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Drugs, Alcohol, Medicine
Why You have to Handle drugs in Auditing


Drugs have to be addressed very early on in auditing. It is the first subject you have to ensure is handled when the pc actually starts on his Grades. You can of course do other auditing on a pc before that. Actions like Self Analysis Lists, Recall processes and Life Repair were all designed for beginning pc's. Pc's with a light drug history can possibly run all the Grades with benefit. It doesn't harm anyone to omit drug handling. But first thing first. It can make it hard or impossible to get stable case gains if drugs is at all an issue on the case. The right way to do it then, is to handle the effects of drugs, alcohol and medicines before you put the pc on the Grades. There are good reasons for that; because drugs make a resistive case. Other audited actions may fail and get losses if drugs are not handled first.

By drugs we mean such things as tranquilizers, opium, cocaine, crack cocaine, marijuana, peyote, amphetamine, LSD and Angel Dust. Any medical drugs are included, especially painkillers and anti-depressants. Extensive use of anti-depressants and anti-psychotics can be very harmful to a person casewise. Drugs are drugs. There are thousands of trade names and slang terms for all these drugs. 

Alcohol is included as a drug and is handled the same way in auditing. By alcohol we mean such things as whiskey beer, wine, vodka, rum, gin, etc., etc. Anything you drink which contain some percentage of alcohol.
Drugs are supposed to do wonderful things but all they really do is ruin the person. They cause memory loss, strange and irrational behavior. Drug incidents tend to go directly into the Reactive Bank. Even someone, who has been off drugs for years can still have blank periods. Ability to concentrate or to have good balance are injured.

"Drugs are supposed to do 
wonderful things but all they 
really do is ruin the person. They 
cause memory loss, strange and 
irrational behavior. Drug incidents tend 
   to go directly into the Reactive Bank."   


People, who are currently on drugs, will manifest the following symptoms in various degrees:

(a) They have blank periods.
(b) They have unrealities and delusions that remove them from present time.
(c) They are very hard to audit.

The "trips" that a drug user or addict has tend to produce stuck points on the Time Track. The person's attention gets fixated on that area. Bad "trips" tend to act like heavy incidents and Super Engrams collapsing the track at that point. Users of drugs cannot As-is, do not get Tone Arm Action and they do not experience much in terms of cognitions. 

People who have a long and regular habit of taking drugs and alcohol sometimes suffer from a "Somatic Shut-off". They appear drugged and unfeeling - sometimes expressed as "nothing troubling them".  The truth is, they take drugs or drink in order to suppress a physical condition, a loss, etc. and cannot cease to take drugs or drink for that very reason.
One can find, in such a case, a very high TA which doesn't seem to come down. The TA can be brought down by auditing the drug and alcohol incidents and Engrams.

For people, who have been on drugs in the past, the facts are:

1.  They can be a liability until the condition is handled in auditing.
2. A former drug user is a resistive case that does not make stable gains until the condition is handled.
3. Auditing is the only successful means ever developed for handling drug damage.


"A person who has been on 
drugs is a type of "Resistive 
cases", meaning she manifests 
   odd case phenomena, which   
prevents progress and 
stable gains from auditing."

A person who has been on drugs is a type of "Resistive cases", meaning he manifests odd case phenomena, which prevents progress and stable gains from auditing. Resistive cases are covered in full on ST4 Pro and the audited action known as Green Form 40 Expanded, Resistive Cases Handling.
A person who has been on drugs, alcohol or medicines seldom runs any other type of incidents well. He seldom goes backtrack well. He may have trouble with simple Recall. He is subject to somatic, emotional and perceptic shut-offs; this makes any other type of incident running difficult.

As the use of drugs has been on the rise for the last 40 years or so it presents a serious problem. Use of medical drugs, psychiatric drugs and street drugs are all up. Use of alcohol may be the same, but it was, and is, widespread in some areas.
Drug Incidents
People who have been on drugs are sometimes afraid of running incidents, especially Engrams.
In fact, it is almost a way to detect a "druggie."

 Drugs can turn on whole track
 pictures violently. These tend to overwhelm the person and make 
him feel crazy. Some pc's are 
   afraid to confront the Bank again.  

The drugs, particularly LSD and even sometimes antibiotics or other medicines to which the person has an allergy, can turn on whole track pictures violently. These tend to overwhelm the person and make him feel crazy. Some of these people are afraid to confront the Bank again.
If a person doesn't like to be run on incidents and doesn't want to be run on Engrams (such as Engram running, 1950 style, which can be given as a beginning service), it is necessary to handle the effects of drugs completely. 

Today the beginning steps of the Grade Chart is devoted to that. In this table, starting with Cleansing RD (bottom)  and going up, we have:


Grade name Release name Audited on Ability attained
Recall Drug Rundown Drug RD completion

Subjective effects of drugs, medicine, alcohol.

Released from harmful effects of drugs, medicine and alcohol
TRs and Objectives Objectives completion

TR 0-9, Objective processes

Oriented and in present time re: MEST 
Cleansing RD Cleansing RD completion

Biochemical factors

Freedom from residuals of drugs and other toxins and their restimulative effects


The Cleansing RD is not auditing but a health program done in a sauna. By taking mega-doses of vitamins and minerals, and some special ingredients, the pc is made to sweat out any residuals of drugs, medicines and toxins. 

The Cleansing RD is done in a sauna. 
   This special action is designed to rid the   
body from drugs and toxins. It uses 
mega-doses of vitamins and minerals, 
special ingredients and sweating 
in a sauna to get them out.

The Objective processes are taught on ST1. These are physical drills done under the Auditors Code and other basics of auditing. 

Objective Processes are physical 
drills done under the Auditors Code 
and other basics of auditing. Pc and 
   auditor walks around in most of them.   
They increase pc's awareness of 
the present environment.

Both the Cleansing RD and the Objective processes handle aspects of the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and medicines. The Cleansing RD handles the residuals in the body and their restimulative effects on the pc. The TRs and the Objective processes make the pc push through the non-confront and mental masses caused by drugs. Pc gets extroverted and looks past them. The Recall Drug RD addresses these masses and incidents directly related to drugs in the pc's Bank.

As it can be seen the beginning steps on the Grade Chart are devoted to handle the harmful effects of drugs, medicine and alcohol as any overuse makes a resistive case. The subject of drugs must be handled before the case will attain and hold case gain.

You are especially interested 
in Painkillers and mind altering drugs. 
   Scaling back on medical drugs needs   
to be done under doctor's orders.

Some persons have been put on some therapeutic drug by a medical doctor, such as insulin, and should possibly remain on it until well advanced into auditing. But these are not the usual drugs. It is up to the pc, the auditor and of course the doctor to decide what should be done in such cases. Tranquilizers and painkillers are not acceptable during any Grades auditing, but you can do Assists during illness and along with medical care.


Drugs and Auditing 
   don't mix. The first thing   
is thus to get the pc 
off using more drugs.

Getting Somebody Off Drugs
A person, who is currently on drugs should not receive general auditing. The best thing you can do for him and his case is to get him off this dependency. Objective Processes can be used to bring this about. But getting somebody off drugs is a delicate matter. Done right it is possible to get somebody off heavy drug use without convulsions. Part of what drugs do is burning up Vitamin B1 in the body. Part of the cure is to have the person take mega-doses of vitamins, including B1.
Drugs essentially are poisons. The amounts taken determine the effects. A small amount causes stimulation. A greater amount acts as a sedative. A large amount acts as a poison and can kill the person.
This is true of any drug, even coffee. Caffeine is a drug. 100 cups of coffee would probably kill a person. 10 cups are likely put him to sleep. 2 or 3 cups stimulates. This is a very common drug. It is not very harmful as it takes so much of it to have a dangerous effect.
Arsenic is known as a poison. A tiny amount of arsenic, however, is a stimulant; a good sized dose puts one to sleep and a few grains kill.
But there are some drugs which have another effect. They directly affect the Reactive Bank. Marijuana, peyote, morphine, heroin, etc. turn on the pictures the person is stuck in. And they turn them on too hard to audit out.
Psychiatric drugs are "designed" to make "normal people". LSD, however, was known to turn normal people into schizophrenics. These drugs are widely distributed by psychiatrists and even medical doctors. They are known as "anti-depressants" and "anti-psychotics" and are proscription drugs under many, many names and chemical compositions.
Drugs are considered valuable by addicts to the degree that they produce some "desirable effect".
But they are dangerous to those around because a person on drugs:

1. has blank periods;
2. has unrealities and delusions that remove him from present time;
3. is very hard to audit.

Thus a drug taker can be walking down the street, go into one of his blanks, think he is on Mars and walk straight into oncoming traffic.

Giving an order to a drug taker can be an odd experience as he may simply stand there and stare at you. He ARC breaks anyone with it.
It takes about six weeks apparently for mind altering drugs to wear off. After that a person can be audited. But it ruins his case to a marked degree as it builds up ridges which don't As-is well.
A drug or alcohol burns up the Vitamin B1 in the system rapidly. This increased speed of burning up B1 adds to his "happy state". But now his system is out of B1 so he becomes depressed.
To avoid convulsions lots of B1 should be taken daily when coming off drugs. It should be part of a full vitamin and mineral program as only balanced intakes are fully effective and beneficial.
If a person has come off heavy drugs you should put him on the Cleansing program. You shouldn't start him on the Recall Drug RD, or any other subjective auditing, until six weeks after he has come off. A person, who has occasionally used alcohol, is not subject to this. Wait 24 hours and you can audit him.
Also, make sure the person stays off drugs. If relapses occur you have more work on your hands. Green Form 40, Resistive Cases, and The Engram Drug RD of ST5 may be what the person really needs in order to handle his cravings and impulses more permanently.  

Drug users can be bad news to an auditor. They have been known to spread waves of chaos in attempts to handle their "disagreements" with the tech and demands special handling but all resulting in no case gain.

How painkillers Work
It has never been known to chemistry or medicine exactly how or why painkillers works. Such substances are usually the result of accidental discoveries like, such and such substance was found to depress pain in an unrelated experiment. By painkillers we mean medications as Tylenol, aspirin, tranquilizers, hypnotics, soporifics, etc., etc.

The effects of these substances are not clearly defined, results can vary widely from person to person, and they often have bad side effects.
Obviously the reason they worked was unknown. If the reason they worked were known and accepted possibly chemists and pharmacists could develop some actual painkillers which had minimal side effects.

Pains and discomforts of a psychosomatic nature come from Mental Image Pictures. These pictures are created by the thetan or living beings. They push or press against the body and impinge on the body and the nervous system.
The effects of painkillers, by clinical tests, are to:

(1) Inhibit the thetan's ability to create mental image pictures. And 
(2) block or impede the nerve channels by reducing their ability to conduct electrical impulses.

Both of these factors have a vital effect on processing.

Painkillers and drugs 
   inhibit the thetan's ability to   
create pictures and block 
the nerve channels - 
that is how they work.

If you audit somebody who has lately been on drugs, including headache pills, you will not be able to run out the incidents and Engram Chains properly because they are not being fully created.
If you audit somebody immediately after taking a Tylenol, for instance, you probably will not be able to find or assess the somatics that need to be run out to handle the condition. After taking the painkiller or drug the mental image pictures may not be fully available for several days.
In the case of chronic drug use, the drugs must have worn off completely and be out of the system and the incidents and Engrams of drug taking must be run out. If this is not done, auditing would be handling incidents and Chains that aren't being fully created by the thetan. 
We run into four things:

1. The TA may be high and will not come down. One gets EP's with TA 4.0. Auditing errors become easy to make. The Bank is jammed. Auditing under these conditions is difficult.
2. The thetan is made stupid, blank, forgetful, delusive, irresponsible. A thetan becomes unfeeling, insensitive, sort of "wooden". He becomes unable and definitely not trustworthy.
3. Eventually pictures (and somatics) turn on much harder. The ability to create pictures returns when the drugs starts to wear off. The usual answer the person has, is to take more drugs. They are addicted. They want to get rid of the somatics and unwanted sensations again. 

4. There is a dramatization of the Engram content from earlier drug taking. This results in the impulse to repeat the action. This is a vicious cycle. The person becomes more and more wooden, demands bigger quantities to overcome it and prone to more frequent use.

Sexual behavior can often be seen to be very stimulated by drugs at first. This is the impulse to "procreate before death" - after all drugs are a poisons. But the sexual stimulation becomes harder and harder to get. The effort to achieve it becomes obsessive, but less and less satisfying.
The cycle of drug restimulation of pictures (or creation in general) can be at first to increase creation and then eventually to inhibit it totally. Thus you see artists getting hooked on it as it "helped" at first.
Tests and experiments tend to prove that the majority of pain and discomfort does come from mental image pictures and that these are immediately created.
As-ising of a mental image pictures by processing removes the compulsion to create it.
Drugs chemically inhibit the creation but inhibit as well the As-ising. When the drug has worn off, the picture attempted to be audited while it was in force, can return.
The Tone Arm under drugs or on a drug case can go very high-TA 4.0 TA 5.0. It can also be in normal range but remain unresponsive.


Type Wear-off Time
Alcohol 24 hours
1 week
Street Drugs 6 weeks
Mind Altering
6 weeks

Accepting a Pc
Any habitual drug taker, applying for auditing while still on drugs, should be given a six weeks "drying out" period. Then drugs must be run out as an early auditing action.
A person who has taken painkillers or other drugs within the past 24 hours or the past week, should be given a week to "dry out" before auditing of any kind is given.

It is not fatal to audit over drugs. It is just difficult. The results may not be lasting and may need to be verified later.
Chronic drug users, who have not had drugs specifically handled, may go back to drugs after auditing. You have to handle what made them take drugs in the first place and this is made difficult by the effects of drugs. Drugs is thus a serious problem to auditing.
It can be handled. But when aspirin and Tylenol, those innocent seeming painkillers, can produce serious problems to auditing if not detected, the subject needs close attention.
Auditors should ask any pc, "Have you been taking any drugs or painkillers?"
Doctors should demand better drugs to handle pain and without such side effects.

The Cal-Mag Formula
The Cal-Mag Formula is designed as a natural "Painkiller" without side effects. It can be bought in many health food stores under different commercial names. The actual formula was released by R. Hubbard in 1973 and is also part of the Cleansing RD, mentioned above. Here is the original formula. The ingredients can be bought in health food stores:

1. Put 1 level tablespoon of calcium gluconate in a normal sized drinking glass.
2. Add 1 / 2 level teaspoon of magnesium carbonate.
3. Add 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar (at least 5 percent acidity).
4. Stir it well.
5. Add 1 / 2 glass of boiling water and stir until all the powder is dissolved and the liquid
is clear. (If this doesn't occur it could be from poor grade or old magnesium carbonate.)
6. Fill the remainder of the glass with lukewarm or cold water and cover.
The solution will stay good for two days.



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