Short Life Analysis
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The form below allows you a first overview of your various life areas and how you are doing in each of them. You can print out the form and fill it out on paper, if you want to orient yourself and create a foundation for your mental training. Or you can send it to us, if you want to plan your mental training with our help.
Enter at each life area how you instinctively feel about it - don't think about it too long - the more spontaneous your entries, the better! Possible values are from very bad (left) to very good (right). If there is a life area where you are not active at all (like politics, environmental protection, or children if you don't have any children) - please leave the mark in the central position.
very bad - medium - very good |
If you want to work independently with the results of your life analysis, please take care of the sequence of life areas. Work your way from the top down, as the life areas are arranged in such a way that the fundamentally important ones are listed first.
From the "Pets" area it is possible to deactivate life areas without damage to your personality - most people don't have the time to be active in all the listed areas, and set their individual priorities. There is no reason to activate these areas, only because we have listed them here in order to be complete.
It would be a bad idea though to neglect the last four areas! Spirituality, Networking, the connection to your own spiritual root (latin: re-ligio) and spiritual evolution are just as fundamentally important at the spiritual (upper) end of the scale, as health and profession are at the physical (lower) end of the scale.
Every human being goes through life on two legs - a physical and a spiritual. Everybody sets of course his or her personal priorities. Nevertheless, both legs have to make steps so that our life does not "limp". Think of this principle when you plan the time that you can use daily for your self development. In each area, train the weaker leg first, so that your walk through life becomes smoother, but when they have become equally strong, take care of both legs alternatingly! |
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This page last changed on: 30. Mrz 13