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Folder Error Summaries
and Repairs
A folder error summary (FES) is usually done by an advanced student
or available auditor. Doing this type of work is a good learning experience for
advanced students. Based on what is found the C/S gets a good reality on the
pc's difficulties and auditing history and can quickly and accurately write an
effective Repair program and Advance program. It can take many hours for the
FES'er to put a folder in order and to list all errors and
difficulties found.
What should be noted in the FES are those errors and difficulties which might cause the pc future problems and may need to be handled with Repair and Advance Programs or special Rundowns. This includes RDs left unflat or with missing steps; signs of unflat Grades; absence of any of the parts of EPs; any chronic problem or difficulty; by-passed EPs on any Rundown; illness or ethics troubles - especially after an auditing cycle. The FES'er must be familiar with the GF40X (Resistive Cases) as anything which falls under this list should also be clearly noted in the FES, "Pc was a member of a secret society", "Pc had hypnosis therapy for years", could be the things which are stopping his case from progressing.
Two Methods
A C/S studying a folder usually goes back to the
last time the pc was doing really well and notes actions necessary to repair the
case from that
There are actually two different ways to FES a case:
1. The first is a detailed FES where one goes back and picks up and writes down all past errors and difficulties on the case so a full Repair and Advance Program can be done. This is called a "Bottom Up FES" - all auditing is gone through.
2. Where the C/S is interested in handling a recent problem, the FES'er goes back to a point a little before troubles showed up - where the pc was running real well - and go forward, finding the errors to repair.
These are two different FES methods. Neither method include Admin errors or errors which do not affect the case. These can be crammed on the auditor and responsible C/S, but should be noted elsewhere.
The Fix
Programs of a lengthily audited case (several folders) usually
cover use of LIC, L4BRB and other Repair Lists, including C/S 53. Many tools are
listed under "Life Repair". Usually 2-way comm's
are done on earliest sessions
and earliest auditing ever given (for auditors). Thus a Bottom Up FES is not vital in all
cases. For lengthily audited cases they should be done at some point.
Blind Repairs
You do not stop delivery because of a missing folder or to do a long FES. This
would be contrary to the need to deliver auditing and can
result in a no-auditing situation, which is worse than a Blind Repair.
When no FES is possible or done, one can still do a Blind Repair. The Repair
program and Advance program may have holes in them.
However there are only four areas of danger in CT:
1. Extended or flubbed Interiorization.
2. Flubbed L&N Actions.
3. A bad series of evaluative sessions should be detected and directly handled.
4. Missed Grades.Point 1-3 belong to the Repair program. Point (4) to the Advance program.
A C/S doing a Blind Repair must know about these as it may be the reason a case will not properly respond to repair and he also will not have the data to do an Advance Program. No folders, the pc can still have these areas addressed by formal 2-way comms on the subjects and auditor ready with repair lists to handle any BPC showing up (Such as Int Correction List for {1}, L4BRB for Out lists {2}and L1C for{3})
They can also be found by assessing lists, such as CS 53, and handled that way.
Example: The pc has lost his folder. He has been audited for several years on and off. The buttons of Interiorization can be checked to see if they are charged. One can clear the idea of lists "Someone written down items you say to a question" and see if it gets a read and if so do L4BRB Method Three on "On Lists___". One can ask if any auditor ever told the pc what to think and if that reads 2-way comm or Prep-check those sessions by that auditor. Missed Grades can be checked, starting with a two way comm on the Grade (assuming some auditing was done). Big wins can be rehabbed and each process of Expanded Grades checked, rehabbed or to make up the full gains from that Expanded Grades 0-4. The pc usually recognizes the process if it has been run.
For well educated pc's all these points should show up on a CS 53 and other prepared lists. Thus one can get through a Blind Repair without ruining the case and simply add these points to the Repair program.
FES Format
The format of a FES is as shown below. This shows clearly whether an error
has been corrected later in the pc's auditing or not. It is easy for the C/S
and auditor to work with.
Date |
Aud/CS |
Error/Difficulty |
Date |
Corrected with |
xx/xx |
No EP on Process XX |
Ruds on session. Process XX run to EP. |
Pc Sick after L&N |
L4BRB done on "W/W would eat apples?" to F/N VGI Item |
Pc complaining about Problems after Grade 1. | ||||
"I could kill him!" R/S | ||||
Chronic High TA (3.3-4.5 range) |
C/S 53 Done to F/Ning List. TA normal. |
The column "Error/Difficulty" is filled in by the FESer as he
goes along. If the correction later shows up in pc's auditing history the FESer
fills in the data in "Corrected with". This column is also
filled in by the auditor when a correction is done and the error taken care of.
For example a note: "Chronic high TA" would be marked off by the auditor "C/S 53
to F/N List. TA normal" with the date, when that action had been completed.
The Error/Difficulty column should be added to by the auditor as well. If an action didn't go well he notes the error and later the correction. The C/S will use the FES as a help in further programming of the pc.
It is kept in the inside back cover of the Pc's folder.
Opinions have no part in FES. Do not note admin errors in an FES. Any error which is not part of the case or its auditing has no place in the FES. It can be the subject of a separate report.
Examples of what not to write would be: "Auditor did not fill in the Folder Summary" or "Pc not being audited on any program" or "No-one C/Sing the folder".
Note: The most important points which can stop a case's progress are covered in the C/S Series. In particular C/S Series 1, 2, 15, 19, 29, 30, 34, 38, 59. A fully trained FES'er must be able to recognize and note any of the case errors described in these issues. The main points are stated below. These are the things the FES'er and C/S are looking for as they need to be noted in the FES, addressed and corrected in the Repair and Advance programs:
Auditors Rights Violations (CS Ser. 1)
Auditors Rights points are: auditing over out ruds of any kind, including out lists and out int. Going ahead despite High TA at session start; Program violations and Major Actions done twice.Program Violations (CS Ser. 2)
The master program for every case is the Grade Chart. This program factor has not much changed over the years. The Grade Chart is the Stable Datum for case progress. Repair and Advance programs are done to get the pc going again.
Omitting this gradient of processes not only stalls cases but results in a case manifesting out-grade phenomena. A pc must attain the full ability stated on the Chart before going up to the next level of the Chart. Seeing any Grades or Grades processes not done is thus noted.
Telling the pc he has made it is of course evaluation. Over the years the outnesses which have occurred surrounding this Chart are hard to believe. They consist of total abandonment of the Chart, degrading and losing all its lower Grade processes, feeding beginning pc's EP's of upper levels; telling a pc he is now Clear, cutting down all processes from the Chart bottom up to Grade 4 to be able to do them in five minutes, etc., etc.
This is crazy driving. If a car were driven
way it would soon be wrecked and back where it started but in much worse shape.
Genius in C/Sing is normally only needed when some former
driver wrecked the thing instead of driving it right in the first place.
The Stable Data for the C/S are:
1. The auditing is for the pc, not the organization, the C/S or the auditor.
2. Major processes are done to improve the case.
3. Repairs are done to handle errors made in auditing or life which impede the use of major processes.
4. A case is programmed to get it advancing as it should have in the first place - up the Grade Chart.
5. A C/S is not being asked to develop a new Chart for the case but only to get the case back on the basic Chart and get it done.High or Low TA at Exam (CS Ser. 15)
This usually means unflat or non-standard auditing took place in the session. It should be found and noted. Also signs of Out Int should be looked for. (The Examiner of course has to know how to handle False TA in the first place).Off-Line Actions (CS Ser. 29)
A C/S can be plagued by off line case actions of which he is not informed. The existence of these can wreck his carefully laid out program and make a case appear mysterious. Thus it is up to a C/S to suspect and find these where a case isn't responding normally in auditing. Here are the major ones:1. Life knocking out ruds faster than they can be handled in auditing.
C/S handling is to schedule sessions closer together and give very long sessions so life hasn't a chance to interfere. Can take, that the pc stays in a hotel away from the area of enturbulation or not to associate until his case is audited up high enough. This most drastically applies to Int RDs where no ruds can be run unless the RD is complete. Thus Int has to be done in as few sessions as possible.2. Pc getting sick after auditing and auditor not noticing.
Pc getting sick requires Repair - not Major Actions. C/S, make sure auditors don't audit sick pc's but report at once if it happens. Pcs hiding general illness may show up as no case gain. Answer is to get a full medical exam.3. Self-Auditing.
Pc trying to run processes on himself is self-auditing. It usually results in over-restimulation and no lasting gains. A C/S 53 should reveal this.
Handling is, Two way Comm on when they began to self audit (usually auditor scarcity or some introverting shock). Once this point is found prior out ruds etc. can be handled.4. Coffee Shop Auditing - Illegal Patch Ups.
Meterless fooling around with cases, often by students, stirring up cases. Forbid it in an area. Or another auditor "helping" the pc by doing auditing unknown to the C/S.5. Touch and Contact Assists in the middle of general auditing.
Make sure any assists done are with worksheets and make it mandatory to take the pc to an examiner afterwards. Thus they will show up in the folder and pc's auditing history. The C/S can then get in the other actions needed. Still, if the pc is already being audited nobody else should do Assists but the assigned auditor.6. Study Rundown
Any audited action part of a course needs C/S OK.7. Pc's talking about their cases.
This can lead to invalidations and out reality and undue restimulation by "helpful listeners". Also Bullbait that uses actual processes or implants should be stamped out hard.8. Illegal drug use.
A pc who suddenly relapses onto drugs or who has a long drug history can cause a case to look very, very odd. The TA flies up. The case, running okay, suddenly ceases to run. Addicts can come off it if given TRs 0-4 and 6-9.Auditors or C/S Errors (CS Ser. 30)
The FES'er can write cramming orders on anyone. The Cramming Officer will have to decide what to cram. Any such errors should be noted in FES as well (not admin errors).Non F/Ning Cases (CS Ser. 34)
Pc continuously non-F/Ning at Exam is a red flag.
The general rule of C/Sing (and FESing) is to go back to where the case was running well and go forward. But "Audited past Exteriorization" can be before that and only eventually show up.
General repair is harmful when a big bug exists. An actual FES has to be done.
Most non-F/Ning cases have big errors. Awful overruns, messed up Int RDs, three major programs begun, each incomplete, Engram after Engram botched and run to high TA then walked off from. The errors were real! They had been sitting there for some time unnoticed. Session after session mounting up into piles of wasted auditing.
Sick pcs are another indicator. Pc F/Ns at Exam, then reports sick. Look behind it you find some wild program, C/S and auditing error.
PC Doing a Full TRs Course While Being Audited (CS Ser. 38)
Any TRs course with TRs 0-4 or 6-9 is a major program in itself. It produces case gain. It has an End Phenomenon. To start such course the pc needs C/S ok. The C/S ensures no incomplete processes or programs exist on the case. He also ensures no incomplete TRs course is in progress when auditing resumes.
This is based on some basic rules of cycle of action and C/Sing:
1. Do not begin a new program to end an old one.
2. Do not start a new action before completing the current one.
To the auditor the principle is stated this way: Get an F/N (EP) before starting on the next process or C/S action. If this can not be achieved, end off session and return folder to C/S (In Auditors Rights).
The surest way in the world to bog a case is to:
1. Begin a new process without obtaining an F/N on the one just run.
2. Begin a Major Action without completing the old one.
3. Begin a Major Action without setting up a case with ruds and F/N VGIs.
4. Begin a new program without completing the old one.
5. Start several programs without finishing any.
6. Enter a new Major Action into a case already in progress on another incomplete Major Action.
There have been horror examples with a case on as many as five Major Actions with none complete. If you should see any of this the first thing to do is to take up the first unflat, incomplete program and get it finished, then the next, then the next. The case comes out flying.
Example: Case is on, but not complete, on a
Switched to FPRD. Incomplete on FPRD, gets a Repair Program. Incomplete on the
Repair, shifted to TRs Course.
But take note, a Repair program may reach EP before the written up program
is completed.
Thus a Process Completion is defined as the EP of the process. A Program is complete when the EP of the Program is attained.
Out Ruds in life.
The reason auditing should be done in intensive packages, not one hour a week is
due to the fact that life can run a new
action in on a pc. It's a great way to waste auditing to let a pc have a
session once a week. You can't even keep his ruds in if he lives in any
confusions. So nothing is done for the case, all the auditing goes
to handle current life situations.
A case runs on cycles of actions. This is true in the auditing comm cycle. It is true in a process cycle. It is true in a program cycle. New things being crossed into old incomplete things make a sort of ARC Break situation like a cut comm cycle. No case gain can be created by lack of a comm cycle in an auditor, lack of an action cycle in processes or messing up a program cycle. If you don't believe it, run an L1C on a pc with "Processes" and "Programs" or even "Course" as a prefix. You'd be amazed. Further the fellow who doesn't reach the EP of a Course is likely never to use that material or be faulty with the subject.
A case responds to good execution of orderly cycles of action. (See also this point from CT-0)
It can happen that a Somatics List in Engram running, meaning making a list of somatics, pains, emotions and attitudes, can act as a list under the Laws of Listing and Nulling. The C/S and FES'er should keep an eye out for that. The most violent session ARC breaks occur because of list errors in the meaning of Listing and Nulling. Other session ARC Breaks, even caused by Withholds, are not as violent as those occurring because of listing errors. Therefore when a violent or even a "total-apathy-won't-answer" session upset has occurred in Engram Running, one must suspect that the preclear is reacting under the Laws of Listing and Nulling and that the pc feels such an error to have been made. Typically the pc has a condition that consumes him. One single somatic that makes his life living Hell. Taking anything else will by the pc be seen as a wrong item. Such an error will have to be repaired with L4 or L4RB.Somatics List Errors (CS Ser. 59)
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