| Assessment TRs | R3RA, Theory |



This list covers errors in Engram Running.
A high or low TA and a case with bad indicators can stem from failures to erase a Chain of incidents.
As a Chain or Engram can have more than one error you always use this list to repair them with.
The words should have been cleared as part of "Engrams, Basic Definitions" done on starting Engram Clearing pc's.
1. Was there an Earlier Similar incident? _________
Indicate it, flatten the Chain to EP
2. Was there no Earlier Similar incident? _________
Indicate it. Determine if the Chain was erased or if the last incident
needs to be run through again. Complete the Chain to EP by
indication or by flattening it. (D/L can be used on Clear pc's).
3. Was there an earlier beginning? _________
Indicate it. Handle with R3RA and complete the Chain.
4. Was there no earlier beginning? _________
Indicate it. Complete the Chain with R3RA DEF on last incident
if unflat.
5. Was an F/N was indicated too soon? _________
Indicate it. Flatten the last incident and Chain.

6. Did the auditor stop just because there was an F/N? ________
Indicate. Complete Chain to EP, using R3RA DEF
on last incident run.

7. Was an F/N was indicated too late? _________
Indicate it. Get off the postulate. Indicate the overrun, 
D/L if necessary.
(If pc jumped Chain, get last incident pc ran on the latter
Chain and do L3RH on it.)

8. Was the postulate bypassed? _________
Indicate. Get postulate. Indicate the Chain was O/R
(D/L if necessary).
(If pc jumped Chains use instructions in #7)

9. Has the incident erased? _________
Indicate. Get the postulate. Indicate O/R.
D/L if necessary.
10. Was an F/N not indicated at all? _________
Indicate it. Get off the postulate. Indicate the overrun, 
D/L if necessary.

11. Was there was no charge on an item in the first place? _________
Indicate it, and that it shouldn't have been run, D/L if necessary.
12. Did you jump Chains? _________
Indicate it. Reorient to the original Chain. Find out if it erased
and get postulate if not already given. Indicate the overrun
or run to full EP. Then locate the last incident pc ran on 
new Chain. This is restimulated but not run. Do L3RH
on that. D/L if necessary.

13. Did you jump flows? ______
Indicate. Reorient pc to original Chain and take to EP,
using R3RA DEF. If pc still upset about other flow,
handle with L3RH.

14. Were there flubbed commands? _________
Indicate it, E/S to F/N.

15. Did the auditor mess up the sequence of commands? ______
 Indicate. E/S to R/N.

16. Did you not have a command? _________
Indicate it, E/S to F/N.
17. Did you have a misunderstood on the command? _________
Find it and clear it.
18. Should the incident be run through one more time? _________
Indicate it. DEF on the incident, flatten the Chain to EP.
19. Too late on the Chain? _________
Indicate it. Get the Earlier Similar incident and complete the
Chain with R3RA.

20. Was the Chain not completed? _______
 Indicate. R3RA DEF on incident; Chain to EP.

21. Incident gone more solid? _________
Indicate it. Check for earlier incident or earlier beginning and
complete the Chain.

22. Was an incident skipped? _______
Indicate. Find out what it was, run it and complete Chain to EP.

23. Was an incident left too heavily charged? _________
Indicate. Find out what it was.. Run through again and complete Chain to EP.

24. Did you say something was erased just because you were tired of running it? _____
 Indicate. Complete Chain to EP withy R3RA DEF on last incident run.

25. Stopped running an incident that was erasing? _________
Indicate it. DEF on the incident and erase it Chain to EP..
26. Went past basic on a Chain? _________
Indicate it. Get full EP. D/L if necessary.
(If pc jumped Chain, get last incident pc ran on the latter
Chain and do L3RH on it.)
27. Was an earlier misrun incident restimulated? _________
Indicate it. Find out what it was and do an L3RH on it.
28. Did two or more incidents get confused? _________
Indicate it, sort it out with an L3RH on the original incident run.
29. Was an implant restimulated? _________
Indicate it, if no joy do an L3RH on the time of the
30. Was the incident really an implant? _________
Indicate it, if necessary do an L3RH on it.
Use D/L if needed.
31. Wrong Item? _________
Indicate it was a wrong item and that all other actions
connected with it were wrong. If it is from an L&N list or if
any question or difficulty, do a L4BRB.
32. Not your item? _________
Indicate it, E/S to F/N.
33. Not your incident? _________
Indicate it, E/S to F/N. L3RH if any trouble. _________

34. Did the Pre-assessment item gotten have no charge on it? _____
Indicate item was uncharged and should not have been taken up;
any item connected should not have been run.
D/L if necessary.

35. Was there another Pre-assessment item that should have read? _______
Get what. Note reads as pc gives it. Find out if Pre-assessment item used
is uncharged. If so, handle per #34. If not, continue action you are on to EP.
Then handle new items given per largest read.

36. Was the Original Item already handled? _____
Indicate it and that items connected with it should not have been run.
D/L if needed.

37. (Omit when running Drugs)
      Was there no interest in running the item? ______
Indicate it and that it should not have been run.
D/L as needed.
38. Was the same thing run twice? _________
Indicate it. Spot the first erasure, indicate the overrun. 
D/L if necessary.
39. Was there a wrong date? _________
Indicate it. Get the correct date and flatten the incident if
40. Was there no date for the incident? _________
Indicate it. Get the date and flatten the incident if unflat.
41. Was it a false date? _________
Indicate it. Get the correct date and flatten the incident if unflat.

42. Was there an incorrect duration? _________
Indicate it. Get the correct duration and flatten the incident if
43. Was no duration found for the incident? _________
Indicate it. Get the duration and flatten the incident if unflat.
44. Was there a false duration? _________
Indicate it. Get the correct duration and flatten the incident if

45. Did you resent durations? ________
Indicate. If no F/N E/S to F/N
"Was there an E/S time you resented durations?"
(If trouble L1C "On durations...")
When BPC handled run the original Chain to EP, R3RA.
46. Was an earlier Engram Running upset restimulated? _________
Locate what it was, indicate it. Sort it out with an L3RH if
47. Was an earlier ARC Break on Engrams restimulated? _________
Indicate it. Sort it out with an L3RH.
48. Was there an ARC Break in the incident? _________
Indicate it. Flatten the incident if unflat. 
49. Were you protesting? _________
Indicate it, clean it up E/S to F/N.
50. Did the auditor demanded more than you could see? _________
Indicate it, E/S to F/N. L1C if necessary.
51. Did the auditor refuse to accept what you were saying? _________
Indicate it, E/S to F/N. L1C if necessary.
52. Were you prevented from running an incident? _________
Indicate it, E/S to F/N. L1C if necessary.
Then flatten the incident with R3RA if unflat.

53. Did the auditor simply stop giving commands? _____
Indicate. Complete Chain, starting with last incident found,
R3RA DEF and to EP.

54. Was a cognition interrupted? ______
Indicate. Get the cog and any postulate connected. L1C if needed.
Then flatten Chain, if unflat or indicate O/R.

55. Was there a postulate that was not expressed? ______
 Indicate. Get postulate and indicate O/R.
D/L as needed.

56. Were you distracted while running an incident? _________
Indicate it, E/S to F/N. L1C if necessary. 
Flatten the incident R3RA DEF if unflat and to EP.
57. Were you audited over an ARC Break? _________
Problem? _________
Withhold? _________
Indicate it and handle the out rud. Do not pull W/Hs before the
Engram or Chain is repaired or it will mess up Engrams.

58. Were you held up by the auditor? ______
Indicate. E/S to F/N.

59. Was an item suppressed? _________
Indicate it. Get the suppress off E/S to F/N, then run or flatten
the item R3RA to EP.
60. Was an item invalidated? _________
Indicate it. Get the inval off E/S to F/N, then run or flatten the
item R3RA to EP.
61. Was an item was abandoned? _________
Indicate it, get the item back and run or flatten it, R3RA to EP.

62. Was a Chain abandoned? _____
Indicate it, get the Chain back and run or flatten it, R3RA to EP.

63. Was the item originally misworded? ______
 Indicate. Get correct wording and give to pc.
Handle correct item with R3RA to EP if unflat.

64. Was the wording of the item changed? _________
Indicate it. Get the correct wording and give it to pc. Flatten it
if unflat, R3RA to EP.

65. Were you running an item that was different than the one assessed? ______
 Indicate. Get the item the pc was actually running, handle to EP.
Then do L3RH on item actually assessed.

66. Stuck picture? _________
Indicate it. Do an L3RH on it. 
You can also unstick it by having him recall a time 
before it and recall a time after it. D/L if necessary.

67. All black? _________
Spot the black field or picture. Get the correct duration 
and run R3RA to EP.  If it doesn't run, do L3RH on it.
68. Invisible? _________
Spot the invisible field or picture. L3RH on it.
69. Constantly changing pictures? _________
Indicate there was a mis-assessment and a wrong item was
taken off the list. Get the correct item and run it, or L3RH
on that session.

70. When you said it was erased, did it still have a mass? ______
 Indicate. R3RA DEF, checking earlier beginning, etc to EP.
If needed, do an L3RH on it.

71. Was there a persistent mass? _________
L3RH on it.
72. Was there trouble with a pressure item or pressure on an item? _________
L3RH on it.
73. Did you go exterior? _________
Indicate it. Handle as out int per Int RD data.
74. Was your Int RD messed up? _________
Indicate it. May require a Int RD CL. Handle as out int per Int RD data.

75. You were audited over Drugs, Medicine or Alcohol? _________
Indicate it. L3RH on that time, then verify all Chains to ensure
they erased. C/S to ensure full drug handling on case was or will be done.
76. Was a past death restimulated? _________
Indicate it, if it doesn't blow run it out, Narrative Secondary R3RA.

77. Did you attain some state and it was invalidated? ______
If so, 2WComm to F/N. Return folder with full data for C/S 
for any additional handling.

78. Did you go Clear and nobody would lat you attest? ______
If so, 2WComm to F/N. Return folder with full data for C/S 
for any additional handling.
Attesting to Clear is never done just because the pc thinks so.
It takes a full Clear Certainty RD to determine.

79. Was there nothing wrong in the first place? _________
Indicate it. E/S to F/N. Continue the action you were on.

80. Was this list unnecessary? _______
Indicate. If no F/N, rehab the point before, where pc felt fine about Engram Running.
81. Has the real reason been missed? _________
Indicate it. Locate the real reason and handle.

82. Was something else wrong? _________
Locate what it is and sort it out.

(C/S may order a GF or C/S 53).