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Solo Drills
References: Meter Drills
and Solo Session Checklists.
The Solo-auditor does not use formal TR 0-4. Instead he or she uses these
Solo-drills. The drills also cover metering. The Meter drills used are the same
as for ST Level 0-5. The Solo-auditor does the selected drills that apply to
Solo-auditing as listed and described below under Solo Meter Drills.
The Solo Drills and Solo Meter Drills are done to train a Solo-auditor in how to do
real Solo auditing
actions and Solo-auditing.
The Drills do not teach one to be able to audit pc's, nor do they try to teach Auditors
TRs. They are done thoroughly until the Solo-student can
do each drill easily.
The Drills are done with a Meter, worksheets, auditing table and Solo-can
set-up just as in a real Solo-session.
Solo Drill 1: Solo Can Drill
Purpose: Trains the Solo-student in how to take a Tone Arm reading with two cans
and with Solo-cans. Also, how to do a proper can squeeze on a one-hand electrode.
Position: The Solo-student is seated at a table with Meter and Solo-cans.
The student has a printed copy of Solo Session
Checklists with him.
The coach sits beside the student.
Directions: Solo Session Checklists
is used.
The coach has the
student set up the Meter, measure his TA reading with two cans and note it on
the worksheets. The coach then has the student
change over to a Solo-can set up and adjust TA and note it on the worksheet. The student will notice the TA position is
considerably higher on Solo-cans. The reliable TA position takes two hand cans
to establish. The coach has the student do this part of
the drill until the student can do it easily and rapidly.
The coach then has the student do a can squeeze for sensitivity setting. This is
per Meter Drill 5A.
This drill is done until the
student can do it Solo easily and repeatedly.
Solo Drill 2: Setting Up a Solo-session
Purpose: Trains the Solo-student to set up and end off a
Solo-session per the "Checklist for Beginning a Solo-session".
Position: Coach and student sit at a table. On the table are worksheets,
a Meter, cans, ball-point pens, little stapler, correction lists and materials
as described in the Checklist.
Directions: The Checklist is used and followed. The coach has the student set up
and end off a Solo-session exactly per the Checklist. This is drilled until the student can easily
set up and end off a Solo-session.
Solo Drill 3: Solo Metering
Purpose: Trains the Solo-auditor to read written material and note
whether the Meter reads or not at the same time.
Position: The Solo student is seated at a table set up for a Solo
session. The student has a printed copy of the Meter Drills and
EM Lists. The coach is seated beside the
Directions: The Solo-student arranges his tools on the table and
keeps worksheets.
He uses one of the Prepared
Assessment Lists from EM Lists. He puts the
list where he can see the list and the needle at the same time.
He places a blank sheet of paper over the list so the paper covers everything
except the first line on the list.
The Solo auditor then reads the first line on the list while also keeping an eye
on the Meter to see if the item gives a read. He moves his blank sheet and continues down the list
noting all reads and instant reads. He does the drill silently.
When he sees a read the Solo-student tells the coach what item and
what the read was. He then writes the item and its read on the worksheet. He
also notes the time and TA position. The coach checks that the student does this
correctly and has the student continue with the
drill. Different EM Lists are used until the student can do the actions of reading written material and noting
reads and recording reading items on
a worksheet effortlessly. The coach keeps the student going until he can do it.
Solo Drill 4: Clearing Words
Purpose: Trains the Solo-student in clearing the meanings of words for auditing questions
and commands.
Position: The Solo-student is seated at a Solo set-up (per Solo Drill 2).
The coach is seated beside the student. A copy of some technical material is placed on the table where the
Solo-student can read it
and see the Meter needle at the same time.
Directions: The Solo-student reads the materials and notes when
the Meter reads. When he sees a read the student finds and clears the misunderstood word to F/N and
and notes his actions on the worksheets. Solo-cans and Solo-session set-up is used. The coach ensures that
the student does all of these actions. After the materials are word cleared
other materials are used. The drill is continued until the Solo-student can do it easily,
worksheets and handle the Meter. The coach helps the student and encourages him until the student
can do it easily.
Solo Drill 5: Solo Cycle of Action
Purpose: Trains the Solo-student to carry out cycles of action in Solo-auditing to completion of that cycle, and to end cycle on it.
Position: The Solo-student is seated at a Solo set-up. The coach seated beside him. The student has a copy of
Meter Drill 20.
Directions: The student uses the list of questions given in EM-20, except
the word "your" in the questions is changed to "my", and
the word "you" is changed to "I". The Solo-student writes the
correct question down on the worksheet and
notes whether the question reads on the Meter. Then he silently answers the
question and writes down the answer. Then he acknowledges the fact that this cycle is complete. The coach
then verifies that the student did each step and whether the student is
satisfied that he has done so. This drill is passed when the Solo-student can carry
out this cycle of action without being distracted and without Q & A. Each cycle
is started executed and ended without hesitation and in a disciplined way. The questions, answers and acknowledgments are done silently and conceptually,
not aloud.
Solo Meter Drills
References: Meter Drills and Solo Drills above.
The Solo Meter Drills are only done after the Meter Drills are done very
thoroughly the normal way. Not all the EM Drills are done Solo as it wouldn't
apply. The actual Solo Meter Drills are listed and described below.
The Solo-student does the following Solo Meter drills, using the Solo-session set-up including Solo-cans and worksheets. If
the Solo-student has any difficulty with a Solo-drill he should return to and
redo that Drill, or to the regular Meter drill until he can
do it easily. The numbers used for Solo Meter Drills are the the same as for
Meter Drills. Those numbers not listed are not done Solo. The Solo Meter Drills are done
silently unless otherwise stated.
Solo Meter Drill 5A, Can Squeeze: This is done as part of Solo Drill 1.
Solo Meter Drill 5B, Metabolism Test: This is done as part of Solo Drill 2, Setting Up a Solo-session.
Solo Meter Drill 8, TA Motion/No Motion: Is done as EM-8 except that student has the
material on the
table beside the Meter. He holds the Solo-cans himself and observes
the Meter while reading the material.
Solo Meter Drill 9, Body Motion and the Tone Arm: Is done as EM-9 except that student
holds Solo-cans
and reads the material. Important is the correct positioning of the Meter, worksheets, and reading material. The student should
work on this first and find the optimum placement of his tools so as to be able to see the
Meter and reading at the same time. When that is done he can go on to the actual
Solo Meter Drill 10, Noting TA Blowdowns: Is done as EM-10. The notes under
the previous drill apply.
Solo Meter Drill 11, Having the Needle on the Dial: Is done as EM-11 with student holding Solo-cans and reading
silently from the statement sheet of EM lists.
Solo Meter Drill 14, Reads and No Reads: Is done as EM-14 but with student holding Solo-cans and reading
Solo Meter Drill 15, What the Needle is Doing: Is done as EM-15 but the student
is holding the Solo-cans and
reading the statements to himself and thinking the meaning of the statements conceptually.
Coach asks: "What did the needle do while reading the line?" etc., as
in EM-15.
An important point to learn from this Drill is that the Meter read will occur when
the student reads
the line and first gets the concept. It teaches the student to be able to read a line
and note the Meter reaction or lack of it at the same time. It is incorrect to read the line
and then look at the Meter later as that is a sure way to miss reads in Solo.
It also teaches the student that if he has his attention fixated on the Meter and
doesn't actually think the meaning of the line, the Meter won't read.
Solo Meter Drill 19, Instant Reads: Is done as EM-19, but with the student holding
the Solo-cans and the coach seated beside him, observing. The drill is done
silently. The coach keeps the student at it and asks commands as in EM-19
until the student can do it easily and with certainty.
Solo Meter Drill 21, Meter Steering: Is done as EM-21 but Solo-student holding Solo-cans.
In this Solo Meter Drill the student will of course already know what he
was thinking of when the Meter reads. The drill is however done as in EM-21 to show
the Solo-student that his thought will again produce the same read when
he again thinks it.
In addition it illustrates the necessity for the Solo-auditor to keep his attention on
the reading item or subject in order to keep that item reading. Also, when
the thought is repeated it shows how the read will diminish and eventually vanish as the charge is reduced by re-spotting the original thought.
Step Two: In this Solo Drill there is therefore a second step where the student is required
to repeatedly think the same thought until the read no longer occurs and to note
the reads on his worksheet as they occur.
This is an actual auditing technique, used on certain Solo levels, to discharge
items. The step must therefore be thoroughly done to a high level of competence.
Solo Meter Drill 24, Check for Instant Reads: Is done as EM-24 but the student holding Solo cans and does
the assessments on himself. Only use the assessment lists given in the EM Lists.
Solo Meter Drill 26, Assessing and Selecting Best Reads: Is done as EM-26 but student holding Solo-cans.
Meter Drill 27, Wide Viewing Field: This skill is important in Solo but
is taught as part of other Drills (especially Solo Drill 3). If the Solo-student
has any difficulty in seeing the Meter and materials at the same time the
normal EM-27 can be used to remedy the situation.
© Clearbird Publishing, 2003. All rights reserved.