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Assessment is a critical point of any auditing action. It is very simple and very precise but it does take specific skills in TRs and metering to be successful. These skills should be perfected by doing Assessment TRs as part of any course or training where Assessment plays a role. In Engram Clearing we use Assessment extensively. How exactly it is used was explained in detail in the previous chapter, Assessment and How to Find an Item to Run.

The Assessment TRs is included in ST. Here the students in great detail drill the exact skills needed to get good and reliable reads and, following that, happy pc's that runs down Engram Chains with complete Erasure every time.

In Engram Clearing, if you assess and end up with the wrong item or a wrongly worded item the case won't run. The TA may go up or the TA may go down. High TA means a lot of mass coming in. Low TA (below 2) is overwhelm. Bad TRs can cause low TA as the auditor is overwhelming the pc. Too many times through an incident without going earlier is the usual cause of these TAs in the  4.5 to 5.5 range. But both high and low TA are to some degree caused by not quite the right Assessment. Pictures disappearing (going black or invisible) are also caused by a wrong Assessment.

The whole subject of Assessment is simply: To pick out the item or thing that will run. 

   Assessment: You simply have   
to pick an Item that will run.


What routinely happens is that students try to put too much into it. They demand rote questions and detailed procedures. Usually demand for rote questions means the student hasn't grasped the simplicity of a subject in the first place. In assessing you see students looking at the pc when they should be looking at the Meter. Try TR 0 on the Meter.
The operating definition of Assessment is:

Assessment is done by the auditor - between the pc's Bank and the Meter. There is no need to look at the pc while assessing. Auditor notes which item has the largest reaction. Thus he has to look at the Meter while doing an Assessment.

The auditor has to arrange his list, worksheets and Meter in order not to miss reads. 

In Engram Clearing one does the Pre-assessment. Use good TR-1 to get your reads; or more specifically the Assessment TRs. When listing for Running Items, again, the auditor first of all watches his Meter. By all means, between the critical questions, look at your pc, maintain a bit of 2-way comm as to reassure him it is all being done for him and his case. But when you get down to business you look at your Meter while asking the questions you are assessing and when the pc originates items.


Good TR-1 is needed to get 
reads. The question has to be   
delivered exactly where the pc is, 
   and also be loud enough or you won't   
get a response from pc's Bank.
What is shown wouldn't get a read. 


There are so many signs and indicators that it is a wrong item, when it is, that it can be hard to see how it can be missed. On a wrong item the pc has bad indicators, the Meter doesn't read, there is no pc interest. All this is obvious to a trained eye. On a right item the Meter reads well when the pc says it, the pc's good indicators come in somewhat when it's announced, the pc is very interested in running it. It's obviously right.

Rote procedure can get in the way of a Running Item Assessment. You have to catch it when it occurs. If the pc gives a list and the auditor doesn't watch the reads and note them down, then the auditor has to go back to assess the list. By that time the surface charge is off. He should have watched the Meter in the first place and taken that. Why all this assessing of the finished list? Of course when you already have a list with no reads marked on it, you have to read it off and mark what reads. And using a list a second time you have to read it off to the pc to see what reads. All he is doing is this:

The auditor is simply trying to find an item that reads well, brings about moderate GIs and in which the pc is interested and which is usefully worded so it will run.

Listing for Running Items has nothing to do with Listing&Nulling. The Laws of L&N should be put aside. There are usually many right Running Items. Only finding one item is not part of Engram Clearing Assessments. But Running Items are taken up in order of size of reads as a larger read means it is more runnable right now. A Running Items list can be so sloppily done it's hard to believe. But the auditor has to watch the Meter and be sure he only uses items which have pc's interest and are worded in a way as to lead down an Engram Chain to a basic.

One poorly trained auditor listed items with a pc. Apparently plenty of needle and TA response. The auditor didn't look at the Meter but did pick out four somatics. He wrote them down and then called them off to the pc. None read. The auditor then said the pc couldn't be audited on Engrams but should have some other auditing. When checked by another auditor the somatics read like mad. There was even one with a LFBD. Yet the auditor had to go into some odd rote procedure or ritual and by it "determine" there were no somatics to run.

The errors in this operation of finding a somatic to run can at times be so idiotic that we have to assume the auditor didn't know or understand what he was trying to do and didn't even look at the Meter while he was doing it. This is a sure sign of over-complication on the auditor's part.

Pc: Jane M                      Date xx/xx/xx

Mismeotions -Monthly Period

Feeling like I want to give up          X
Worried about sex                            LFBD
Feeling angry about my condition F
Scared to death                                 sF
"that's all"

Auditor takes the Item with the 
best read. Now and then the pc 
   has an embarrassing somatic and   
has to be coaxed to say it.

The auditor wants to know what somatics the pc complains about. Out of these he takes the one that reads best while the pc is saying it or it is being called; it should bring in the pc's GIs moderately and the pc should be interested in handling it. The somatic, to be valid, must read. Now and then the pc has an embarrassing somatic and the auditor has to coax the pc to give it. Of course, you don't run medical terms; you want somatics as that ensures a Chain that will run.

Auditor has to watch the Meter 
and deliver his Assessment question 
so it impinges on the pc and his Bank 
and catch the reads when they occur 
instantly. This includes when the pc 
originates an item. He 
finds something that will run.


You have to watch the Meter. The major thing that comes in the way are social habits and maybe an idea from TR-0 that you have to look at your pc at all times. In Assessment you have to be there for the pc by getting down to business and catch all reads when he originates items or when you call off a list of items. That's all.

Instant F/N's
An instant F/N is an F/N which occurs instantly at the end of the major thought voiced by the auditor or at the end of the major thought voiced by the pc - such as expressing an item or explaining the meaning of a command. Typically you see a good read going into an F/N, such as LFBD-F/N or LF-F/N. But any F/N occurring instantly is a valid Instant F/N. 

A read means there's charge there. There is force connected with that significance which is available. It also means that an item is real to the pc and will run. An F/N means something just keyed-out. A key-out is what we want on normal Grade 0-4 processes. It means End Phenomena and end of process coming up. 

But in Engram Clearing we go for Erasure, not just key-out. Something available keyed out. That does not mean it erased. 

On ruds, on Prep-check questions, protests, overruns, rehabs, etc. an Instant F/N would not be taken up. The EP of charge keyed-out has been attained.


To leave an Instant F/N as EP in R3RA would 
leave BPC. The pc is tuned in to erasures. 
Something just keying out you key in again on 
   purpose and run with R3RA. Postulate off   
and Erasure is what you want in your 
'relentless attack' on the basic Bank. 


But an instant F/N on a Running Items list and certain correction lists etc. are used differently. To leave it at "F/N" would leave the pc with By-passed Charge. You have to ask yourself this question, "Is a handling needed on the item for it to be gone or does the F/N alone mean it is handled for the pc?" An Instant F/N and a Persistent F/N is of course two different things. A persistent F/N means no charge at all to key in.

An instant F/N on an item (such as LFBD-F/N) indicates some charge just keyed-out on that item. It can be keyed in again, and should, if you are going for full handling or erasure. In Engram Clearing you want to find the postulate in  the basic incident of the Chain, which is your full erasure.

In Engram Clearing Assessments an Instant F/N is considered bigger than all other reads. As the pc just keyed out the charge on that item it will be the most real item and the easiest to run. An Instant F/N item is thus taken up first. Then LFBD, LF, F and sF follow in their usual order.

Instant F/Ns are also used in C/Sing. A C/S looking through a two-way comm session or an L& N list will look for what F/Ned. Depending on the situation the C/S  can order further handling of the item. 
For example: if the pc cognited on who had ruined all of her life with an F/N VGIs that certainly wouldn't be left at that.
Other example: A two-way comm has operated as a list and the C/S is trying to reconstruct it. Unless he knows that an F/N is a read he might overlook the actual item on that list which is the one which occurred immediately before the F/N. This is the item.

In an Engram Clearing session it is not uncommon to find a brief F/N on a list or a Pre-assessment. We are here not interested in key-outs. We are interested in erasures. So the "hottest reading item" on the list is the one that gave an instant F/N. Usually it will be a BD F/N. 

Assessment and Interest
As we have seen, an Assessment consists of calling the items the pc has given and marking down the reads that occur on the Meter. The pc is not required to comment during this action and it is better if he does not. Talking and especially gesturing will make the Meter less readable.

You can instruct the pc, that he doesn't have to say anything, but is welcome to, if something comes to mind. Sometimes he will originate reading Running Items out of the blue and you sure don't want to miss that.

In Engram Clearing you use "Assessment for Longest Read". This is per Meter Drill 26.
EM Drill 26 applies to Pre-assessment and when you call Running Items back to the pc. You look for sF, F, LF, LFBD's and Instant F/Ns. The favored action for an item is an Instant F/N or LFBD and if one item on the list does so, you can take it up without any further Assessment.
The reason for assessing is, that if an item does not read on the Meter when assessed it is below the pc's level of awareness. It is very unsafe to try to run a somatic which has not read on the list. It will be beyond the pc's reality and beyond his awareness and will result in overwhelm and a bad session, which have to be repaired later. A reading item ensures that the pc will be able to confront and erase the Chain. A good read guarantees that the pc can handle it and will not get into trouble.
The exception to this is a Protest read. An item, possibly already run, is reading. The pc frowns. He is protesting and the Meter reads on protest, not the item. One never runs a pc against his protest. To do so will overwhelm him and give a bad result. A protest almost never blows down the TA. 


To be sure, you ask pc if he is interested 
in the Item. People love to talk about their 
somatics. If pc isn't interested in "Pain in 
shoulder" it's probably because you missed 
   "Pain in left knee" which was in restimulation.   


To be sure that the item is right, one usually asks the pc, "Are you interested in handling the item?" If the pc says no, you assume it was a protest read. Picks the second best reading item on the Assessment and check that with the pc for interest. The pc will usually be interested in it. The pc can almost always be counted on to be interested in any item that gives an Instant F/N or  LFBD.
One never simply asks the pc which on the list he is interested in as "an Assessment" as it will be found the pc simply chooses at random and may choose a null item. The result may be a very unsuccessful session.
An auditor may sometimes be surprised by what reads and what doesn't. The pc has a broken arm and is in pain, but what reads is a stomach ache. Still, you run what reads, not what you "know" should be run. That would be a fatal error.
On a second or third Assessment, items which were at first null or reading poorly will be found to "come alive" and read well. The pc, by being audited, has had an increase of confront and confidence in the activity. As a result items previously out of his reach can now be run easily. The Meter measures the awareness depth of the pc. On things which do not read on Assessment you would find his reality poor. Things that read well on Assessment will be found to be things on which a pc has a high reality and a high interest level.
Only if pushed to audit without a Meter could an auditor assess by interest only. There is no real excuse for it if one has a Meter. Auditing without a Meter is a chancy activity. It may work when doing Engram Running, 1950 style; it is never done using R3RA.

 Interest is not checked on Items connected to drugs 

Interest and Drug Items
When running Drug Engrams or anything on the Engram Drug RD interest is not checked. That means the Assessment has to be spot on; because, of course, you never run items reading on protest. The reason you don't check interest in connection with drugs is, that all charged items have to be handled on the subject before any other Engrams are run. Drug cases may look for the easy way out by simply say, "not interested". Sometimes it has been found to mean "Not interested in that drug anymore". The auditor should never force the pc nor run items with a protest read, but the old rule still applies: "The way out is the way through".


   The instant read and the automatic   
and instant  reaction of the Bank to 
a restimulator  are closely related. 
Here the man gets  a pain in his leg 
from seeing a dog. It  keys in the 
dog bite from years ago.  The 
picture of the vicious dog  would 
give an instant read the moment 
the man sees the Dalmatian dog.  

Instant Reads and the Mind
Let us here recapture some basics from ST0. An instant read is defined as that reaction of the needle which occurs at the precise end of any major thought voiced by the auditor. The Meter reacts instantly on the Reactive Mind. It does not react on something the pc is conscious about. A normal pc reacts on the Meter because he can't think without stirring up his Reactive Mind.

The Reactive Mind is composed of pictures. These have mass, energy, space, time and thought and thus respond to tiny electrical impulses. You are going for the reactivity on the case and that is what the Meter reads on. You are only interested in what reacts instantly on the Meter. That is part of the pc's Reactive Mind and you want to run it.

The Reactive Mind is at the same time marvelous and out of order. It will react instantly on data a billion years ago. The time in the Reactive Mind is out of order; so is matter, energy and space. You should hang a sign on it "Out of Order!" It is short circuited; it makes the wrong associations. If the pc knows all about a subject it wouldn't react on the Meter. What is wrong with the pc is not known to him.

That's why you never run what the pc says. You run what the Meter says. Why can an auditor go wrong sometimes? Because the auditor was persuaded by the pc - not the Meter. The auditor can take up things the pc says. But only if the Meter agrees. Because only then does he know there is reactivity connected to it.

These are the facts:

  1. The needle responds instantly; the pc does not have to think it over first.
  2. The pc does not have to answer or say anything for the needle to respond.
  3. All needle reactions are reactive.
  4. The Reactive Mind responds instantly because there is no time in the Reactive Mind.
  5. If the pc knew exactly what was wrong with him it would As-is and would long be gone.
  6. Only the Meter knows.
  7. The auditor has more control over the pc's Reactive Mind than the pc himself. The pc is all messed up by the reactivity while the auditor can see it clearly from the outside.

The Meter responds instantly. You look for the needle reaction at the exact end when you have said it. There is no need to sit and wait for more. It won't happen until you hit the button again. When assessing you may have to wait a second to let the needle come back from the end of a fall. Waiting more than three seconds before stating the next line or item is just a waste of auditing time.

You don't even have to formulate it as complete sentences like "Do you..." so and so. You can say the item or button itself as a question, mark it x (X) if it doesn't respond and go on. If it reads, you mark the read and go quickly down the list. You can do a long list in five minutes.

The pc does not have to say anything during the whole Assessment. You can actually politely ask him not to as it gives body reactions on the needle. All Assessments are done effectively and in a businesslike manner. You shouldn't be frantic, rushed or slow.

You are looking for reads. The reads in Engram Clearing are Small Fall ('SF'). a Fall ('F'), a Long Fall ('LF'), Long Fall Blowdown ('LFBD') and Instant F/N. A LFBD is where the needle moves way to the right and you have to move the TA to a lower position to get it back on the dial. A LFBD can go into an F/N. Then it is called an Instant F/N or LFBD-F/N.

A 'Stop' is not a valid read. A 'Tick' is too small to be a Small Fall. It is noted but not taken up. It may develop into a valid read and may have to be explored (buttons 'suppress' and invalidate' put in) if you have nothing else to go on.

If you run unreading items you get TA troubles. High TA, meaning an over-restimulated or dispersed case or Low TA, meaning the pc is overwhelmed.

More on Metering
Missing valid reads on items can hang up a pc if the item was in fact reading (and charged). This results in that something does not get handled when it should have been. 

Errors leading to that  are Gross Auditing Errors. Errors in metering should be looked for under these points:

1. An item or question is said to "Read" when the needle falls. A tick is always noted; in some cases it can become a wide read when explored. Stops and Rise are not reads.
2. The valid time of a read is when the pc first says it or when the question was cleared. Calling it back to get a read is not necessary. The surface charge may even be gone by then and produce no read, but the item or question will still run.
3. An item does not have to read when the auditor calls it (again) to be a valid item for running Engrams etc. The test is that it read when the pc first said it or on clearing the command.
4. Pc Interest is also necessary when running Engrams, but that it did not read again is no reason to not use it.
5. When listing items (such as Running Items) the auditor must keep an eye on the Meter. He also needs to accurately record the type and size of read.
6. That an item is marked as having read on an earlier Engram Clearing list is enough to run it with no further read test, but of course checking Interest before running it.
7. To miss seeing a read on an origin or clearing is a Gross Auditing Error.
8. Failing to note down the read and any BD seen during pc origination or clearing the question is a Gross Auditing Error.


An auditor who routinely misses reads 
   needs, among other things, to have his   
eyesight and glasses checked.   

Missing Reads
An auditor who routinely misses reads or have poor eyesight should be tested. Make sure he wears the right glasses while auditing. He needs glasses of a type which allow broad vision. A good auditor should be able to see the Meter, pc and worksheet all at one time. He should always be aware of any needle reaction (Meter Drill 27).
Actually no-reads, a non-reading item or question is defined as: one that did not read when originated or cleared and also did not read when called. One can still call an item or question to get a read. That it now reads is fine. But if it has never read at all, the item will not run. It is not forbidden to call an item or question to test it for read. But it is a useless action if the item or question already has read on origination or on clearing it.


Finding Somatics to run is not 
L & N. Yet occasionally it may 
act so, for instance if the 
   auditor keeps missing the Somatic   
the pc is tortured by.

Somatics List Errors
It can happen that making a Somatics List in Engram Clearing, especially when making a list of Running Items, can act as a list under the Laws of Listing and Nulling. The auditor and C/S should keep an eye out for that. The most violent session ARC breaks occur because of list errors in the meaning of Listing and Nulling. Other session ARC Breaks, even caused by withholds, are not as violent as those occurring because of L&N errors. Therefore when a violent or even a "total-apathy-won't-answer" session upset has occurred in Engram Running, one must suspect that the preclear is reacting under the Laws of Listing and Nulling and that the pc feels such an error has been made. Such error may need to be repaired with L4 or L4RB. The list would be assessed with the prefix, "On Somatics Items Lists...." or similar prefix.
A Running Items List can be carried onto one BD F/N item per L&N. Each reading line on an L4BRB should of course be carried onto an F/N. If carrying it to one BD F/N item is what handles the upset you would still have to run that item with R3RA as what you have got is a Running Item that Instant F/Ned. This phenomenon is very unusual, but should it happen it is simply handled as above.


   After the fact Item could be:   
"Bored about being sick". 
You leave such an Item 
alone in running R3RA.

After the Fact Items
There is a type of items known as an "after the fact item." You will have troubles with this particular kind of item. This is due to how the mechanics of Earlier Similar works.
You get erasures only because you ask for earlier beginnings or earlier similars. This is because the mind, which consist of pictures, can be seen as the accumulation of pc's Time Track. We know Late things hang up where earlier like things exist. We have to get the earlier similar thing before we can erase the later thing. This is why R3RA is built as it is.
But running R3RA by the book still doesn't prevent the pc giving or the auditor choosing an "after the fact" Running Item. That is an item which clearly has an earlier occurrence attached to it. But as it is worded this earlier thing will not be run as part of R3RA. An example of an "after the fact" Running Item would be: "Repression". Clearly something had to happen earlier in order to bring about that feeling. The pc starts to run "Feeling repressed." But what happened that caused it is not part of the item. So he is forced to run only late parts of the incidents. We know that will prevent a proper erasure.

Example: "Feeling depressed about schools." We run the Chain and  find pc in different class rooms but will never get what really caused his emotional state. The item is after the fact. The way to handle "after the fact" Running Items is:
1. Learn to recognize them.
2. Learn not to choose them for R3RA. Choose something else that reads.

Form used for Pre-assessment
Drills for Pre-assessment TR-100 and 100-A
Assessment Drills




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