| PTS, Theory | PTS RD Correction List |

Audited PTS Rundown

PTS means potential trouble source. When someone is suppressed he becomes a potential trouble source.
There are a lot of data on this subject; many true observations and predictions are described in detail in R. Hubbard's  works on this, including the books, "Introduction to Scn Ethics" and "Volunteer Minister's Handbook".

The case phenomenon known as Roller-Coaster is due to a PTS condition. To Roller-coaster means a slump after a gain. Pc's who do not hold their gains are PTS.
S and Ds (for Search and Discovery) was the earlier approach. Using Listing & Nulling you would find key terminals suppressive to the pc. This method is still valid and "3 S&Ds" which was developed as a short Rundown, is actually included in full as part of the Audited PTS Rundown.
With the present PTS Rundown this all too common case condition can be handled. It does not limit itself to merely finding the SP terminals. It includes an in-depth handling on them and any charge connected with the terminals.

PTS Handling - Four Possible Steps 
There are actually four steps to a full PTS handling. A pc may need some or all of them.

1. The first step in handling a pc's PTS condition is always an educational one. The pc will have to do the 'PTS Tech - Basic Definitions' and should also do extensive reading of PTS tech materials. After that he may be given different handlings and assists. An early part of such a program would be a PTS Interview to map the landscape and the antagonistic terminals in the pc's life. 

2. He will usually need to address the situation on a direct basis - actually change things, straighten out relationships and misunderstandings, etc., etc. This is called an Ethics Handling. This is not auditing, but is usually done by an Ethics Officer, who helps the pc with advice, assignments and follow-up checks, "Did you do that?", "What happened between you and the other guy?", "Now try to address the situation this way", etc. He gives the pc data, practical assignments to do and does follows-ups on the outcome. He also puts enough discipline in on the whole situation to make something happen.  Depending of how severe the pc's PTS situation is, it may be quick or it may take quite some time. You  take a PTS handling to a point where it is handled. It may happen on doing step One and Two alone.

3. The next step is the Audited PTS Rundown as covered in this chapter. It is done by an auditor in regular session as described here. The full handling would include Engram running. The data and commands for this are included in this chapter. But it will still have to be determined by the C/S whether it should be included or not in a particular pc's program. Also an auditor wanting to do that needs to be trained fully in running Engrams by R3RA. 

4. The fourth handling which can be done is 'The Suppressed Person RD'. Essentially, it handles the antagonistic person connected to the pc - the other person is the ultimate target here.
So we have four stages of handling a PTS condition in a pc. The educational step. The Ethic handling, including the PTS  interview. The interview itself can be done by the Ethics Officer, an auditor or a Director of Processing. This often cools off the situation to a degree that it is all what is needed. But if the pc is seen to roller-coaster, he is given the audited Rundown. Also if the PTS condition repeats itself an Audited PTS RD is called for. This usually handles the PTS condition on a case. 

But there sometimes remains another person, the antagonistic person and his relationship in the real universe to the pc. This is addressed and handled with the Suppressed Person RD.

Clears and Above
The Engram handling steps of the Audited PTS Rundown are not run on pc's who are Clear or above. They can of course be given the interview step (1 or 2 above) and can be given the Suppressed Person Rundown as in 4 above as neither contains any handling of Engrams. They can also be given the Audited PTS RD omitting the Engram steps.

Discovery  of "Known Before"
There is one important discovery that plays a central role to the Audited PTS RD. It has come to the light, that people are most vulnerable to persons they have known for a long, long time. As described in the Overt-Motivator sequence of Level Two, people open themselves up to going effect of things and persons due to this. A long history and basic unknown or forgotten incidents are more reactive and has more impact on the pc than an argument that happened yesterday. 

The discovery is, for a PTS situation to really have more impact than the pc quickly could brush off, there had to be a long history between the pc and the antagonistic person or terminal. It became clear, that the only terminals the pc had continued troubles with were people he had known  before this life.
One should NOT invalidate having known certain people before.
This discovery and the reactions to it are similar to the past-life discovery in 1950. Some people back then thought this was "unpopular" and frowned on it. They wanted it to be  left out of the subject. Other people had only been famous characters from history. In some cases they bragged about it endlessly and made the whole subject incredible or ridiculous and past lives were easily invalidated due to this. But people who don't go past track in Engram running don't recover. Even running past incidents as "imaginary" as described in the book,  "Science of Survival" led to sudden break-throughs and unexpected recoveries for many stalled cases.
Sometimes you run into young men and girls using "I knew you when you were..."
when they  try to 'hit' on somebody of the opposite sex. This as well tends to invalidate having known certain individuals before this life.
But now it turns out that the ONLY PTS situation that is serious and lasting and can cause a continued roller-coaster situation comes from having known the person before this life.
Possibly in the last life or in earlier lives the pc knew these persons. These will be the most charged Antagonistic Terminals and routinely show up as the Item on L&N, such as S&D's. 

Points to Watch
There are only four points of the PTS Rundown where it can break down.

1. Not audited properly. Auditor has to be able to do a correct L&N action. His TRs has to be in, his metering has to be in. He has to be trained in Engram running, R3RA, and be  totally familiar with this Rundown in order to do it.

2. Pc has to be completely set up before starting on it. If pc has TA trouble a C/S 53 needs to be done. If pc is a  'no-change-case' an Expanded Green Form 40 is called for. Old auditing mistakes need to be repaired by fist doing a folder study and then write up and do the proper program to handle it. The pc can be too tired or too ill to do Engram running with R3RA.

3. The Rundown has to be fully and completely done. It shouldn't suddenly be stopped and just left incomplete (pc will still roller-coaster).

4. Trying to run R3RA on people who "can't run Engrams" is a bad idea. One reason for this can be the pc hasn't had a full Drug Rundown and this blocks his Time Track off.

There is nothing especially unusual or difficult about auditing the PTS Rundown except that all auditing should be smooth and of good quality. When you do the PTS RD you are dealing with pc's that are under stress from their PTS condition. Therefore poor auditor performance, such as bad L&N, poor R3RA or out-TRs or imprecise metering becomes a real mess. Also, the RD is so powerful that errors in C/Sing and auditing it are rough on the pc.
Currently sick pc's should not be run on the PTS Rundown as a standard practice. It is what they need but you can easily overwhelm a sick pc with Engram running.
The time to run a PTS RD is when the pc is set up and when it is noted the pc roller-coasters, not when he collapses with an acute illness.

Roller-coaster can also be caused by other case phenomena, such as a bad Interiorization RD or bad Int repair, out-lists, and other types of By-passed Charge. That is why proper folder study and set-up are important. All such errors should be gotten rid of before a PTS RD is attempted. So a pc needs to be set up for it properly (point 2 above) and be able to run Engrams (point 4 above) before he is started on the full Audited PTS RD.

A Valence is an unknowingly assumed identity or beingness. To 'Be in a valence' of somebody else is to act and think like that person or beingness (other than self) one has assumed. When a person 'changes valence' he has unknowingly assumed a new reactive beingness. Valence shifts can occur rapidly and frequently in PTS RDs and should be noted on the worksheets.

If you are on an Engram Chain, the R3RA can sometimes be a bit of a long haul on a basic incident. You may need to sort it out with a correction list (L3RH). When you run Engrams you are going for the basic postulate behind the basic incident. Make sure you get the postulate off in the basic incident, no matter how hard you have to work at it. In the PTS RD incidents can "develop." Missing pieces can appear. A whole new look on the subject can develop when one goes to F2 after finishing F1. Often you will find the Overt-Motivator sequence at work here. On Flow 2 the pc will often realize he wasn't as innocent as he had always claimed. That means his responsibility is coming up.
Chronic somatics are likely to appear and be handled on this Rundown. And case conditions not previously remedied by other means can be remedied by this Rundown.

EP of Rundown
There may be a point where the pc is absolutely sure he knew the terminal before this life. This is not the EP. A pc may exteriorize on this RD. That is not the EP either.

The EP is a pc who is getting and can keep his case gains and never again Roller-Coasters.

If No Stable EP
If the pc does not recover, then reasons for failure (1) to (4) above should be checked into.
Then the out-lists and R3RA should be handled with correction lists, L4BRB and L3RH.
Then an overlooked item or person or place should be looked for and handled. 

There is no doubt of the validity of the Rundown. It might have missed by not getting all the hot terminals. 
There may have been such a terminal as "True love" that might have been passed over as unlikely. But obsessive attraction is always based on having known (and probably done in) the other person.
When this is handled the true EP will be attained without a doubt in the minds of those involved.


The PTS Rundown by Steps

From folder study the auditor has to find out what PTS handlings the pc has had in the past. He is especially interested in PTS Interviews, PTS handlings in Ethics, any assists (such as 10 August Assist for Ill pc's), any L&N actions (such as S&D's) the pc may have done to find antagonistic or 'SP terminals'.

Verify or Correct past L&N Items
Part of the set-up is to verify or correct past L&N Items, especially PTS Items found on L&N. You find the old lists in the folder. It has the L&N question at the top, the Items below and the found and indicated Item is marked and circled. You read the old question to the pc such as 'Who or what would eat apples?'
It goes like this, auditor: "You were listed on 'who or what would eat apples?'. The item found was 'a worm'; was that is a correct item?" If the pc says "yes" it should F/N. If no F/N you can put in buttons, "On a worm, has anything been suppressed?". "On a worm, has anything been invalidated?". If still no F/N or pc says "no" you do an L4BRB on that list and correct it. You also verify/correct other PTS Items found in metered interviews or more informal interviews. You would do it this way, "The item Joe Blow was found in interview done (date). Was that a correct item?" (make sure the pc recalls the context of the action. If it was given due to a cold, tell the pc so). Carry on as above if no F/N. This all have to be done as part of the set-up. Any troubles with verifying any AT or SP item is handled with L4 or L4RB as it is an out list. When that is done you can go ahead and do the actual RD, which is a major action.


1. Collect up past S&D items (which should have already been verified on set-ups) or get the pc to tell you them if no folder. _________

2. On the earliest one ask if "known before?" 

Use 'Suppressed', Invalidated' as needed. If it this reads handle per steps 3-6 below. If not, pick next item and check for validity. _________

3. R3RA Quad the item using these starting commands:

F1. Locate a time when _____did something to you.    R3RA.
F2. Locate a time when you did something to _____.   R3RA.
F3. Locate a time when ____did something to others.  R3RA.
F0. Locate a time when you did something to yourself because of _____. 
                                                                                                                           Each flow R3RA to EP.

4. Quad ruds and overts on the item using these commands:

(a) Did _____ARC break you? ARCU CDEINR. E/S                                             to F/N.
(b) Did you ARC break _____? ARCU CDEINR. E/S                                            to F/N.
(c) Did _____ARC break others? ARCU CDEINR. E/S                                          to F/N.
(d) Did you ARC break with yourself because of_____? ARCU CDEINR. E/S    to F/N.

Always do a new Assessment on each E/S.

(e) Did _____give you a problem?                                                                         E/S to F/N.
(f) Did you give_____ a problem?                                                                          E/S to F/N.
(g) Did _____give others problems?                                                                       E/S to F/N.
(h) Did you give yourself problems because of_____?                                         E/S to F/N.

(i) Did you withhold anything from _____?                                                           E/S to F/N.
(j) Did _____withhold anything from you?                                                            E/S to F/N.
(k) Did _____withhold anything from others?                                                       E/S to F/N.
(I) Did you withhold anything from yourself because of _____?                         E/S to F/N.

(m) Did _____commit an overt (harmful act) on you?                                          E/S to F/N.
(n) Did you commit an overt (harmful act) on _____?                                          E/S to F/N.
(o) Did _____commit an overt on others?                                                             E/S to F/N.
(p) Did you commit an overt on yourself because of _____?                              E/S to F/N.

"Can't Have /Enforced Have" is the next step.  
The theory is that SPs are SPs because they deny Havingness and enforce unwanted Havingness. They also deny doingness and enforce unwanted doingness. They also deny beingness and enforce unwanted beingness. This is why we have never before been able to run Subjective Havingness. It collided with SPs, overts, and withholds on them.
A very full Rundown then would be to start with don't be/ must be; go on to don't do/ must do: end up with can't have/ enforced have. (Not to be run at this time.) Havingness alone should handle without resorting to be or do.
END OFF AT ONCE AND BEGIN OBJECTIVE HAVINGNESS IF THE TA SOARS OR THE PC CAVES IN. If this does not handle, then do a C/S 53 at once and handle.

5. Run "Can't Have/Enforced Have" with these steps:

(a) Clear "can't have," "couldn't have" as DENIAL OF SOMETHING TO SOMEONE ELSE. 
Clear "enforced have" as MAKING SOMEONE ACCEPT WHAT THEY DIDN'T WANT. Have pc get the idea of these with an example or two.
(b) You run can't have/must have on four flows with the commands below.
(c) After each item is handled with the four flows, Objective Havingness should be run.


F1. Did _____run a can't have on you? 
Tell me about it.
Did _____force something on you you didn't want? 
Tell me about it.                                                                                     (Alternate/repetitive to EP.)

F2. Did you run a can't have on _____? 
Tell me about it.
Did you try to force something on _____that he/she/it) didn't want? 
Tell me about it.                                                                                     (Alternate/repetitive to EP.)

F3. Did _____run a can't have on others? 
Tell me about it.
Did _____force something on others they didn't want? 
Tell me about it.                                                                                     (Alternate/repetitive to EP.)

F3A. Did others run a can't have on _____? 
Tell me about it.
Did others force something on _____that he (she, it) didn't want? 
Tell me about it.                                                                                     (Alternate/repetitive to EP.)
F0. Did you run a can't have on yourself because of _____? 
Tell me about it.
Did you try to force something on yourself that you didn't want because of _____? 
Tell me about it.                                                                                     (Alternate/repetitive to EP.)

Run Objective Havingness on pc to F/N, using pc's havingness process.

6. Handle all past S&D items per above steps. _________


7. Collect up all past PTS interview items (which should have already been verified with C/S Series 78 on set-ups - as explained above). _________
8. Check "known before?" on earliest one. If it so reads handle as below. _________
9. R3RA Quad the item. _________
10. Quad ruds and overts on the item. _________
11. Can't Have/Enforced Have on the item followed by Objective Havingness. _________
12. Repeat steps 8-11 on all valid past PTS interview items. _________

Finding New L&N Items

Having handled all the Items known from the folder, the auditor now starts to search for and discover new Items on the case. This is done per Laws of L&N.

Search and Discovery - by Buttons
Search and Discovery is a L&N process. You search for and discover terminals suppressive to the pc. There can of course be a number of such terminals on a case. But as we know from L&N, each Listing question (that is reading) is carefully formulated to give one and only one Item. In 3 S&D you do 3 lists and can thus find 3 different such terminals on the case. But it is of course 3 different L&N actions with one item each. The buttons list below consist of different actions connected with suppression.

How to do a 3 S&D

Assess this list of buttons once:

Withdraw From
Make Nothing of
Been Careful of
Fail to Reveal

Take the 3 buttons that read best. (You may have to use 'suppress' button etc. and skills from EM drill 24 to nail the 3 down). Use the one that reads the best first. 

Fit that button into these two commands (to find which one to use) and check them for the better read:

"Who or What has attempted to____ you?"

"Who or What have you tried to______ ?"

Take the one that reads the best.
That gives you your first L&N question.

List that question, following the Laws of L&N.

When the item for that list is found, indicate to pc and it should F/N

If no F/N do an L4 on the list.

Take the next best reading button and do the same thing.

Take the third best reading button and repeat the procedure.

That is how you do a 3 S&D.

C. NEW S&Ds (3 S&Ds):

13. Do 3 S&Ds per above     _________
14. Check the first item for "known before?", handle if it so reads. _________
15. R3RA Quad the item. _________
16. Quad ruds and overts on the item. _________
17. Can't Have/Enforced Have on the item, followed by Objective Havingness. _________
18. Repeat steps 14-17 on the other items if valid. _________


19. L&N: "Who have you known this lifetime who has troubled or worried you?" to BD F/N item. (Usually includes father, mother, wife or wives, husband, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, lovers.) _________
20. Check item for "known before?", if it so reads: _________
21. R3RA Quad. _________
22. Quad ruds and overts. _________
23. Can't Have/Enforced Have followed by Objective Havingness. _________


24. L&N: "Who have you been after this life?" to BD F/N item. _________
25. Check "known before?" and if it reads: _________
26. R3RA Quad. _________
27. Quad ruds & overts. _________
28. Can't Have/Enforced Have plus Objective Havingness. _________


29. L&N: "What planets have you known before this lifetime?" to BD F/N item. _________
30. R3RA Quad. _________
31. Quad ruds and overts. _________
32. Can't Have/Enforced Have plus Objective Havingness. _________
33. D of P interview the person AFTER the RD is "complete" to be sure the person is now all right (not PTS). _________

Each flow of each process on the Rundown is checked for read before it is run. This includes Engram running, ruds, Can't Have/Enforced Have. You do not run unreading flows.

Auditor errors during the RD are handled with L4BRB, L3RH, and C/S 53 if necessary.
A really big snarl up on the RD that won't clear up is handled with PTS RD CORRECTION LIST.
If pc gets ill or roller-coasters after the RD is complete the PTS RD CORRECTION LIST is done and whatever was missed is cleared up.

The PTS RD as revised is very direct and powerful. The L&N blows each aspect apart. Don't miss on it with auditor flubs. Get it drilled thoroughly before it is delivered.

When the RD is all done you don't send the pc to attest right away. You first want to make sure he actually is stable with no further signs of Roller-Coastering or any other signs of unhandled  PTS'ness. Usually you wait a week and then take him into a metered interview to check up on how he is doing. If such an interview reveals that his PTS'ness isn't completely handled you apply the data of 'PTS RD Addition'  below. The C/S would use it as a check list as well and apply whatever step or steps fit the situation.


The only reasons a PTS RD does not work are:
C/S error: 1. Not doing one at all.
C/S error: 2. Doing one in the middle of another RD.
C/S error: 3. Doing one without set-up, including a complete educational step with, PTS tech - Basic Definitions.
C/S error: 4. The person was not PTS. This is to say he was not chronically ill or roller-coaster and the items or flows didn't read.
Auditor error: 5. The RD was badly run by the auditor. R3RA was bad, metering poor, ruds not correctly or fully done.
Auditor & C/S error: 6. The RD was quickie, only doing step (a) and brushing it off.
C/S error: 7. Even though the whole RD was done fully, there remained on the case an undetected additional person or thing to which the pc was PTS.
The rules of PTS are
The remedies to the above are
1. Do it.
2. Program it in correct sequence.
3. Set the case up properly so it is running well and past errors handled.
4. Establish how well the person holds his gains before programming one. If any question at all, do the RD.
5. Cram the auditor on TRs, metering, R3RA drills and ruds. Do L4BRB or L3RH on the pc and handle accordingly.
6. Complete the Rundown.
7. 2WC "What is your attention on?" to F/N. On PTS Rundown fly all ruds single; L&N "On the PTS Rundown what being or thing was missed?"; R3RA Quad on item found; fly all ruds and overts on it Quad; run "Can't Have/Enforced Have" Quad. If all not very okay now L&N "What other subject or people might have been overlooked on the PTS Rundown?" and handle the item on each step of the Rundown per  the PTS RD.
A PTS RD always works. If it works with a relapse there is an error in it as per the points above.
It is vital to do it right as that can make the most difficult cases fly.


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