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EM Drills:
Expert Metering Drills
The EM Drills are
usually done in a class room under an experienced instructor. He twins up the
students and keeps an eye on their performance and progress. Most of the
drills are coached by the coach. In some drills the coach will more be in the role of a pc holding the
cans; a pc-coach if you will. On the Assessment drills the student will check
out a number of fellow students to try his skills on a variety of people. In
such cases the check out for a pass has to be done by the instructor or a coach
observing the drill without participating.
Any coaching is similar to TRs coaching. The coach uses 'Flunk' when correcting
errors and says exactly what the error is. The coach should use the course
materials to show student what was wrong to keep discussions to a minimum.
If the difficulties on one EM Drill reveals weaknesses of an earlier one, the coach or instructor will order the student to go back to that drill and do some more work on it. On the EM Drills that have to do with Assessment (getting reads on statements) the instructor or coach pays careful attention to the student's TRs, especially TR-1. More often than not the problems with getting reads can be traced back to inefficient TRs. A student who has problems with metering due to TRs should get that handled by doing the appropriate TR drills. The two most important skills in basic auditing are TRs and metering. Here on the EM Drills the student has to put these two skills together and demonstrate competence. A tough and thorough study of these drills will thus pay off very well for the student.
The normal sensitivity setting for EM Drills is 16, unless otherwise stated in the drill itself. The students should come to class well rested and well fed. That helps them as students and when they hold the cans they get better reads.
EM-1 Touch and Let Go
Purpose: To make the student familiar with his Meter
Position: Student and coach sitting facing each other with the Meter placed in front of the student.
Directions: The coach alternately asks the student to "Touch the Meter" and "Let go of the Meter". He acknowledges the execution of each command. From time to time he can ask "How are you doing?". The student answers.
This drill is continued until the student is very comfortable being around the Meter and it is thoroughly real for him.
EM-2 Basic Controls
Purpose: To get the student familiar with the Meter and its controls and visible parts.
Position: Student and coach sit next to each other in front of the Meter.
Directions: The coach asks the student to do each of the following actions. As the student gets better at doing them the coach can increase the speed. It's done until the student can do all the actions without hesitation and he is comfortable about handling the Meter.
Touch the Tone Arm.
Turn the Meter on.
Plug in the cans.
Turn the Tone Arm to 2.0.
Turn the sensitivity knob to 4.
Touch the Meter leads.
Pull out the can plug.
Turn the Meter off.
Point to 4.0 on the Tone Arm dial.
Set the sensitivity to 6
Plug in the cans.
Set the Tone Arm at 3.5.
Touch the cans.
Turn the Meter on.
Adjust the needle to Set.
Turn the Meter to Test.
Touch the can plug.
Turn the Meter to on.
Turn the Tone Arm to 1.5
Pull out the lead plug.Touch the cans.
Adjust the needle to Set.
Point to the Test area on the dial.
Set the sensitivity to 12.
Plug in the leads.
Set the Tone Arm 5.0.
Touch the charge cord connector.
Point the Set mark on the dial.
Turn the Meter off.
Set the Tone Arm at 5.5.
Set the sensitivity to 1.
Pull out the lead plug.
Turn the Meter on.
Adjust the needle to Set.
Test the Meter.
Touch the leads.
Turn the Meter off.
Move the Tone Arm to 2.5.
Turn the Meter on.
The coach can of course add similar steps.
EM-3 TA Counter
Purpose: To get the student familiar with reading and resetting the TA counter. To make student understand the TA counter registers downward motion of the TA only.
Position: Student and coach sit next to each other in front of the Meter.
1) Turn the Meter on.
2) Set the Tone Arm at 2.0.
3) Have the student find and point to the TA counter.
4) Have him find the button that resets the TA counter to 'zero' and tell him to press it.
5) While looking at the counter have student move TA from 2.0 up to 3.5.
6) Have him tell you if the TA counter value changed.
7) Have him move TA from 3.5 down to 2.0.
8) Have him tell you the value of the TA counter.
9) Cover the TA counter and have the student move the TA counter up and down and note down on paper the different positions. Like: 2.0, 3.3, 3.7, 2.5, 1.8, 2.9, 3.6, 4.2, 2.5.
10) Make him calculate each DOWNWARD MOTION (as: 3.7 - 2.5 = 1.2)
11) Make him add up all the downward motions on the paper.
12) Have him compare his figure with the TA counter. (They should be the same, of course).
EM-4A Setting up the Meter
Purpose: To teach the student to set up the Meter properly for a session.
Position: Student and coach sit beside each other in front of a Meter.
Directions: The coach has the student do the following until he can do it perfectly and repeatedly without hesitation. First the coach reads off each instruction and gets the student to do it. Later the student does all the steps without guidance.
1. Take the lid off the Meter.
2. Turn the sensitivity knob to 32.
3. Turn the on/off button to Test.
4. Check if the battery is OK.
5. Turn the on/off button back to On.
6. Place the Meter correctly on the table for session and the cans where the pc will pick them up.
7. Make sure the cans are connected and plug in the leads.
8. If any TA counter, reset it to 'zero'.
9. Wait for the pc.
EM 4B - Holding the cans
Purpose: To teach the student how to select right sized cans and ensure a correct grip.
Position: Student and coach sit across from each other with the Meter in front of the student.
1. The first part of the drill is to select the right size of
cans for the pc. The cans have to be of a size that are comfortable for the pc
to hold without strain and they should ensure maximum skin contact.
The student tries different sizes of cans with the coach. For each size he notes how well they fit in the coach's hands and he notes down the TA position. He selects the size that fits the best and that doesn't produce a high or false TA.
2. Now the coach shows the student how to do a correct grip. The student should remove any rings. The coach then gets him to shake his hands till they are loose and floppy. Then he places the cans into the student's hands and shows him how the natural curved grip of the hands will hold them. He places the cans so that they have maximum skin contact.
3. Then the student gets the coach to do a correct grip in the same fashion.
4. The coach now shows the student various incorrect can grips and asks him
to correct them. The student should keep the needle on the dial so he can notice
the TA position.
Incorrect grips include:
a. Holding the cans too loosely with not enough skin contact.
b. Holding the cans too tightly.
c. Holding thumbs along the side of the can instead of around.
d. Having the fingers sticking out over the top of the cans.
e. Wearing finger rings.
f. Keeping one or more fingers off the can.
EM 4C - Correcting False TA position
Purpose: To teach the student to check for and correct false TA position.
Position: Student and coach sit across from each other with the Meter in front of the student.
Directions: There are various factors that might make a person register in an incorrect position on the TA dial. These are things that hinder the correct contact between the Meter and the pc's body. Since the TA is used as an indicator of the state of the pc's case we wish to avoid any errors of the Tone Arm caused by physical causes.
The student checks the following points on the coach, that also are used with an actual pc. The student would physically check these things; he wouldn't just ask about them.
1. Do the leads have loose or broken wires?
2. Are the cans made of incorrect material?
3. Do the cans have an incorrect covering?
4. Are the cans rusty or corroded?
5. Are the pc's hands dry, requiring hand cream?
6. Are the pc's hands excessively wet, requiring powder?
7. Is the pc's grip correct?
8. Are the cans too small?
9. Are the cans too large?
10. Are the cans cold?
11. Does the pc have arthritic hands?
12. Does the pc loosen his grip on the cans?
13. Is the pc hot?
14. Is the pc cold?
15. Does the pc lack sleep?
16. Is it outside the pc's normal awake hours?
17. Are there rings on the pc's hands?
18. Does the pc have tight shoes on?
19. Is the pc wearing tight clothes?
20. Is the chair uncomfortable?
21. Does the pc need hand cream?
22. Is the wrong hand cream being used?
23. Has the hand cream been put on incorrectly?
EM-5A Can Squeeze
Purpose: To teach the student how to set the sensitivity correctly for the session.
Position: Student and coach sit across from each other with the Meter in front of the student. Sensitivity set at 5 to start with.
Directions: The sensitivity has to be set so a light squeeze of the cans produces a fall of the needle of 1/3 of the full dial. The correct setting ensures that reads will be of a readable size, neither too small or too large. The sensitivity setting might vary between sessions, but is usually kept constant in a given session unless the needle is unreadable.
A correct can squeeze is done as follows:
A. The student shakes his hands until hands and fingers are loose and floppy.
B. The student then puts his hands on the table keeping them relaxed, with the palms up. His fingers will tend to curl.
C. The coach places the cans in the
students hands with optimum skin contact. The curl of the fingers will
hold the cans in place. Make sure the thumbs go around the
cans and not up the sides.
D. The student is told to gradually increase the pressure of his grip to perform a light squeeze, and then relax it.
This is a correct can squeeze.
1. First the coach gets the student to do a correct can squeeze as above. If in doubt the coach can have the student demonstrate the squeeze on the coach's arm to test how hard he grips. We want a light grip, it is not a test of strength. The student must learn to do a slow, gradual squeeze and let go in the exact same way. The coach adjusts the sensitivity to1/3 of a dial fall and shows it to the student.
2. Then the student gets the coach to do a correct can squeeze in the same way and he sets the sensitivity.
3. Now the coach shows the student the effect of each of the following incorrect can squeezes:
a. Gripping the cans too hard.
b. Gripping the cans too lightly.
c. Gripping too fast.
d. Letting go more than he squeezed.
e. Not quite letting go again.
f. Squeezing with a finger off the can.
g. Lifting a finger while squeezing and putting it back when done.
h. Starting out with too loose a grip.
i. Squeezing in stages.
4. The student should then find the sensitivity setting for as many other coaches as possible.
EM-5B Metabolism Test
Purpose: To teach the student how to perform a correct Metabolism Test for the session.
Position: Student and coach sit across from each other with the Meter in front of the student. Sensitivity set per EM-5A, Can Squeeze.
Have the pc coach hold the cans and make him take a real deep
breath, hold his breath for a moment and then let it out through his mouth. If
he has eaten properly it will a moment later fall about 5 cm (2").
On the second or third test it will stop falling, so the first time is the valid
one. Many different coaches should be checked.
Coaches who fail the test should be instructed to improve on their nutrition.
Metabolism. The Meter reads on basic metabolism. It can tell you if
the pc is eating properly and is coming in well fed (part of Auditors Code).
The metabolism test has its uses in auditing. The test is performed just
before the session is started. If it doesn't give a Fall the pc is not going to
respond well on the Meter and should be instructed to eat better, including
supplements (vitamins, minerals). Vitamin C as a powder drink and Vitamin E both
help as a quick fix, but it is important to instruct the pc to improve his
nutrition, including a mega-dose of balanced vitamins and minerals. (Nutritional
data can be found in the book about the Cleansing Rundown, "Clear Body,
Clear Mind" by Ron Hubbard. Short list included in Glossary under Vitamins/Minerals.)
EM-6 Moving the Tone Arm
Purpose: To teach the student to adjust the Tone Arm, when necessary.
Position: Student and coach sit beside each other with the Meter on the table.
1) The coach ensures, that the student operates the TA correctly. He
should have a grip around the Meter box. Four fingers behind box and the thumb
free to move the Tone Arm with. Coach also ensures the student can move the
sensitivity swiftly and accurately. All adjustments have to be done smoothly,
without attracting the pc's attention.
2) The coach now holds the cans and simulates different TA positions. He changes his grip on the cans and waits for the student to adjust the Tone Arm so that the needle is back at Set. Then the coach moves again and waits for the student to catch up. Start first at a low sensitivity (l) and gradually increase the sensitivity to maximum to make it more difficult. The student must be precise in adjusting the TA. Over-compensation is not allowed. Also he must learn to do it quickly. The drill is passed when the student can swiftly and correctly adjust the Tone Arm to its correct position at any sensitivity.
EM-7 Knowing and Reading the TA positions
Purpose: To teach the student to read or set the Tone Arm precisely.
Position: Student and coach sit next to each other in front of the Meter.
1. The coach moves the Tone Arm through the whole scale 0.1 division at a time
and says each setting to the student. Like 0.5, 0.6, 0.7....6.3, 6.4, 6.5.
2. The student does the same. It is repeated until he is certain of all the positions.
3. The coach now calls off TA positions from the list below and the student adjusts the Tone Arm to that position. He must be able to do it without hesitation and without over adjusting.
2.3 4.1 1.9 3.5 4.0 2.0 3.9 4.0 2.1 3.2
5.4 3.0 1.7 3.3 6.0 2.9 3.7 5.9 6.2 4.5
4.4 2.8 3.6 0.8 2.5 3.1 2.6 4.2 3.7 2.9
1.9 3.0 4.6 5.3 3.9 2.5 3.5 2.8 3.4 4.9
0.9 1.4 1.6 3.2 2.5 2.1 5.2 4.3 3.4 2.0
4. The coach now flips the Tone Arm around at random and asks the student what each position is. The student must be able to read the position without any kind of hesitation.
EM-8 TA Motion/No Motion
Purpose: To teach the student to recognize TA motion and no TA motion.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other with the Meter between them. Coach is reading in the materials.
Directions: This is a silent drill. The coach reads along and the student observes the Meter. When the TA moves the student says to himself: "The TA is active - do nothing". When the TA doesn't move the student says to himself: "The TA is not active, do something". Just keep it simple. It is simply to teach student that it is important to keep an eye on TA motion in session as good TA motion means the pc is making progress. No TA motion means the pc isn't making any progress.
EM-9 Body Motion and the Tone Arm
Purpose: To teach the student to see the difference when the Meter is reacting to the mind and when it is reacting to mere body motion; and not to touch the TA while the pc is moving around.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other with the Meter between them.
Directions: The coach should do the following body motions, one at the time: cough, laugh, move hands around, stretch, sigh, yawn, breathe deeply, twist body, move around on the chair, relax grip and tighten grip on cans, move his feet around. Any other body motion he can think of.
The student should realize the TA moves on thought as well as body motion. Downward TA motion on thought means pc is making gains and progress. TA motion on body movements is irrelevant to pc's case and shouldn't be recorded.
Between body motions the coach should sit and read the materials and the student should note any TA caused by thought.
Body Motion (as related to the Meter) is defined as any motion of the TA caused by pc moving around etc. In the worksheets the auditor should note down if a new TA position is caused by Body Motion (BM) by writing (BM) next his TA notations. Like 2.8 - 2.5 (BM).
Some pc's may want to create 'TA Action' by simply moving around. The student should realize such a pc is not really in session and can instruct such a pc to try to sit more quiet and relaxed in order to help him along in auditing.
The coach should shift between doing body motions and quiet reading of materials and the student should keep a clear record of Blowdowns (BD) caused by thought and Body Motion (BM) TA change caused by body motion.
At the end of the drill the student should be able to add up the TA action caused by thought and disregard the Body Motion.
EM-10 Noting TA Blowdowns
Purpose: To teach the student to note down what goes on with the Tone Arm, especially Blowdowns (BD's).
Position: Student and coach facing each other with the Meter between them. Coach holing cans.
Directions: The coach sits reading some materials while holding the cans. The student watches the Meter, adjusting the TA when necessary, keeping an eye on what is happening with the TA. He writes down the TA positions under each other on a piece of paper. He notes when there is a Blowdown (BD), that is, a sudden drop of the needle that stays down and takes an adjustment of the TA to get needle back on 'Set'. He writes a little bracket between the two TA positions where the Blowdown occurred, and he writes 'BD' there.
2.5 )
) BD
2.2 )
If the TA is adjusted because of a body motion of the coach the student will note it as 'BM' in a similar fashion. The sensitivity is initially set low. It is gradually set higher and the coach creates more action this way. At the end of the drill the student must add up the total downward motion of the Tone Arm, excluding the body motion. He writes that at the bottom of his list as "TA Action =___ ".
EM-11 Having the Needle on the Dial
Purpose: To teach the student to always have the needle on the dial when he finishes an auditing question so he won't miss instant reads.
Position: Student and coach sits beside each other with the Meter in front of them.
Directions: The student must learn to continuously adjust the TA when necessary. He has to make sure that the needle is on the dial when asking a question, but not to adjust the TA while the question is being asked.
1. The student reads out various statements (see EM lists) to the coach. At the end of each line he must have his thumb off of the Tone Arm and the needle must be in sight on the dial. If that is not the case he must do it again. Start at lower sensitivities and gradually increase it as the student gets better. Use sensitivity settings: 16, 32 and up to 128.
2. When the student can do the first part smoothly the coach will make it more difficult by moving about and causing the needle to drop off the scale. The student needs to be able to keep up with that too.
EM-12 Defining Needle Actions
Purpose: To teach the student to define and recognize any needle action.
Position: Student and coach sit next to each other. The Meter on the table in front of them.
Directions: The student must be able to define and demonstrate each of the following needle actions (see definitions in previous chapter or tech dictionary):
1. Stuck
2. Clean Needle
3. Dirty Needle
4. Theta Bop
5. Rock Slam
6. Null
7. Fall
8. Speeded Fall
9. Slowed Fall
10. Rise
11. Speeded Rise
12. Slowed Rise
13. Stop
14. Tick
15. Floating Needle
16. Instant Floating Needle
17. Change of Characteristics
18. Stage Four
19. Rocket Read
1. First the student defines and demonstrates each one in order. The student shows each read either with a pen as needle on the needle dial, or he uses his grip on the cans or moving the TA to simulate the needle behavior on the dial..
2. Then the coach does each action and the student must recognize and call what each one is.
3. Then the coach calls off actions at random and the student must define and/or demonstrate each one. The drill is complete when the student can accurately recognize and demonstrate each needle action without hesitation.
EM-13 Body Reactions
Purpose: To teach the student to recognize each type of body reaction.
Position: First the student and coach sit facing each other. Then the coach produces the reactions behind the student, so he can't see what is being done.
Directions: 1. First the coach demonstrates each of the following body reactions to the student and shows him what happens on the Meter when they are done:
Sigh, yawn, breathe deeply, cough, laugh.
Touch cans together, lift a finger, rotate cans in hands, tap on cans with
finger, grip the cans hard, loosen grip.
Scratch a leg, rub against clothing, stretch.
2. When the student is familiar with the different reactions, the coach now does them at random behind the student so the student can't see what the coach does. The student must accurately determine which body reaction is being done. In an actual session the auditor wouldn't necessarily write down the different body reactions in his worksheets, but he has to be totally familiar with them and be able to tell them apart from valid needle actions.
EM-14 Reads and No Reads
Purpose: To teach the student to recognize reads and no reads on the Meter needle.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other with the Meter set up. The coach is silently reading in the materials.
The coach sits and reads holding the cans, while the student
is observing the Meter. When the student sees a read, he simply says to himself
"Read". When the coach has no reaction to the materials on the
Meter, the student says to himself "Clean".
Student should not get involved in type of reads, etc. It is a simple drill. The
student simply has to recognize, either the Meter reads or it doesn't read. No
need to 'Wait and see'. The instructor should check out the student and make
sure he calls all reads without missing or adding any.
EM-15 What the Needle is Doing
Purpose: To teach the student to always know what the needle is doing.
Position: Student and coach facing each other. Meter set up on table.
Directions: The student must notice what the needle is doing while a
statement is being read, and he must notice any reactions. The student reads
statements (see EM lists) from a prepared list to the coach.
The coach asks him:
"What was the needle doing while you were reading the line?",
and the student must be able to say which needle actions were observed. There
might be several.
The coach then asks: "Where was the reaction?",
and the student must be able to point out where (on which word) the actions
EM-16 Producing Needle Actions
Purpose: To teach the student to produce a number of needle actions. To give student a reality of what causes the different needle characteristics and that he can be cause over the pc's Bank.
Position: Student and pc-coach facing each other, Meter on the table.
Directions: This drill is not done by the coach. It is coached by the instructor. The student is to produce basic needle actions on as many pc-coaches as he can. He keeps a worksheet of each coach checked out. When he thinks he can produce the needle actions at will on any pc-coach, he is checked out on the drill by the instructor.
The needle actions are produced by asking questions along the following lines. You can ask the pc-coach to think of such an incident, etc. Other things can produce these actions also but below will do:
l. A Fall: Losses, lies, present time problems, Locks, and disagreements with a reality.
2. A Rise: Non-confront, an ARC break restimulation, unreality, out-of-sessionness, fear, irresponsibility, identification. elsewhereness, dispersal, and confusion.
3. A Stuck Needle: Betrayal, anger, stopped or stopping, hate, fixed attention, failed help, refused help, terror, and failure.
4. A Theta Bop: Exteriorizations, operations, desires to leave anything, violent injuries, shocks and death.
5. No Reaction: Anything which has been destimulated or discharged or has no charge.
6. A Change Of Characteristic: Any of the above.
7. A Floating Needle: Feeling happy, comfortable and without worries, recalling such a time.
The drill is passed when the student can prove to the satisfaction of the instructor that he can produce the above needle actions.
EM-17 Cleaning a Read
Purpose: To teach the student that the needle reacts on thought and how to clean a particular read.
Position: Student and sit coach facing each other.
Directions: The coach is reading some materials. The student is watching the Meter. When he sees a reaction he brings it to the coach's attention, like: "What did you just read?". The coach re-reads that passage, now out loud. When the student sees the same reaction again he questions the coach about it. He fishes for disagreements the coach might have with the materials and asks him to talk about it. When the correct concern or disagreement is found and communicated the reaction will disappear. The coach might still have other reactions of course.
The student will find, that what reads is often something in the materials
the coach didn't understand. It is of course quite OK to clear it up as part of
the drill.
This drill is used in word clearing to find misunderstood words.
EM-18 Instant Read, Rudiments Check
Purpose: To teach the student to recognize and call instant reads on rudiments.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other, Meter on table. Many different coaches should hold cans.
The student is checking the rudiments on as many coaches he
can find and keeps a worksheet on each coach he checks.
(He uses the Rudiments question in EM Lists).
The student gives the R Factor; "I am going to do a rudiments check on your last auditing session". If the coach wasn't audited that week, student checks rudiments on 'today'.
He says, "I am going to do a rudiments check concerning 'today'". In this case each question is prefixed with "Today". Student instructs coach, that no verbal answer from him is expected.
The student then goes ahead and asks the rudiments check questions. He marks a rudiment as in or out. Instant read = rudiment is charged. No instant read = x; the rudiment is uncharged.
He just asks the questions and acknowledges after each line, without getting any answers from the coach.
A rudiment is charged if it reads and uncharged if it does not read.
An Instant Rudiment Read can occur anywhere within the last word of the question or when the Major Thought has been picked up by the preclear, and must be taken up by the auditor. This is not a prior read. Preclears, not fully in-session being handled by auditors with imperfect TR-1, anticipate the instant read reactively as they are somewhat under their own control. Such a read can occur in the middle of the last meaningful word in the question. It never occurs latent.
The instructor checking out the student should note any weaknesses on TRs and promptly tell him to do more of the out TRs that need correction.
EM-19 Instant Reads
Purpose: To teach the student to recognize instant reads. Instant reads are what is most important to recognize as you take it up in clearing.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other. Meter set up on table.
Directions: Student reads from 'statements' (see EM lists) to the coach, one at a time. After each statement the coach asks: "Was there an instant read?" If yes: "What was it?".
The student needs to notice which reactions are instant and which are not; and he needs to note what the reaction is.
Instant Read: That reaction of the needle which occurs at the precise end of any Major Thought voiced by the auditor.
Major Thought: The complete thought of an auditing question or command being expressed in words by the auditor.
This drill is passed when the student can demonstrate the accurate reading of instant reads to the satisfaction of the instructor.
EM-20 Communication and Dirty Needles
Purpose: To teach the student how communication out-nesses make a needle dirty and how to clean it.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other. The Meter is set up between them and coach holding cans.
Directions: Student is asking coach questions from a prepared list (below). He intentionally violates various rules for correct communication until the coach gets a dirty needle as a result. Then he goes ahead to clean the needle again by asking him: "What considerations do you have about this drill?" and letting the coach say anything he needs to say. The student only uses one type of outness at a time until the needle gets dirty.
1. Repeatedly ask a new question before the coach is ready to receive it. You will get a dirty needle; then clean the needle.
2. Ask the questions in such a way so the coach never is allowed to answer any fully. You get a dirty needle. Now clean it up.
3. Ask a question. When coach answers, pretend to misunderstand his every answer. When the needle becomes dirty, clean it.
4. Mumble or say the questions so the coach will not receive them. When you have a dirty needle, clean it up.
5. Ask the questions to the coach and then query all of his answers. Check and recheck them on the Meter or ask invalidative or evaluative questions. When the needle becomes dirty, clean it.
6. Ask the questions, but never acknowledge coach's answers. When the needle becomes dirty, clean it.
7. Ask the questions. Now cut all the coach's answers with premature acks. When the needle becomes dirty, clean it.
8. Ask the questions, but answer them all for the coach. When the needle becomes dirty, clean it.
9. Ask the questions to the Meter. Keep digging to 'clean cleans'. When the needle becomes dirty, clean it.
10. Ask the questions to the Meter. 'Miss' any reads so you have to recheck. When the needle becomes dirty, clean it.
These are some of the major ways you can mess up the comm cycle. That's what you DON'T do in session. But it is very useful to know.
Here are the question to use:
What is your name?
How old are you?
How much do you weigh?
What is the color of your hair?
What is the color of your eyes?
Where do you come from?
Are you married or single?
Where do you live?
What kind of job do you do?
What do you watch on TV?
What did you eat for lunch?
How did you get here today?
What kind of place do you live in?
Did you often go shopping?
What time is it?
How did you sleep last night?
Do you like the weather?
What groups do you belong to?
What pets have you had?
What kind of music do you like?
EM-21A Meter Steering
Purpose: To teach the student how to help a pc to find an answer to a question when he finds it difficult. Student says "That...that" each time a latent read duplicates the read on the question. The student learns that this can be used to clean a dirty needle.
Position: The student and coach sit facing each other. The coach is holding the cans. The sensitivity can be set at 16 or 32, and the sensitivity booster knob can be at any position needed to get a read.
Directions: The student has to give this auditing question: "Look through the events of the last day"
He carefully observes the needle pattern. He takes one characteristic pattern that he follows up on; (often latent read in this drill).
The student indicates the read he has observed by asking the coach, "What was that?"
The coach should not answer, but take notice. The coach should think of various other things. Having done this, the coach now thinks the original thought which produced the read; the same read will re-occur on the Meter.
When the read re-occurs, the student must indicate that he has observed it by saying.
"That was the same thought."
If the student called the exact same read, it will be the exact same thought he originally thought when the student first asked the question. The student should now Meter steer the coach. Each time he sees the same read he says: "That...that...that", etc. At this point the coach can answer.
If it was not the same thought on the second read the student called, it was not really a duplicate of the original one observed. This is of course a flunk, and the student will have to try again and be more careful to observe the exact pattern of a read and to pick that same read up when it re-occurs.
Note: This type of Meter steering is used in rudiments and on lists (like L1C). Only difference: You would only take and steer on duplicated reads of Instant Reads in auditing. To make the coach think of something else is also only for drilling purposes.
EM-21B Cleaning a Dirty Needle
Purpose: To teach the student what causes a Dirty Needle and that Meter Steering can be used to clean a Dirty Needle.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other. Meter set up on table. Many different coaches are checked out.
The student observes the needle behavior of a coach on the
If the needle is clean (a clean needle is a needle that acts when the auditor
speaks and does nothing the rest of the time), the student should get another
If the needle is not clean
(has any pattern in it), the student tells the coach:
"I am going to clean the needle. When I say "That" I want to
know what you are thinking of".
The student sees a certain needle characteristic in the needle (as a double tick of a certain size or a stop, etc.)
He cleans this read off the needle by 'steering': He says "That"..."That" each time that exact read re-occurs. He has the coach say what he was thinking of.
When that particular read is cleaned off the needle, then another little read is noted and handled the same way until the needle is clean.
EM-22 Hidden Date, This Life
Purpose: To train the student to find hidden dates, this life, only by using his Meter. To get expert skills on the Meter and an increased confidence in its accuracy.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other. Coach holds the cans.
Directions:1. The coach picks a number between 1 and 10. The student finds it on the Meter while the coach is silent. A read means 'Yes'. A no read means 'No'.
He does it by dividing the range and asking: "Is it greater than (5), is it less than (5), is it (5)" and picking the choice that reacts, dividing the range further, and so forth, until there is a clear choice. Finally he can check remaining numbers. "Is it 6?""Is it 7?". The one that reacts is the right one ('Yes'). Only go on to the next step when the student can do this comfortably every time.
2. The pc-coach is to select a date. He should take a birthday or another special event in his own life.
He notes it down on a piece of paper, but does not tell the student what the date is. The student is to find the date the coach has selected with his Meter. The coach does not say anything at all except coaching instructions.
Later, when the student gets better, the coach will select any date (month, day, and year) at random from the early years of his present life.
A date is found by elimination. The student asks questions like: "Is the date before 1980 . . . After 1980?" If the needle reacts, it means 'Yes'. If the needle doesn't react, it means 'No'.
If the needle reacted on the first question, then the second question is not asked.
If the needle didn't react on either question, then the student does not have a year even close to the right one or he has poor TR- l.
First he finds the year. Then the student finds the month of the year, "Is it before August, 1985 . . . After August 1985?" Then the date is found, "Is it before April 18,1985 . . . After April 18,1985?"
3. As the student gets good at it, the coach can select month, date, year and also hour, minutes and seconds.
The student may use "before" and "after", but not "more than. . . . less than" for this lifetime.
The coach should flunk the student for TRs 0 to 2, if poor; for indirect or not straight forward questions; for improper interpretation of the Meter reads; or for using too much time - like having to check the same thing over and over.
The student passes this drill when he can easily, correctly, and accurately date on the Meter.
Read also note to EM-22 and EM-25
EM-23 Assessment by TA action
Purpose: To teach the student to assess a prepared Assessment list (see EM lists) accurately and select that item which produces the most TA motion when discussed briefly.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other. Coach holds the cans.
Directions: The student has to assess a number of lists on many coaches. He keeps a handwritten list for each coach assessed.
The student assesses the prepared lists and keeps an accurate record of TA motion on each item.
The student gives the line and the coach discusses briefly each item while the student listens. The student marks the Tone Arm motion gotten on each item and acks the coach. Good TRs are important here.
When the list is completed, the student hands the coach the list and tells the coach which item produced the most TA motion.
The coach then checks the TA motion of each item to make sure the student got the correct one. If the student took the wrong item, the drill is done again.
The student should learn to spot TA motion accurately and pick the biggest Blowdown without having to look over the list and adding up the TA action first.
You only use prepared lists for this drill. The coach should never be asked to give items, just brief commentaries, etc.
EM-24 Check for Instant Reads
Purpose: To teach the student to check a list for instant reads. For clearing purposes he must be able to quickly and accurately find charged questions and items.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other. Coach holds the cans. Prepared Assessment lists are used (see EM lists).
Directions: The student has to assess a number of lists on many different coaches. He keeps a handwritten list (marked with reads) for each coach assessed.
He is to learn to call a list rapidly and mark all the items that read with an instant read. This should be practiced until he can do this rapidly and accurately.
If the needle goes dirty while doing this, the student should clean it by getting the coach to tell what communication has been cut, considerations on the drill, etc.
The student is however not trying to audit the coach or do anything for his case. He is simply doing the drill only to learn how to assess a list by instant read.
After the student can accurately assess a list by instant read and mark all
items reading (/ = charged) or clean (X = uncharged) correctly, the student
should go on and null the list by elimination until only one is reading or none
are reading.
This is done by rounds. If a list of 10 items has 4 reading items on first
Assessment only these four items are checked in the second Assessment. Second
Assessment leaves 2, let's say, and these 2 are checked and 1 item is found to
keep reading. You have completed the elimination to one item.
The student must be able to do it rapidly, without hesitation and without having to read an item back several times. He has to be able to mark the items as reading or clean accurately, and be able to complete the list properly to either one item or no reads. Good TR-1 is important to do this drill right.
EM-25 Finding a Track Date
Purpose: To train the student to find whole track dates, only by using his Meter. To get expert skills on the Meter and an increased confidence in its accuracy.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other. Coach is holding the cans.
Step 1, "Order of magnitude". The first thing the student has
to learn is to establish the correct order of magnitude of a track date. The
coach takes a piece of paper and writes down the order of magnitude of an
fictive date. The coach can write down "tens of years".
The student then uses his Meter to find the order of magnitude.
He uses this type of questioning: "Is this the order of magnitude:
seconds, minutes, days, years,
tens of years, hundreds of years, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years,
hundreds of thousands of years?" etc. until he gets a definite read. The
student tells the coach what order of magnitude he found. If the order of
magnitude was incorrect the coach then flunks the student. Now the student has a
new go at it until he gets the correct order of magnitude. When this is
established, the coach shows the slip of paper to the student and validates him.
The coach should drill the student on this step until the student feels
confident about it and easily can handle large sections of time.
Step 2, "Years ago". Now the coach writes down a definite
amount of years ago.
He uses a round figure like "62 trillion years ago", "88 billion
years ago", "19 million years ago", etc.
The student is to find the date by first getting the order of magnitude. Let's
say that the order of magnitude is tens of millions of years ago. Then, using
"greater than", "lesser than" and occasionally "is it xx years ago?" - the student narrows it down
specifically. "Is this date greater than 50 million years ago?", "lesser than
50 million years ago?", "is it 50 million years ago?" The student should
get a read on one of the questions and he takes what reads. If none of the questions read, the TR- l was poor
or the date is nowhere near the correct one. In the example, if the read was on
"lesser than 50 million years ago". He would continue like this:
"Is this date greater than 25 million years ago? That reads."
"Is this date greater than 35 million years ago, lesser than 35 million
years ago? It reads lesser than."
"Is this date greater than 30 million years ago? That reads."
"Is this date 30 million years ago, 31, 32. That reads. 32 thousand million
years ago. Is this a correct date? Is this an incorrect date? It reads as
Notice, if the first question on "greater than" reads, additional
questions are not asked.
If the student has done a good job of metering, used good TR- l and not become
confused, the date will be correct and will be confirmed as the date the coach
wrote down. It's of course a flunk to get a wrong date. When the student gets
the correct date, the coach shows him the written date found as a confirmation.
Step 3, "Full date". In the last step of this drill the
coach writes down a full date like: 44,264,321,822,131 years ago, 225 days, 12
hours, 9 minutes, and 8 seconds. It is done with the same procedure as in the
step 2. But now the student finds the date in full. The student is flunked if he
doesn't get the correct date and passes if he does.
To state it clearly, the following is what is meant by the various terms:
1-9, years.
10-99, tens of years.
100-999, hundreds of years.
1,000-9,999, thousands of years.
10,000-99,999, tens of thousands of years.
100,000-999,999, hundreds of thousands of years.
1,000,000-9,999,999, millions of years.
10,000,000-99,999,999, tens of millions of years.
100,000,000-999,999,999,hundreds of millions of years.
1,000,000,000,-9,999,999,999,billions of years.
10,000,000,000,-99,999,999,999,tens of billions of years
100,000,000,000-999,999,999,999, hundreds of billions of years.
1,000,000,000,000-9,999,999.999,999, trillions of years.
10,000,000,000,000-99,999,999,999,999, tens of trillions of years.
100,000,000,000,000-999,999,999,999,999, hundreds of trillions of years.
1,000,000,000,000,000-9,999,999,999,999,999, thousands of trillions of years.
100,000,000,000,000,000,-999,999,999,999,999,999,hundreds of thousands of trillions of years.
And so on.
This drill is passed when the student can accurately and rapidly find a track
Any errors in previous drills noted, means that drill should be re-done by the
Read also note to EM-22 and EM-25
EM-26 Assessing and Selecting Best Reads
Purpose: To teach the student to see the difference between reads and pick the largest one.
Position: Student and coach sit facing each other. Coach holds the cans.
Directions: Student assesses a prepared list of questions. He should do several lists and on many coaches. He goes all the way through and notes reads as he goes along as SF, F, LF, LFBD. The coach is silent.
Often it is only important if
something reads or not. Often it is however
important to pick the largest read. The student should be able to do that
The sensitivity may have to be turned up a lot on this drill in order to get
acceptable sized reads.
After an Assessment the student picks the largest, next largest and third largest read and tells it to the coach.
EM-27 Wide Viewing Field
Purpose: To train the student to be aware of the Meter and needle reactions even when not looking directly at it. This is so the student won't miss reads on pc's in session.
Position: The student and coach sit beside each other. Coach holds cans. Student has some reading materials on the table.
Directions: Coach holds cans and simulates reads by squeezing them. The student calls each read with "There" even while looking in these other directions, one at a time. The student must describe what he sees in the direction he is looking, as well as call each read. On the reading steps he reads aloud.
1. Reading the materials to the right of the Meter, aloud.
2. Reading the materials to the left of the Meter, aloud.
3. Looking straight ahead, describing what he sees.
4. Looking to the right, describing what he sees.
5. Looking to the left, describing what he sees.
The coach can tell the student to look in other directions or do other distractive things. Coach makes sure, that the student can't see his hands and that way tell if there was a squeeze making a read. Good TR-0 is important for this drill.
EM-22 and EM-25
Note on Reads and Advanced pc's
On pc's who are Clear, and sometimes anywhere above Grade 4, the needle can
occasionally read on the pc's analytical thought.
A read, therefore, does not mean invariably "yes" or that the question is charged. All it means is that the Meter has read.
On such a pc postulates can read as a fall, usually fairly long (over 1"), "No" can read if the pc says it to himself as an answer to a question asked.
On such pc's the auditor must find out what the read was before determining he should do something about the rudiment question or a question on a prepared List. One doesn’t just assume the read means "yes".
One asks about the read as a general rule, not assuming at once the thing asked was charged.
Auditor: "Do you have a Missed Withhold?" Meter reads.
Auditor: "What was that?"
Advanced pc: "I thought, No I don’t."
Auditor: "Ok. Do you have a Missed Withhold?"
Advanced pc: "No."-Meter didn’t read.
Auditor: "Anything suppressed-asserted-protested-invalidated. Ok that’s clean."
Here the auditor checks these buttons before he leaves question as clean as he rely on his Meter in finding or discarding charge.
This phenomena can also play a role in doing some Meter drills (especially dating drills EM-22 and EM-25) among students with advanced case levels.
If the student has an advanced pc as coach and asks, "Was it before 1980?" and the coach "answers" NO. That "NO" can register on the meter giving the student a wrong steer. The student would interpret the read as meaning "YES, BEFORE 1980". Therefore when doing the drill one must take this into consideration if the coach's case level is above grade four. Instructing the coach not to "think answers" may help. (From Advanced Meter Data, CT-0).
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