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Implants and Confessionals
These data help auditors not to miss withholds while doing Confessionals.
"It explains certain Needle manifestations you can run into during Confessional Auditing...In the presence of an Implant the Needle can go still."
Let us explain:
First, the definition of Engram is: An incident in the Bank, containing physical pain and unconsciousness.
It is a well known fact from the earliest part of R. Hubbard's research, that Engrams could contain recordings of phrases the person had to obey, when the Engram was in restimulation. These phrases were called command phrases or engramic commands. Later on it was found, that sometimes these phrases and Engrams were installed on purpose. These engramic incidents were called Implants.
An Implant is defined as: "An enforced command or series of commands installed in the Reactive Mind below the awareness level of the individual. This has been done with evil intent (sometimes masked with 'For his own good') to cause the person to react or behave in a certain pre-planned way - without his or her knowledge". There are different methods of implanting people. Not all of them are that sophisticated.
Ordered Silence: The simplest and most common implant is the command to withhold. It is the lightest but not least deadly form of implanting. Implants could be described as "methods of preventing knowledge or communication". This can go so far as the person himself is denying himself the data. The most common one of 'ordered silence' is probably simply to use a threat. Children are often threatened with, "if you tell anybody, you will get no dinner, be spanked, etc." Somebody simply being strictly ordered 'not to tell anybody' is in the same category. Such commands can often be found as 'Reactive commands' or Engram commands. They have the effect upon the individual that they occlude his memory, 'can't remember anything about it', etc. It can be classified as an implant.
Hypnotism: There is no threat or physical punishment in hypnotism. It takes some cooperation from the subject and he can often tell you, that he was hypnotized, even when he cannot tell you the content of the implant at once. Western hypnotism is effective on only about 22% of the population. When found it can be exposed and erased rather easily. Simple recall of the content usually does the trick. If not, you can run the incident as an Engram. Pulling it as a withhold also takes it apart. Psychiatrists and psychologists use it - but not very expertly.
Drugs: Drugs are often used by psychiatrists and psychologists. They use them in connection with hypnotism to increase the effectiveness and to be able to hypnotize more than 22%. They also use drugs independent of hypnotism - of course. Anyone who has been given psychiatric drugs, or even street drugs under suspect circumstances, can be suspected of also having been implanted. Most of these drugs alone produce a state of trance and incidents happening in that period can "go in" as implants. The intensity of any Engram a person receives is increased when the subject was on drugs. For example, a car accident, on a drugged person, makes a heavier Engram than if he were completely sober. Any drug addict or regular drug user, who has also been in the hands of psychiatrists or psychologists, can also be suspected of having been implanted by them. Any person, who psychiatrists or psychologists have given drugs to directly, should be a 'suspect' of having received an implant with it.
Electro-Chock: Although the psychiatric profession pretends it is the shock effect that is the 'therapy', electro-shocks were usually just a method of implanting the "patient". It is still in use, although the voltage has been reduced. The psychiatrist will usually give a hypnotic suggestion to the unconscious person before, during and after shock. This is why persons who have been 'electro-shocked' have been known to sometimes go out and commit crimes. We must conclude they were actually told to do so while being shocked. There is no proof what so ever for, that electro-chocks cure anything. It is sometimes capable of making the individual unable to perform and give the appearance of being "cured" - at best. There is plenty of evidence of the harm such practices do.
Drugs and Chock: Psychiatrists claim they have to drug patients before they shock them. This is supposedly done reduce the convulsions and prevent that they break their teeth, spine and bones while being chocked. This is not true. The reason they use shocks on patients (with electricity or insulin or other means) is to produce a convulsion. This is according to their own textbooks. The practice actually goes back to Ancient Greece. The Greeks did it because a convulsion is 'evidence' of, that the person had been visited by a god. The real reason psychiatrists and psychologists give drugs before giving shock treatment, is to hide from the patient he has been shocked and to deepen the implant. One can find people who do not know they have been shocked - they think they were only drugged. Yet below that drugged state one can find, with careful search, vicious shocks and implants - one or many.
Pain-Drug-Hypnosis (PDH): This is the use of administered pain, drugs and hypnotism, administered by a psychiatrist, psychologist or an agency, such as CIA or other government agencies. The purpose is to turn the victim into a robot, that will act in an irrational - and sometimes criminal - way. PDH is not very effective in accomplishing that - but it is very harmful to the individual.
Brain-washing: This term describes implanting by deprivation and using physical and mental duress. It is said to be based on the famous Pavlov dog experiments. Pavlov's experiment was called 'Conditioning'. By sounding a bell and show a dog delicious meat at the same time, the dog would eventually be conditioned to salivate when it heard the bell alone, without seeing any meat. The theory of Brain-washing is, that the victim is made subject to enough punishment so he will eventually be 're-educated' politically. "His former views are now so painful he won't even think the thought" is the theory. The workability of 'brain-washing' is laughable. It mainly can be seen to work while the person is held prisoner. Auditing (especially Engram running) can undo 'brain-washing' rather quickly once it is detected. To call auditing for "brain-washing" (as some psychiatric and other opposition groups do) is ridiculous as it is the only known effective cure for it. Black Propaganda routinely accuse the enemy of things the accuser does himself.
Nonexistent Implants: Part of the bag of tricks of implanting is to give the person an "implant" that doesn't take place. The implanter goes through the motions, but the content is blank. It upsets and introverts the person as 'there has to be something there'. Sometimes it makes him pull implants up from his Bank, where they may exist.
Odd Needle Behavior
If you run into an implant in a session, the auditor may be puzzled about
not getting any reads on it. But there is a needle manifestation which no
implant can escape, no matter how buried it is.
Research has shown: In the presence of an Implant the Needle can go still.
This is because of the hidden character of the implant. It is a withhold of sorts. Often from the individual himself as well.
The auditor has run into an area of pc's Time Track where "nothing registers on the Meter". Things which should register do not. Example: The question "How old were you then?" would ordinarily get some sort of read. In the presence of an implant, it does not.
The needle simply suddenly goes very still and is unresponsive. It is odd and very different from what the normal needle reaction is for the same pc.
The pc, too, can begin to become vague and unresponsive, very introverted and not reacting. But with or without this pc reaction, the needle suddenly goes quite still.
An auditor sometimes has to work like mad to get the needle responding.
It is very easy at this point to miss a withhold!
The auditor, faced with an implant in the pc he does not know about or suspect, can see this still needle and suppose there is nothing there and think it is a 'clean needle'. But this can be a mistake. For one, if you cannot get an area of pc's Time Track (or list) to F/N, there is something wrong. One can, of course, have a false read or a Suppress or an Assert, or out session ruds to prevent an F/N. But it should be investigated.
This still needle will not respond. You check for and put in the ruds, ask for false reads, asserted, one may continue to get that same still needle.
If so, it means an implant of some kind is run into. It can be any of the above listed types of implants.
One should work with various questions now, that concern the possibility of an implant. One could even draw up a prepared list that would cover all angles of an implant.
Confronted with a still needle that should react but doesn't, the auditor begins with questions like:
"Is this something you are not supposed to tell?"
"Have you ever seen a psychiatrist or psychologist?"
"Did anyone give you drugs?"
"Is there something here that you yourself don't know?"
Etc., etc.
Sooner or later, as the auditor guesses and fishes his way through this, the still needle will break loose and begin to respond. First a little, but then more when the auditor really hits it.
The auditor has to be able to get the needle active again!
It will only get active when you find out what it is that is making it so unresponsive. Something there has frozen the person and his comm up - and he himself may know nothing of it.
Oddly enough, the person is not likely to blow up on you as he would, if you were missing a withhold he knew about. He just gets more and more introverted.
The resolution, as far as the Meter is concerned, occurs only when the needle is no longer so unresponsive. It is now reading with small falls, falls and even Blowdowns and, when you have gotten it all, it will F/N.
One must be aware of not mistaking out-ruds for an implant. But if you are looking on a real still needle that won't react, it is one of the implant types listed above.
By understanding this data and using it cleverly, there is lot less danger of missing withholds!
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