


Purpose: (a) To enable the student to get a Pc to follow a command using the comm cycle, not Tone 40. (b) To train the student to keep in his TRs while giving commands. (c) To teach the student not to become upset with a Pc during auditing.

Commands: "Put that (book) on my knee." (Variations of wording are allowed).

Position: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart. The coach should be able to reach the student's knee.

Directions:  The coach holds a book (or other small object) in his hand. The student's job is to get the coach to place the book on the student's knee. The student may vary his commands as long as he maintains the basic intention (not Tone 40) to get the coach to place the book on the student's knee. The student is not allowed to use physical means - only verbal commands are used. The coach tries to get the student to Q and A. He may say anything he can think of to distract him and fail to get the command executed. The student is not bound by set commands. He may say whatever seems fit to get the command done. It does have to apply directly to get coach to place the book on the student's knee, however.
Flunks a given for, (a) Any statement not directly related to getting the command followed. (b) Out TR 0-4. (c) Any impatience or misemotion shown by the student.

The drill is passed when the student can get his commands executed smoothly and with good ARC and with no Q and A.

To Pint-out of Drill



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