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The Laws of Listing & Nulling


Listing and Nulling is done per The Laws of L&N.
There is no L&N drill in Meter Drills. It is drilled on a doll by a coach, who calls the situations and reads. This way the student is taken through a great variety of situations until he knows L&N cold.

Doing L&N 
The auditor clears the L&N question and checks it for read. If it reads he asks the pc the question. (Law #6). 
The pc answers -  giving a number of items. The auditor writes each item down. He takes great care of getting the wording right and note down the read (or no read) it gave. The auditor then nulls the list per the Laws of Listing and Nulling.

Per L&N, there should be only one reading item on the list after nulling. This action is different from Assessment by elimination - which is drilled with EM Drill 24. 

If you have more than one reading item after Nulling, you extend the list. 

The best form of L&N is done to LFBD F/N.

Ideally, the following would happen: The auditor checks the question "Who or what caused the car accident? " He gets a long fall; so the question is reading well. The auditor marks the read next to the question on the list. Then the auditor gives the pc the question with good TR-1 and clear intention. The pc starts giving items. The auditor writes the pc's items down, noting whether each item read and what read as the pc gives it. The first list of reads (column L1) is always the reads the items gave when the pc first said them.


Pc: N.N.              Date: xx/xx/xx
W/W caused the car accident? (LF)
Items: L1 N1 Lx N2
The clutch x x   x
The weather x x   x
The stray dog x SF   x
The bad breaks SF x   x
The passenger x SF   x
The driver F F   BD
Blinding sun     SF x
Dog owner     SF x

>The driver<

Ind. to pc. And: 2.8-2.6 BD FN VGI

On Listing (column L1) the list gave two reading items; so auditor nulled the list (N1). Now the auditor has three reading items so he extended the list (Lx). He gets two additional items: 'Blinding sun' and 'Dog owner'.  Auditor now nulls the whole list and gets a BD item "The Driver". He gives the Item to the pc and it blows down further. "The Driver" will BD F/N because it is the item. The pc will have Cogs and VGIs. It might happen that the pc tells the auditor that this is the item, at which point the auditor would pleasantly say "thank you. "The Driver" is your item" - or he could simply smile and say "Thank you". But the point is that the auditor would never chop the pc's cognition or enforce his presence on the pc while this is happening.

Good, pleasant TRs and observance of Auditors Code are vital. It is quite simple, really.

You will get an LFBD F/N while Listing or while Nulling, if you're a smooth auditor. If you do it real well it will often produce a BD F/N while you are Listing and not even have to get to the Nulling stage. 

There is of course one other place where you could get an LFBD F/N in Listing and Nulling. That is while you are clearing and checking the L&N question for read before listing. You could get an F/N on checking the question, and the pc could start cogniting and blowing the whole subject. When that happens the subject has blown. Don't do anything more with it. Indicate the F/N and let the pc have his Cog and win.

Listing and Nulling is simple, really. Have perfect TRs, know the Laws of Listing and Nulling, and do it as shown above and per the L&N Laws.

Any auditor who consistently cannot get an LFBD F/N while Listing and Nulling should retrain on Listing and Nulling. It is more than likely he'll find he has bought someone else's misunderstoods or wrong ideas on the subject.

The L&N Question Must Read
A read is a SF, F, LF or LFBD. A "tick" or a "stop" are not valid reads.  A pc's case can be gotten into serious trouble by listing an L&N that doesn't read - or running anything that doesn't read for that matter.

In L&N this sort of things can happen: The List is "Who or what would eat apples? " The C/S has said to "List this to a BD F/N Item". So the auditor does list it without checking the question for read at all. The list can go on 50 pages with the pc protesting and getting upset. This is a "Dead Horse" list because it gave no item. The reason it didn't, was that the list question itself didn't read. Auditor does a correction list, like using the Short L4, and finds it was an "Unnecessary action". L4 Short Form is a Correction List used to correct recent troubles on L&N. It is the Correction List auditors use, if something should go wrong in an L&N session.

On an L&N list that is getting no item you don't extend. You use L4 to sort it out. If you extend a "Dead Horse" list you are just making things worse. Use an L4 and get it sorted out.

Something like this can also happen: C/S says to L&N  "Who or what would eat apples?" The auditor does this and gets a BD F/N Item "A Happy Child". The C/S instruction also says to list as a second action "Who or what would cut trees?" The auditor fails to test the question for read but lists it. Had he tested it the list would not have read. But the list comes up with an item, "A Mean Child". It has stirred up charge from the first question and the item "A Mean Child" is a wrong item as it is a misworded variation of the first L&N item! Now we have an unnecessary action and a wrong item. We do an L4 and the pc is still upset as maybe only one or the other of the two errors gave a read and was corrected. The lesson learned here is:

Always test a L&N question before letting the pc list it.

Also: Always mark the read the question gave on your List sheet. Always mark the reads the items gave. In Clearing a listing Question the auditor watches the Meter, NOT necessarily the pc and notes any read while clearing the question. An additional calling of the item or question to see if it read is unnecessary and not a valid action if the item or question read on origination or clearing.
It is of course not forbidden to call an item or question to test it for read. But it is a pointless action if the item or question read on origination by the pc or clearing it with him.

The whole subject of  "Charge" is based on the following: "Charge" is the electrical impulse on the case that activates the Meter. Charge shows not only that an area has something in it. It also shows that the pc has possible reality on it.
A pc can have a broken leg, yet it might not read on a Meter. It would be charged but below the pc's reality. So it won't read and it wouldn't run properly either.

The Case Supervisor always counts on the auditor to test Questions and Items for read before running them.

The auditor, when a Question or Item doesn't read, can and should always put in "Suppress" and "Invalidate". "On this (Question) (Item), has anything been Suppressed?" "On this (Question) (Item), has anything been Invalidated?" If either one of them read, the question or item will also read. No further Meter testing is needed. The Case Supervisor also counts on the auditor to use Suppress and Invalidate on a Question or Item. If after this test there is still no read on the Question or Item, that's it. Don't use it, don't list it. Go to the next action on the C/S or end off.

(Note: If the pc gives the item "me" or "myself" it should simply be accepted and put on the list in the wording  the pc uses).


The following laws are all the important rules of listing and nulling. The auditor needs to drill them thoroughly. It is common practice to do each in clay and have auditors learn them verbatim. If an auditor doesn't know these cold he can cause serious problems for pc's.

1. The definition of a complete list is a list which has only one reading item on the list.

2. A TA rising means the list is being over-listed (list too long).

3. A list can be under-listed (list too short) in which case nothing can be found on nulling.

4. If after a session the TA is still high or goes up, a wrong item has been found.

5. If pc says it is a wrong item it is a wrong item.

6. The question must be checked and must read as a question before it is listed. An item listed from a non-reading question will give you a "Dead Horse list" and no item.

7. If the item is on the list and nothing read on nulling, the item is suppressed or invalidated.

8. On a suppressed list, it must be nulled with suppressed. "On (item) has anything been suppressed."

9. On an item that is suppressed or invalidated the read will transfer exactly from the item to the button and when the button is gotten in the item will again read.

10. An item from an overlisted list is often suppressed.

11. On occasion when you pass the item in nulling, all subsequent items will read to a point where everything on list will then read. In this case take the first which read on first nulling.

12. An underlisted and overlisted list will ARC break the pc and he may refuse to be audited until the list is corrected, and may become furious with auditor and will remain so until it is corrected.

13. Listing and nulling or any auditing at all beyond an ARC Break without handling the ARC Break first such as correcting the list or otherwise locating it will put a pc into a "sad effect".

14. A pc whose attention is on something else won't list easily. (List and null only with the rudiments in on the pc.)

15. An auditor whose TRs are out has difficulty in listing and nulling and in finding items.

16. Listing and nulling errors in presence of Auditors Code violations can unstabilize a pc.

17. The lack of a specific listing question or an incorrect non-standard listing question which doesn't really call for item will give you more than one item reading on a list.

18. You cease listing and nulling actions when a floating needle appears.

19. Always give a pc his item and circle it plainly on the list.

20. Listing and nulling are highly precise auditing actions and if not done exactly by the laws may bring about a down tone and slow case gain, but if done correctly exactly by the laws and with good auditing in general will produce the highest gains attainable.

We repeat: These laws, if not known and followed, can cause serious problems for pc's.

TR-Q Drill for doing L&N




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