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Rehab of Releases
("Rehab Tech")
The processes in ST lead to different states of release. Release is a state of higher ability and well being. These states of beingness are not necessary permanent. If a process is continued past a point of release such a state can cease. There is a whole lot to know about states of beingness, their obtainment and - as in this chapter - how you rehabilitate these high points if they get lost.
In ST the term 'Rehabilitate' (Rehab) means:
Restore a state of release previously attained by a pc.
'Release' as a technical term means: That Which occurs when a person separates from his Reactive Mind or some part of it or when he separates from some mass.
'Rehab' means: 1) to perform a Rehabilitation process or 2) the procedures themselves.
Three Types
There are three types of Rehab procedures in ST. They
are used for different purposes and situations and require different levels of
skill. They are called:
A) Rehab by Buttons
B) Rehab by Counting
C) Rehab by Date/Locating
(A) and (B) are covered in detail later in this chapter.
(C) is covered on Level 4 Pro.
Theory of Rehabbing
The processes of ST can be classified in two main groups:
1. Processes, that direct the pc's attention to mental masses in his Bank, to enable him to separate himself out from them.
2. Processes, that are aimed at the pc in order to increase his abilities.
Both (1) and (2) lead to release.
Both these approaches, (1) addressing the Bank and (2) addressing the pc, are necessary to get a pc all the way up to Clear and above (Operating Thetan).
You can separate the thetan from a mass; that is a release.
You can also (as in Engram Clearing, Grade 5) erase an
incident or mass. That means the mental image pictures or mass is permanently As-is'ed and gone. That is different from release.
Auditing for release is to get the thetan to spot something in his Bank and
thus create distance and separation. That is a release. The pc can get rid of
'blocks' or inabilities stemming from the mind and go release on the subject
A person will go release many, many times during his auditing. The expanded Grades 0-4 consists thus of about 800 processes; each designed to produce a release. To go release on a Grade, the pc will run dozens of processes adding up to full ability attained for that Grade.
The Grade Chart is a map of the Grades in the sequence they are run and listing the abilities attained. One Grade has to be completed, before the pc can go on to the next one. A Grade is completed by running as many processes as needed to obtain that ability. When the pc has honestly obtained that ability, he is said to be released on that Grade.
Releases in Life
Strangely enough, the idea of release applies to life as
well. If a person is in prison and then let out, this may come up as a former
release. This is valid. It even complies with the definition of 'Release' as separating
from some mass. He was let out of this mass and experienced a release.
You wouldn't necessarily ask for points like that, but if the pc brings them up you would accept them and handle them as release points.
The auditor must of course understand, that such a release point wasn't brought about through auditing. It wouldn't be a valid release point for a Grade or process either (running the incident could of course be the release point in auditing).
What we mean by this is that being in jail may have been a problem to the pc. Getting out of jail does not make him a problems release. Releases in life are releases in life and not process or Grade releases.
A pc can go release on all kinds of subjects. The subjects listed on the Grade Chart are however the exact subjects a pc must be released on to make it up the Grades and levels. They are carefully researched and arranged.
When a being considers that something has gone on too long or happened too often we call it overrun.
The thetan starts to protest it and tries to stop it. This postulate tends to make things more solid and build up mass in his mind. People who are all obsessed about stopping things in life can be seen as being solid and massy.
In auditing overrun means the pc went out of his Bank, but then he went back into it.
If a pc was run on a process "From where could you communicate to a cat?" and went release on it, but then the auditor just continued, the pc would go back into his Bank. That would end and wreck his state of release. The auditor should have seen the F/N VGI's, indicated it and gone on to something else.
An overrun in processing can also mean that the auditor went past a major point where an ability for a Grade was regained. On a Grade zero pc, pc felt great about communication and ability regained. Auditor pushed on 'to finish the processes'. By pushing on past 'Ability regained', pc's ability got invalidated. The pc's attention would go back on his case and the person would feel massy and keyed in again.
If an overrun happens on some activity in life, the person will begin to have protests and upsets pile up on the subject. His attention will stick on it. Mass will build up.
Overruns, whether it happened in auditing or life, can be rehabbed using the techniques of rehabbing.
Comparable Magnitude
To evaluate a datum you need something to compare it
with. This is expressed by R. Hubbard in Logic 8, in 'Book of Basics 0-8' this
"A datum can be evaluated only by a datum of comparable Magnitude."
This is applied in rehabbing this way: The auditor gets the pc to compare the state where he was in the mass to the state, where he had moved out of the mass. When the pc does this, he will move out of the mass once more.
It could further be described as follows: When a pc has been overrun, he will try to stop the mass or thing he now has gone back into. We have two opposites in close proximity. We have the 'Plus', meaning the time the mass was present. We have the 'Minus', the time the mass wasn't present. These two times and opposites tend to hang up on each other.
So you have this plus-minus pair. When you get the pc to clearly spot the 'Minus' side, the 'Plus' side goes 'Poof'.
When the pc's attention is directed to the exact point when he was released from the mass, he will cease to try to stop the mass and it will disappear. The release state has been rehabilitated. The theory is simple, and in practice very effective.
Educating the Pc
As mentioned above, there are three different procedures of Rehab. Regardless of which one is used, the first step is to educate the pc.
1. You need to clear the terms below, and have pc do demo's to ensure he understands it.
A. Release: (1) A person who has been able to go out of his Bank. The Bank is still there but the person isn't stuck in it with all its somatics and depressions. (2) When the pc disconnects from the mass in his Bank, it is a Release. When this happens, the pc disconnects from the Bank to a greater or lesser degree. (3) A person who has become free of a difficulty or personal "block" stemming from the mind. (4) When you take a thetan out of a mass, that is a Release.
B. Rehabilitate: to restore to a former capacity or condition. In auditing, it means to do a procedure which result in regaining a state of release. Abbreviated "Rehab."
C. Key-in: the action of some part of the Reactive Mind moving in on the person. Key-in can happen when the circumstances are similar to some part of the Reactive Mind. Since the Reactive Mind operates on the basis of A=A=A, the present time environment becomes identified with the contents of a particular portion of the Bank. It gets activated and influences the person negatively in a greater or lesser degree. Key-in happens to awake individuals, but especially when tired or distressed.
D. Key-out: the action of the Reactive Mind or some portion of it dropping out of restimulation.
E. Grade: a series of processes leading up to an exact ability attained. Auditing processes result in a release. The auditing processes of a Grade, when done, result in the pc attaining the specific ability of that Grade.
2. Clear "Overrun". Use the section "Overrun" above. Have the pc demo 'Overrun' in relation to auditing and life.
3. Clear with the pc the theory on which rehabbing is based (under "Theory of Rehabbing" in this chapter). Have him demo it (using a demo kit) as needed to ensure he's got it.
4. Clear the simple mechanics of rehabbing (spotting the release connected with a mass). Use, "Comparable Magnitude" in this chapter; have pc demonstrate with demo kit.
5. Go over with the pc each step of the rehab method to be used (Rehab by Buttons or Rehab by Counting or Date/Locate, if needed). Clear any words regarding these procedures, which have not previously been cleared in the pc's auditing. Use a demo kit as needed.
6. Cover Meter dating with the pc so he understands its purpose and how it is done. Use Meter Drill 22 to explain it. Ensure the pc understands you don't want him dependent on the Meter but that you will help him, using the Meter, if necessary.
Finally clear up any questions, misunderstoods or confusions the pc may have about it all before you start on the procedure. You should ensure, the pc's ruds are not out before starting. But realize if the overrun just occurred the 'out rud' is most likely the overrun itself. (Ref: Auditors Rights).
Rehab Procedures
Rehab by Buttons
I. Find out what needs to be rehabbed. It may be a release on a process, some other type of former release, or the ability of a Grade attained by the pc.
A. When rehab of a process, use the question:
"Were you released on (process)?"
a. Clear the question itself with the pc first, without the name of the actual process.
b. Now, check the question (including the process) on the Meter.
c. If no read on the question, check 'Suppress' and 'Invalidate' buttons.
d. If the pc says he was released but no read on the question, check 'Suppress' and 'Invalidate' buttons. If pc is assertive or protesty about having been released, check 'Asserted' and 'Protest' as buttons. A read on any of the buttons is a valid read and you can go ahead.
B. Rehabbing Grades: Using Rehab by Buttons to rehab Grades is covered below under "Rehabbing Grades" in this chapter.
C. Rehabbing Former Releases: Using Rehab by Buttons to rehab former releases is covered below under "Rehabbing Former Releases" in this chapter.
II. When it has been established that the pc was released on the process or that the ability gained for a Grade was attained, auditor goes ahead and finds out when this occurred per step1 below. Then he does the rest of the rehab steps:
1. Loosely locate the session or time in which it occurred. (Note: This may have to be Meter dated, if the pc is unable to locate when it happened. For this reason, the auditor doing rehabs must be good at Meter Drill 22, " Hidden Date, This Life."
You simply want to determine 'When'. The pc may give you the year, month and day of the release, he may describe it by circumstances ("The moment I thought to myself, ‘That's why I crashed the car!'"), or he may spot when it happened by location ("It occurred when I was in session for the first time with John").
NOTE: The indicators which tell you that the release is rehabilitated are an F/N on the Meter and VGI's on the pc. If this occurs on any step of the rehab procedure, simply indicate the F/N and end off the action.
2. Get in Suppress and Invalidate buttons on the session or time.
("At that time/session, was anything suppresses/invalidated?")3. Get in "Unacknowledged" or "What was unacknowledged."
4. Indicate anything found to the pc as By-passed Charge.
("There was charge bypassed on____")5. Find the key-in that was keyed out in that time or session. (The person went release because something keyed out in that time or session.)
("What keyed out at that time/session?")6. When this is found and spotted by the pc, the pc will recover the release and the process or Grade will be rehabilitated.
7. If this does not happen, find out what keyed in (at some point after the release) that ended the release state and get it loosely located as in step l.
("What keyed back in to end that release?")8. Repeat steps 2 to 6 on it.
9. Conditional: If the release still has not rehabbed after doing the above, have the pc itsa alternately the point of key-out when the pc released and the point of key-in afterwards, one after the other. (Use the Meter to guide the pc, if necessary, by asking "What's that?" when you see a fall on the needle.) This isn't an alternate/repetitive question. But use, "What was keyed out then?"/"What was keyed in then?" and any similar wording, one after the other, as itsa invitations until the release is regained and pc is F/N, VGI's.
Checking for EP's
If the auditor needs to check if the pc has reached the EP of a process, you would ask "Did anything occur?". You could suspect it had happened in session, of course. But it could also be after a session, where pc suddenly cognited on the subject.
You should never ask leading questions or try to feed EP's to the pc. Simply check if "anything occurred"; if 'Yes' and no EP yet, you would use 'Rehab by Buttons' to clean it up.
Rehab by Counting
1. Find out if there is something to be rehabbed. (Naturally, you can't rehab a release if there isn't one. Don't try to 'rehab' a process if the pc wasn't run on it.)
The question would vary depending on the situation being rehabbed.
a. If it looks as though a process has been overrun in session (per Auditors Rights), you could ask, "Have we bypassed a release point on this process?"
b. For rehabbing releases on drugs on the Drug Rundown, one would check, "Did you go release on (drug in question)?"
2. If there is a release, the question should read. If no read, check Suppress and Invalidate. There must be a valid read (on checking, buttons or on the pc's origination that there is a release there), before proceeding with the rehab.
3. If no read, but the pc says he was released, check if the release has been Suppressed or Invalidated. If the pc is asserting release or being protesty about it, check 'Asserted' and 'Protest' as buttons.
("On (question) has anything been (button)?"4. Sometimes the pc will F/N simply on spotting he was released. This can be quite common especially when the pc's ruds are in and the auditor's TRs are smooth. An F/N with good indicators tells you that the rehab is complete and the mass has keyed out and the state has been rehabilitated.
5. If no F/N on spotting a release, ask the pc "how many times did you go release?". Get him to count the number of times and when he gets it he will F/N.
6. Sometimes the pc can't get the number and the auditor can then use the Meter to count how many times and get it that way. He can ask the pc if he has some idea of the approximate number of times and then use "More than ?"/"Less than ?" He uses the tech of E-Meter Drill 22 to establish the general range. He would then count to the pc. ("Were you released on ( ) 10 times? 11? 12?" etc.) The correct number of times will read and, when indicated, will F/N.
Rehab by Counting is a simple procedure but it can get messed up by an uncertain attitude on the part of the auditor or by rough auditor TRs, so be sure you are confident and well drilled.
Going from Rehab by Count to Rehab by Buttons
It can happen, even with the rudiments in, that Rehab by Counting doesn't go to F/N. In that case the auditor can bridge over to a Rehab by Buttons. The Rehab by Buttons will find the By-passed Charge and get it out of the way and thus open the door.
If pc on Rehab by Count said, he was released several times, the auditor would first have to establish "What release point was most real to you?" or "On which one did you have the biggest win?", etc. Having established that the auditor can now go ahead and do the Rehab by Buttons procedure on that point.
Note on Rehab by Date/Locating
The Date/Locate procedure is covered elsewhere in detail.
It is based on the general theory of rehab as explained
earlier here.
Advice on Special Uses
There are some finer points, that should be known
concerning rehab procedures and specialized uses:
Rehabbing Grades
When rehabbing a Grade 0-4, it is important not to simply F/N
too broad a question but to look for specifics. First of all, the pc has to have
received the auditing on the Grade. To ask "Did anything occur?" or,
"Did you go release on Grade__?" would be incorrect. Something would
have occurred, and some releases did happen.
What you want to know is, if the pc achieved the ability available on each of the four flows for the Grade. These are stated on the Grade Chart under 'Ability Attained'.
On Grade 0 that would be for Flow One: "Are you willing for others to communicate to you on any subject?". He should no longer resist communication from others on unpleasant or unwanted subjects. If this can be established and rehabbed, he made it on Flow 1 on Grade 0.
The auditor would check each flow of a Grade this way (Ability Attained). If the pc says he didn't achieve that or if he reads on the Meter as being unable to do that, he is not complete on the Grade. His folder would have to be reviewed, at least back to the beginning of that Grade and any errors found cleaned up and corrected. Incomplete processes should be completed. More processes for the Grade can be run until the pc has fully attained the ability.
You do not rehab some life experience as a Grades 0-4 EP's. The ability attained is reached by auditing the processes on the Grade. Ensure the pc gets the gains available for real by auditing the actual processes. Here are the steps for a Grades 0-4 rehab:
1. Study the folder to make sure the pc has run the processes of the Grade on all flows. There should be some evidence in the folder that the pc has attained the Grade (cognitions, statements, etc.) He should have run enough processes for this to be evident.
2. Show the pc, while he is on the Meter, the written statement of the ability gained for Flow 1 of the Grade, and have him read it.
3. Then check with the pc as to whether he has attained (or "can do") the ability for that flow of the Grade.
4. If he has attained it, rehab it by Rehab by Buttons.
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on the ability gained for each of the other flows (Flows 2, 3 and 0) of the Grade.
6. If the pc has attained the ability on each flow of the Grade, he is a valid Release on that Grade.
7. If the pc doesn't have the ability gained for one or
more of the flows of the Grade, he doesn't have the abilities of the Grade.
The processes (and the flows) he ran on it would have to be studied and any
errors found. They would have to be corrected and any unflat process completed.
Also, any missed processes for that Grade would need to be run until the pc
really had the ability gained for each flow of the Grade.
Rehabbing Former Releases
Rehabbing former releases is not limited to a specific Grade or process. You are looking for high moments and earlier wins. Rehabbing
those can sometimes unstick pc's that seems to be doing poorly, but folder study
has made it probable that pc is hung up in earlier release points. This can be
releases in life as well. When a release point is located, it is rehabbed by
Rehab by Buttons. Here are the exact steps:
1. Make sure the pc's ruds are in and that he has been educated through the steps 1-6 of "Educating the Pc."
2. Have the pc demo the idea of former releases as it applies to auditing and to life as well until he's got it.
3. R-factor the pc that you are going to rehab any former releases he may have had.
4. Clear the question: "Have you been released earlier?" Then check the question.
5. If you get a read on clearing or checking the question, find out what the release was on.
a. If no read on the question when cleared or checked, check the 'Suppress' and 'Invalidate' buttons.
b. If pc says he was released earlier but no valid read on the question, check 'Suppress' and 'Invalidate'. If the pc is assertive or protesty about having been released, check 'Asserted' and 'Protest' buttons.
6. When it has been determined that the pc has been released earlier, auditor then goes ahead with step 1 of Rehab by Buttons until one gets an F/N and rehabilitation of the former release.
7. Auditor then checks for any other former releases by checking, "Is there another time you were released earlier?" and handles per steps 5 and 6 above.
8. Repeat step 7 as long as the pc has former releases to rehab.
9. Conditional: If on steps 5a or 5b the Meter doesn't read or ceases reading even after Suppress, Invalidate, Asserted and/or Protest are checked, or if an ARC break needle turns on while doing the rehabs, one checks for and handles any ARC breaks which may be present in the session or connected with the thing you are trying to rehab.
After handling any ARC breaks, recheck for former releases and handle until the auditor, pc and Meter are in agreement that any former releases have been rehabbed and that there are no ARC breaks preventing any former release from reading. It may be necessary to also check and handle the other rudiments (PTP and Missed Withholds) to ensure there is nothing preventing any former release from reading.
10. Conditional: If the pc has a big win in rehabbing former releases, one would let him have his win and end the session. When sessions are resumed, one would then check for and handle any remaining former releases.
When all the pc's former releases have been rehabbed, the action is complete.
Avoid Meter Dependence
The auditor only uses the Meter when the pc seems unable
to come up with the needed data. In asking "Number of times released?"
you would work the question over with the pc and only if you hit an impasse would
the auditor use the Meter to find the number. The general direction of auditing
is to seek to increase pc's certainty on his data.
Hang Ups
There are three main reasons why a
release rehab on a subject or action might hang up:
1. Out-ruds
2. The pc was never released on it in the first place
3. There is something earlier on the track which was similar to it. (For example, in rehabbing a drug, the pc may have been released on a similar drug back on the track.)
Re (1), Out-ruds: When a rehab is not going to an F/N, you will usually find that it is being done over an out-rudiment situation. It can be (a) an out-rudiment on the subject of the rehab or (b) an out-rudiment in the rehab session itself.
While doing a rehab, auditor should watch the pc for good indicators and make sure they remain in because he could get an ARC break needle instead of a real F/N. A real F/N would have GI's or VGI's. If you have bad indicators with an ARC break needle, just put in the ruds on the subject.
EXAMPLE: The auditor is rehabbing releases in the taking of ether and it won't F/N. The auditor could ask, "In the taking of ether was there any ARC break?" One can put in the ARC break, Problem and Missed Withhold ruds, if they are reading.
The out-ruds might have occurred before the point of release, and this can be checked for as well.
The actual mechanism which you're using is: If it won't rehab and the F/N is an ARC break needle, then there's trouble in the area somewhere. Just put in the ruds on the subject.
If there is roughness in the rehab session, an ARC break needle could occur. If so, get the ruds in on the session and complete the rehab.
Re (2). The pc was never released on it in the first place: A release rehab on a subject or action might hang up because the person never did go release on it. In other words, the F/N does not rehab because it did not happen in the first place. If it is a process or Grade, the handling would be to run it to EP.
Re (3). Earlier-similar: Sooner or later you are going to find someone who won't release during a rehab on a specific subject or action. The overrun is so overrun that the releases are no longer available.
You can put in the ruds in connection with that subject or action (or the session if that is needed). But if it just won't rehab at all, there is still a way you can handle it: Ask the pc if there was anything earlier on the track that was similar to the subject or action.
Auditor: "Well, did you take anything earlier on the track that was similar to sniffing gasoline?"
Pc: "Oh, yes, yes. We used to sniff kerosene a long time ago, I just remembered. Yes." (F/N).
Auditor: "Thank you. Your needle is floating."
Rehabs are actually simple to do, when both pc and auditor understands what is being done and auditor's TRs and metering are in.
What you do is destimulation, not restimulation. Thus a light touch and no forcing the pc is the right approach.
The way for the auditor to learn to do it right is to study and drill it thoroughly.
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