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The Axioms and Auditing

Auditing and Standard Clearing Technology are based on a number of Axioms formulated by R. Hubbard. They are called "The Axioms of Scn".

"What are axioms, be it in Scn or in physics? They are laws, principles and agreements so fundamental that they cannot be argued about. They can neither be proven nor disproven. All logical deductions start from there. If one could think "further down" than them, they wouldn't be axioms.
"The Scn Axioms  were issued in 1954. They cover the spectrum  of life and the spirit (thetan) and their relationship. They emphasize the viewpoint of the thetan.  All auditing processes and methods of ST and Scn go straight back to the Axioms. Anything not aligned with the Axioms won't work.
"This is not only true for Scn techniques but as well for any other technique addressing the spirit, be it meditation, psychotherapy or the rites of medicine men. This is quite a claim, I know. But it's true. At least I found it so."

L. Kin


The Axioms are the basic laws and principles that the technology builds upon. As basic truths and principles, they belong to mankind. 

They are definite, precise laws, which Life follows in the material universe. So, the Axioms of Scn are the rules of life that we all live by, the rules that we as part of life play by. We may be doing so knowingly or unknowingly.

They need to be studied and understood very well by the student auditor. Below we quote them from Filbert's Excalibur Revisited (1982). The comments are by the present author. The comments concentrate upon auditing.

Although they have wide applications in all parts of life, we will here focus only on how they apply to auditing. The Axioms themselves are in Bold. The author's comments are in Italics.
(link to original publisher's website with the Axioms)


Axiom 1 Life is basically a static.

Definition: a Life Static has no mass, no motion, no wavelength, no location in space or in time. It has the ability to postulate and to perceive.

Comments: Here we have the thetan himself. The preclear. He is not a physical thing or a brain, but a spirit who in his purest form has no physical qualities or measurable quantities. He is the 'unseen cause of things' and the recorder of things.

Axiom 2 The Static is capable of considerations, postulates and opinions.

Comments: But he does have abilities. The static, spirit, thetan (or pc) - it's the same thing -  is capable of considerations, postulates and opinions.  Auditing and processing works with these ideas etc. and seek to inspect non-optimum ideas and considerations.

(Advanced students: see also how this is used in a simple way in this process, ST0)

Axiom 3 Space, energy, objects, form and time are the results of considerations made and/or agreed upon or not by the static and are perceived solely because the static considers that it can perceive them.

Comments: It may take some time before you realize the full meaning on this. It's basically "Mind over Matter". As far as the mind and auditing are concerned it will soon become evident to you that there are such things as mental mass, space, energy, objects, form, and time and that the pc can be made to control them. They are a result of his considerations and agreements.

(Advanced students: This is used in a simple way in this process, ST0)

Axiom 4 - Space is a viewpoint of dimension.

Comments: You can't experience space unless you look. Basically this Axiom says, that somebody (or many) looking is how space is created. When the pc is looking in his mind he is to some degree creating (or recreating) mental space right then and there. He is also creating distance to the content and is thus less effect of it.

(Advanced students: This is used in a simple way in Objective processes, ST1)

Axiom 5 - Energy consists of postulated particles in space.

Comments: Energy is basically a postulated thing. It's caused by thought or theta. The mind is full of these particles of energy in mental space. The pc inspects them in processing.

(Advanced students: see also how this relates to the Meter, ST0)

Axiom 6 - Objects consist of grouped particles and solids.

Axiom 5 and 6 acknowledge Einstein's theory of the connection between energy (postulated particles) and solid material (grouped particles). From an auditor's perspective, the solids in the Bank (mental mass) can be transformed to energy (charge) and be discharged by auditing. This can be seen on the Meter as an electrical type of discharge. Solid mental matter does not cause a reaction on a Meter. When transformed to mental energy it does. A gradient approach of transforming mass into energy and then discharging it is thus being used.

(Advanced students: see also the short paragraph on Charge here.)

Axiom 7 - Time is basically a postulate that space and particles will persist.

Comments: It is important that an auditor pay great attention to the time phenomena. You usually want to undo unwanted persistence of particles in the mind. Finding out 'when' and 'for how long' something took place, will de-solidify the particles and mental mass connected with it.

Axiom 8 - The apparency of time is the change of position of particles in space.

Comments: This is how you experience time. Whether it is traffic, the sun moving on the sky...or other changes, like your body changing with age.

Axiom 9 - Change is the primary manifestation of time.

(...or other changes, like your body changing with age.)

Axiom 10- The highest purpose in this universe is the creation of an effect.

Comments: This is expressed in people that want to become famous or infamous. You want to make an impression - good or bad - in all endeavors of life. That is how we reassure ourselves about our existence. The French philosopher, Rene Descartes said "I think - thus I am"; Axiom 10 says, "I can create an effect - thus I am".

Axiom 11- The considerations resulting in conditions of existence are four-fold.
(a) AS-IS-NESS is the condition of immediate creation without persistence, and is the condition of existence which exists at the moment of creation and the moment of destruction, and is different from other considerations in that it does not contain survival.
(b) ALTER-IS-NESS is the consideration which introduces change and therefore, time and persistence into an AS-IS NESS to obtain persistency.
(c) IS-NESS is an apparency of existence brought about by the continuous alteration of an AS-IS-NESS. This is called, when agreed upon, Reality.
(d) NOT-IS-NESS is the effort to handle IS-NESS by reducing its condition through the use of force. It is an apparency and cannot entirely vanquish an IS-NESS.

Comments: This Axiom about the four conditions of existence is extremely important to understand well as an auditor. What's wrong with your pc is usually found to be a 'Not-is-ness'. He is desperately fighting an unwanted condition, but fighting it does not seem to help it or make it go away. Maybe he can fool himself for a while, but then it's back again suddenly!
In auditing you are trying to bring about As-is-ness. By finding and 'recreating' the moment of original creation of an unwanted condition it will be permanently 'destroyed'. It will go 'poof', usually accompanied by a cognition by the pc. The As-is-ness is brought about by finding the exact point in time at which the pc brought into being the original idea or postulate, and having the pc view the idea or postulate in that original moment of creating it.

Axiom 12- The primary condition of any universe is that two spaces, energies, or objects must not occupy the same space. When this condition is violated (perfect duplicate) the apparency of any universe or any part thereof is nulled.

Comments: As an auditor you are trying to make the pc make a perfect duplicate of the unwanted condition in his own universe (his universe of mind and thought). When the pc does that, that unwanted part will be nullified (see also Axiom 20).

Axiom 13- The cycle of action of the physical universe is: create, survive (persist), destroy.

Comments: The idea of the cycle of action is important to auditing. It applies in two different ways. Each process can be seen as an orderly cycle of action. A whole Grade is a bigger cycle of action.
What you accomplish in auditing can however be understood as a reversal of an action cycle. In troubled areas, the pc will be on some kind of destructive course. By auditing you reverse this cycle and take it back to its moment of 'create'. The pc can As-is it and thus undo his troubles.

Axiom 14- Survival is accomplished by ALTER-IS-NESS and NOT-IS-NESS, by which is gained the persistency known as time.

Comments: Here we see how time and persistence are closely connected concepts. By handling time for the pc, his Bank becomes less solid.

Axiom 15- Creation is accomplished by the postulation of an AS-IS NESS.

Axiom 16- Complete destruction is accomplished by the postulation of the AS-IS-NESS of any existence and the parts thereof.

Axiom 17- The static, having postulated AS-IS-NESS, then practices ALTER- IS-NESS, and so achieves the apparency of IS-NESS and so obtains Reality.

Comments: Reality is usually something we are comfortable with. Auditing will prove that a reality is less solid than generally considered, however. You are interested in eradicating undesired realities in auditing. An existing condition, the Axiom says, is an Alter-isness. By going earlier in time, we can find the As-isness. This is one of the Axioms behind why going earlier similar works, as in handling the rudiments (see also Axiom 11 and 37, 41).

Axiom 18- The static, in practicing NOT-IS-NESS, brings about the persistence of unwanted existence's, and so brings about unreality, which includes forgetfulness, unconsciousness and other undesirable states.

Comments: As a condition continues it is prone to become worse. This Axiom tells the auditor to pay special interest to forgetfulness and unconsciousness in the pc regarding his past.

Axiom 19- Bringing the static to view AS-IS of any condition devaluates that condition.

This reminds the auditor to look for As-is-ness and have his pc look for it as well.

Axiom 20- Bringing the static to create a perfect duplicate causes the vanishment of any existence or part thereof. A perfect duplicate is an additional creation of the object, its energy and space, in its own space, in its own time, using its own energy. This violates the condition that two objects must not occupy the same space, and causes a vanishment of the object.

Comments: This is what happens in the mind, when a process is complete. The process was designed to attack a certain condition. Keep going and you will eventually get there (see also Axiom 12).

(Advanced students: see also how this applies to Engram running and erasure)

Axiom 21- Understanding is composed of affinity, reality, and communication. (Abbreviated to ARC.)

Comments: The anatomy of understanding. This is very useful in all walks of life. Since auditing is designed to increase the pc's understanding it also has many uses in session.

Axiom 22- The practice of NOT-IS-NESS reduces understanding.

Comments: This is what you are up against.

Axiom 23- The static has the capability of total knowingness. Total knowingness would consist of total ARC.

Comments: There is a lot of potential improvement available to a pc.

Axiom 24- Total ARC would bring about the vanishment of all mechanical conditions of existence.

Comments: You may not see this any time soon, but it is a statement of how powerful the thetan basically is. It is this power you work with and gradually release in your pc.

Axiom 25- Affinity is a scale of attitudes which falls away from the co-existence of static, through the interpositions of distance and energy, to create identity, down to close proximity but mystery. By practice of IS-NESS (Beingness) and NOT-IS NESS (refusal to Be) individuation progresses from the Knowingness of complete identification down through the introduction of more and more distance and less and less duplication, through Lookingness, Emotingness, Effortingness, Thinkingness, Symbolizingness, Eatingness, Sexingness and so through to Not-Knowingness (Mystery). Until the point of Mystery is reached, some communication is possible, but even at Mystery an attempt to communicate continues. Here we have, in the case of an individual, a gradual falling away from the belief that one can assume a complete Affinity down to the conviction that all is a complete Mystery. Any individual is somewhere on this Know to-Mystery scale. The original Chart of Human Evaluation was the Emotion section of this scale.

Comments: Scales play an important role in ST. It helps the auditor determine the immediate condition of his pc. It also helps him determine what to expect as a person goes up or down a scale step by step. They have a wide application in predicting human behavior in life as well as in session.

Axiom 26- Reality is the agreed-upon apparency of existence.

Comments: This is one of the 3 parts (ARC) of understanding. You establish reality by establishing agreement. You undo reality by undoing agreements. Reality is the agreed upon 'order of things'.

Axiom 27- An actuality can exist for one individually, but when it is agreed with by others it can then be said to be a Reality. The anatomy of Reality is contained in IS-NESS, which is composed of AS-IS-NESS and ALTER-IS-NESS. IS-NESS is an apparency, it is not an Actuality. The Actuality is AS-IS-NESS altered so as to obtain a persistency. Unreality is the consequence and apparency of the practice of NOT-IS-NESS.

Comments: Tells you more about the anatomy of reality and how to change an unwanted reality.

Axiom 28- Communication is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source-point across a distance to receipt-point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt-point a duplication and understanding of that which emanated from the source-point.
The formula of Communication is: Cause, Distance, Effect, with Intention and Attention and Duplication with understanding.

The component parts of Communication are:
Consideration, Intention, Attention, Cause, Source-point, Distance, Effect, Receipt-point, Duplication, Understanding, the Velocity of the impulse or particle, Nothingness or Somethingness. A non-communication consists of Barriers. Barriers consist of Space, Interpositions (such as walls and screens of fast- moving particles), and Time.

A communication, by definition, does not need to be two-way. When a communication is returned, the formula is repeated, with the receipt-point now becoming a source-point and the former source-point now becoming a receipt-point.

Comments: This Axiom is extremely important to auditing. As we will see in Axiom 51, communication is what makes auditing work. Here we have a detailed account of all the parts that communication consists of. This is what you will drill over and over again to achieve perfection as an auditor (see also chapter  'Axiom 28 taken Apart').

Axiom 29- In order to cause an AS-IS-NESS to persist, one must assign other authorship to the creation than his own. Otherwise his view of it would cause its vanishment. Any space, energy, form, object, individual or physical universe condition can exist only when an alteration has occurred of the original AS IS-NESS so as to prevent a casual view from vanishing it. In other words, anything which is persisting must contain a lie so that the original consideration is not completely duplicated.

Comments: Some things you want to keep. Some things you want to get rid of. When you find the 'lies' in an area, any difficulties there will start to resolve. It's like the old saying: The truth will set you free!

Axiom 30- The general rule of auditing is that anything which is unwanted and yet persists must be thoroughly viewed, at which time it will vanish. If only partially viewed, its intensity, at least, will decrease.

Comments: In Engram running you can reduce an incident, meaning make it less solid or emotionally intense. You can also erase an incident. That is a total As-isness of any mental mest connected with it. (This is part of ST5 - Engram Clearing).

Axiom 31- Goodness and Badness, Beautifulness and Ugliness, are alike considerations and have no other basis than opinion.

Comments: Many people or a whole culture can have the same opinion. But don't be surprised if you meet another culture with totally different values.

Axiom 32- Anything which is not directly observed tends to persist.

Comments: This is true for the Reactive Mind. It is the collection of incidents not directly observed. It also has more general application in society, for example.

(Advanced students: see also the chapter on Confronting)

Axiom 33- Any AS-IS-NESS which is altered by NOT-IS-NESS (by force) tends to persist.

Comments: This is in part the explanation for the Auditors Code. A positive, high - ARC atmosphere helps the pc As-is things in session. Invalidation, on the other hand, shuts down the process of As-ising.

Axiom 34- Any IS-NESS, when altered by force, tends to persist.

Comments: This principle of 'persistence' also applies to is-ness. This also describes 'invalidation' in the Auditors Code.

Axiom 35- The ultimate truth is a static. A static has no mass, meaning, mobility, no wave-length, no time, no location in space, no space. This has the technical name of "Basic Truth".

Comments: You might say, the 'basic truth' is not of this universe. But it exists outside it. Also, the pc has the answers he KNOWS. Auditing is designed to rehabilitate this state in part or in full.

Axiom 36- A lie is a second postulate, statement or condition designed to mask a primary postulate which is permitted to remain. Examples: Neither truth nor a lie is a motion or alteration of a particle from one position to another. A lie is a statement that a particle having moved did not move, or a statement that a particle, not having moved, did move. The basic lie is that a consideration which was made was not made or that it was different.

Comments: Truth and sincerity are important to successful auditing. You could call auditing a quest for truth. A lie is the opposite of As-isness you could say. Finding the 'Primary Postulate' got new meaning in running certain processes of ST5, Engram Clearing.

(Advanced students: see also how this applies to Engram running)

Axiom 37- When a primary consideration is altered but still exists, persistence is achieved for the Altering Consideration. All persistence depends on the Basic Truth, but the persistence is of the Altering Consideration, for the Basic Truth has neither persistence nor impersistence.

Comments: This is maybe the best statement  in the Axioms, of why you as an auditor want to go 'earlier similar'. Concentrating on a later incident than the basic one is a common reason that a condition seems mysteriously to persist. When you get to the first time something happened, you have reached 'Basic Truth' of that chain of similar things, and can remove it without resistance (see also Axiom 11, 17 and 41).

(Advanced students: see also how this applies to "The Handling of By-passed Charge")
(Advanced students: see also how this applies to Engram running and "Postulate off= Erasure")

Axiom 38- 1. Stupidity is the unknowness of consideration.
2. Mechanical Definition: Stupidity is unknowness of time, place, form, and event.

1. Truth is the exact consideration.
2. Truth is the exact time, place, form and event. 

Thus we see that failure to discover Truth brings about stupidity. Thus we see that the discovery of Truth would bring about an AS-IS-NESS by actual experiment. 

Thus we see that an ultimate truth would have no time, place, form, or event. 

Thus, then, we perceive that we can achieve a persistence only when we mask a truth. Lying is an alteration of time, place, event, or form. Lying becomes  ALTER-IS-NESS, becomes Stupidity. (The blackness of cases is an accumulation of the case's own or another's lies.) 

Anything which persists must avoid AS-IS NESS. Thus, anything, to persist, must contain a lie.

Comments: How do you find 'the truth' in auditing? Part of it is to get time, place, form and event. It is sometimes called 'Itsa', meaning pc states positively, 'It is a...' In processes like two-way communication and when pulling overts and withholds, you ask for 'time, place, form, event' in one way or the other. A process known as Date/Locate simply finds the exact time and place something took place.

(Advanced students: see also how this applies to Date/Locate Procedure)
(Advanced students: see also how this applies to Confessional Tech)

Axiom 39- Life poses problems for its own solution.

Comments: People seem to love to have problems, The trick is to replace negative problems (worries) with survival problems (challenges).

(Advanced students: see also how Axiom 39-42 and 47-49 applies to Grade One theory)

Axiom 40- Any problem, to be a problem, must contain a lie. If it were truth, it would unmock.
An "unsolvable problem" would have the greatest persistence. It would also contain the greatest number of altered facts. To make a problem, one must introduce ALTER-IS-NESS.

Comments: Any problem has a solution - whether we can see it or not. You could see auditing as a succession of steps where an 'unsolvable problem' (the pc's case) gets resolved one correction of  altered fact at the time.

Axiom 41- That into which ALTER-IS-NESS is introduced becomes a problem.

Comments. Here is one use: In auditing you take up traumatic incidents. If one does not resolve (As-is), there must be an Alter-is in it and Time is a primary source of that (Axiom 43). The auditor finds an 'earlier similar incident'. What really bothered the pc was the basic incident. The later incident was an Alter-ised reminder on top of that. When the basic incident is found and audited the whole Chain of incidents will As-is and blow. (There are many other uses of this Axiom, such as problem-solving in general.)
Axiom 42- MEST (matter, energy, space, time) persists because it is a problem.
It is a problem because it contains ALTER-IS-NESS.

Comments: MEST comprises the component parts of the physical universe. You also talk about mental MEST, the component parts of mental pictures and the mind.

Axiom 43- Time is the primary source of untruth.
Time states the untruth of consecutive considerations.

Comments: Another reason it's important to sort out the time factor in incidents. When you just start to sort out the time factor by itself the pc's Time Track will start to straighten out and begin to As-is. 

(Advanced students: see also how this applies to Date/Locate Procedure)

Axiom 44- Theta ( the static) has no location in matter, energy, space or time. It is capable of consideration.

Comments: Read on. It is in a context...  (but similar to Axiom 3).

Axiom 45- Theta can consider itself to be placed, at which moment it becomes placed, and to that degree a problem.

Comments: Anybody you meet or can communicate with has a location, of course. You need a location in order to communicate - but it also has a downside. This is part of being human or taking part in any game.

Axiom 46- Theta can become a problem by its considerations, but then becomes MEST. A problem is to some degree MEST. MEST is a problem.

Comments: As soon as you consider somebody to be in this universe, you have MEST as a problem entered into his situation... 

Axiom 47- Theta can resolve problems.

Comments: ... but he can also choose to do something about it.

Axiom 48- Life is a game wherein theta as the static solves the problems of theta as MEST.

Comments: 'Game' is the key word here. Games are extremely important to pc's and us all. It's what keeps things interesting.

Axiom 49- To solve any problem it is only necessary to become theta, the solver, rather than theta, the problem.

Comments: You could say, in a typical auditing session the auditor helps the pc switch from being theta the problem to theta the solver.

Axiom 50- Theta as MEST must contain considerations which are lies.

Axiom 51- Postulates and live communication not being MEST and being senior to MEST can accomplish change in MEST without bringing about a persistence of MEST. Thus, auditing can occur.

Comments: Here we are at the heart of auditing. You use live communication, which is senior to mest, and senior to the mental mest the mind consists of, to undo undesired persistence of conditions.

(Advanced students: see also  'Axiom 28 Taken Apart' here.)

Axiom 52- MEST persists and solidifies to the degree that it is not granted life.

Comments: The Auditors Code talks about 'granting beingness'. When you grant beingness or life to a pc in session, he feels things are getting lighter. The pc's Bank gets easier to work with.

(Advanced students: see also Auditors Code #14)

Axiom 53- A stable datum is necessary to the alignment of data.

Comments: This applies especially to ST Level 1, problems and problem-solving, but is a widely applicable datum.

(Advanced students: see also how this can go wrong, ST1)
(Advanced students: see also how this can go wrong, Fixated Purpose RD - ST4)
(Advanced students: see also how this can go wrong, Service Computations - ST4)

Axiom 54- A tolerance of confusion and an agreed-upon stable datum on which to align the data in a confusion are at once necessary for a sane reaction on the eight dynamics. This defines sanity.

Comments: On ST 1 you will learn about aberrated (bad) stable data. You see how a bad stable datum can hold a confusion in place. Confusions and stable data are a whole subject matter by themselves.

Axiom 55- The cycle of action is a consideration. Create, survive, destroy, the cycle of action accepted by the G.E. (the genetic entity or somatic mind), is only a consideration which can be changed by the thetan making a new consideration or different action cycles.

Comments: The thetan can cause remarkable changes in the body. Having psycho-somatic illnesses is the downside. Eliminating these is the plus side.

Axiom 56- Theta brings order to chaos.
Corollary: Chaos brings disorder to theta.

Comments: It is important in session that the auditor 'brings order to chaos' by exerting positive control and being on top of things. This is for a great part accomplished by drilling.

(Advanced students: see also how Axiom 56 and 57 can be applied to Objective processes, ST1)

Axiom 57- Order manifests when communication, control and havingness are available to theta.
Communication: the interchange of ideas across space.
Control: positive postulating, which is intention, and the execution thereof.
Havingness: that which permits the experience of mass and pressure.

Comments: This is used directly on ST 1, Objective Processes. But in every session the auditor has to use expert control and communication in performing his trade.

(Advanced students: see also how Axiom 56 and 57 can be applied to Objective processes, ST1)

Axiom 58- Intelligence and judgment are measured by the ability to evaluate relative importances.
Corollary: the ability to evaluate importances and unimportance's is the highest faculty of logic.
Corollary: identification is a monotone assignment of importance.
Corollary: identification is the inability to evaluate differences in time, location, form, composition or importance.

Comments: The Reactive Mind thinks in identities. Everything in an incident equals everything else in the incident. This is what you are up against. Gradually the pc will increase his intelligence in auditing as he becomes more capable of analytical thought.

(Advanced students: see also definition of A=A=A)

The comments here focus on auditing only, our present subject. The Axioms do have wider applications. R. Hubbard's book, The Phoenix Lectures, is dedicated to the Axioms and their wider application. We refer the student to that book for a further understanding of the Axioms.

These Axioms are extremely important to ST processing. You could say, if you fully understood them and all the conclusions you could make from them, you would have it made. Not only as an auditor, but also as a being. You would most likely not need any auditing at all.

The way to learn practical skills is however not just to sit and think deep thoughts; something the Axioms certainly can inspire you to do. This is of course fine and has its place. But much of what this course consists of is practical drills and just enough theory to hold it all together to make good sense.

Your actual understanding of the Axioms and other truths will actually develop tremendously once you start to receive and give auditing. Every session, you could say, is a quest for truth. The real truth and the real proof of anything is: does it work? Working with auditing, be it as an auditor or as a pc, will give you a subjective proof of that and expand your horizon and your understanding of life.

"The Scn Axioms cover the spectrum  of life and the spirit (thetan) and their relationship. They emphasize the viewpoint of the thetan.  All auditing processes and methods of ST and Scn go straight back to the Axioms. Anything not aligned with the Axioms won't work.

"This is not only true for ST techniques but as well for any other technique addressing the spirit, be it meditation, psychotherapy or the rites of medicine men. This is quite a claim, I know. But it's true. At least I found it so."

L. Kin


R. Hubbard wrote the Axioms in 1954 and they are still the basis of the technology.

"Why didn't I 
think of that?"
A. Einstein.



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