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Fixated Purpose RD - Additional Data
The Fixated Purpose Rundown reaches deeper into the heart of a pc's case than Confessional auditing. This is of course due to finding the underlying evil purpose to a Chain of overts. The C/Sing and programming of FPRD follow the rules of Confessionals, however.
As mentioned, there are many FPRD forms, that a pc can be audited on. In addition to special FPRD forms, existing Confessional forms can be done 'FPRD Style'. These forms ask for overts and withholds and do not have the special questions asking directly for evil intentions. But given a pc who can run FPRD and given an auditor who is trained in the subject you would do most Confessionals FPRD style.
The Fixated Purpose RD does not take the place of needed ethics handlings. If a
person is currently involved in an out-ethics situation and is thereby harming
those around him in some fashion, or has major troubles in life, such as
marriage troubles or is performing poorly at his job, he should first be
interviewed and the situation sorted out with Ethics. Such handling may
include a rapid Confessional as a way of getting to the root of some situation,
so the ethics can be gotten in. Such a confessional would not be classified as
auditing but as an investigative action to get the situation sorted out. It would
not be done FPRD style since what is of interest to an investigation are current
and relevant data - not whole track "that's why" type of auditing.
Who is the RD For?
To be able to run FPRD successfully the pc needs to have a certain level of
confront and be able to go into the past. Minimum requirements would be that pc
doesn't have an unhandled drug history and has done the Objectives. It is not
recommended to use it too early on.
It would be a mistake to program someone for the Fixated Purpose RD whose track was heavily blocked off with drugs; the pc needs to be able to go well back in time to benefit. If the pc has trouble with going back track, despite the person has completed a Cleansing RD and Objectives, the Recall Drug RD must be done.
The Fixated Purpose Rundown is however mainly used to handle an unmoving case and get it moving up the Grades again. It is not a Grade or level in itself. The Fixated Purpose Rundown can give a pc a tremendous boost in blasting through the barriers he is faced with and make it possible for him to make it on up the Grades.
The Fixated Purpose RD is not used in place of other standard case debug and repair tools such as drug handling or the Expanded Green Form 40. Green Form 40 (GF40X) still has all the reasons for resistive cases, including evil purposes. FPRD is used when the case supervisor has determined that what is stopping a case's progress is evil purposes. In such an instance the pc should be programmed for FPRD to locate and handle the evil and fixated purposes and non-survival considerations. That done, the pc is returned to and moved on up the Grades. Some repair lists, such as the GF 40X, contain specific questions to detect evil purposes on a case. Such questions reading would tell the case supervisor to look into the need for FPRD; and if he found so, he would include it in the pc's future programming.
Beginning FPRD
A pc beginning on a Fixated Purpose Rundown program is first put onto the
FPRD Basic Form. This form is included in ST4.
Other forms may be used in addition to, and after, the basic form is done. There are forms for auditors, for the Second Dynamic (marriage and relationships) and for general professions and interests.
Any form may have questions added to it by the C/S to cover the individual person's background and occupation, interests and current situation.
EP of a Single Form
The Fixated Purpose Rundown is an unlimited process. In other words, a person
could receive Fixated Purpose RD auditing any number of times on different
areas, with an EP achieved for each Fixated Purpose RD form done.
It is usually done to handle a special area of complaint.
Example: A pc is having trouble with her marriage. She is audited on the Fixated Purpose RD Basic Form, attests to it, and is then run on a Fixated Purpose RD Second Dynamic Form. On completion of this she is doing very well and her marriage is fully and happily straightened out. She can attest to completion of "Fixated Purpose RD, Second Dynamic Form."
When the person being audited on the Fixated Purpose Rundown has been successfully completed on the last question of a particular form, the following indicators should be present:
1. The Tone Arm action has flattened off.
2. There is a marked shift of viewpoint with one or many cognitions about the subject that was being handled. It could be "being free from having to restrain oneself from committing harmful acts", etc. This would be a very big essential cognition or a number of them.
When these points are clearly accomplished the pc may attest to the completion of that form. If these points are not found to be in the auditor should assess a FPRD Correction List and handle it M3 to an F/Ning list. If the full EP is still not present, the case needs to be studied and a Folder Error Summary done. You would use the data obtained from the correction list Assessment and the data found by the folder study to program pc for any needed repair and then to complete that Fixated Purpose Rundown form to the full EP.
EP of Program
Completing a whole program of actions is a different matter than completing one
A stalled case, for example, may need a program that consists of several Fixated Purpose Rundown forms (each carried to EP), followed by False Data Stripping and then Word Clearing Intensive.
The overall program would be ended, and the pc sent to declare to the program when the end phenomena of that whole program is attained. This would mean achieving the end product that program was intended to get and would include a marked rise in the person's personality test (OCA) from the range it was in before the program was begun.
Auditing the FPRD
The C/S must ensure that his Fixated Purpose Rundown auditors are well trained
to begin with and effectively crammed on any goofs of the procedure.
A point which must be closely watched, is the auditor's handling of F/Ns that occur before the full EP of a Chain is reached. Some auditors, used to end off an action at the first F/N, cog, VGIs, will tend to end off at an F/N rather than carry through to the full EP - persistent F/N, cog, VVGIs, evil purpose blown.
Common Errors
There are an additional number of errors that can
lessen or nullify the results from the Fixated Purpose Rundown. The auditor and
the C/S has to look out for these and get them corrected in the auditing. The
auditor has to understand that the successful delivery of the FPRD depends upon
him being an accomplished Confessional auditor. Here are the most common errors
1. Not using all the tools and skills of Confessional Tech to effectively pull and follow down the overt Chain. The success of FPRD depends upon getting all of the O/Ws and putting in all the steps of Confessional Procedure and doing it without Q&A and with good Confessional Auditors presence (Confessional Auditors Beingness).
2. Not taking the O/W Chain earlier similar to earlier O/Ws. The auditor should expect to take the Chain earlier than this life. Quite often it will go way back-track. The evil purpose will be found to be just prior to the basic O/W on the Chain. To try to get an F/N on a light overt close to present time and then ask for the evil purpose is not going to get it. As long as the auditor energetically applies the confessional procedure he will be able to take it as far back as it goes. He should be able to effectively do that simply by a no nonsense attitude and good TRs and metering.
3. Trying to use the FPRD to handle a present Out-ethics situation. FPRD is for case gains. It is not a tool of justice or ethics. To try to use it as a remedy for somebody's present out-ethics situation is a mistake. The pc may need a handling on his present situation before FPRD will run properly. By ethics handling is meant, that he outside session, usually with the help of an ethics officer, straightens out his immediate life and handles any non optimum situations and activities he is involved in. To audit a pc over an out-ethics situation can be understood as auditing a pc over a PTP and/or a withhold. Both lead to no gains from auditing.
4. Trying to do the FPRD over symptoms of missed withholds, such as pc critical ("nattering"), pc not wanting auditing, etc., etc. This comes under "auditing a pc over out rudiments." FPRD is a Major Action and the pc has to be set up for it and be in-session for it to 'bite'.
5. Quikying the action - meaning doing it in a superficial way with low expectations or false optimism. If auditor calls normal F/N's for persistent F/N's or try to call something 'EP' when it really wasn't he is quickying the FPRD.
6. Part of Confessional tech and FPRD is to get off all the Justifications. The pc may need to be asked the question several times before all the justifications are gotten off.
7. Not getting all of the overt before asking for the Justifications is another related error. These are errors of auditor's confessional procedure which needs to be in, or corrected until it is in.
8. Not staying on the same O/W Chain, but Q&A onto some other Chain or something else. This is also an error in auditor's Confessional procedure.
9. Other basic O/W pulling errors, such as missing reads, not raising the sensitivity on questions when needed, Q&A, not varying the questions when called for or not follow up on something by pulling strings.
10. Not using the buttons Suppress and Invalidate to get FPRD form questions or Step B questions to read. The auditor has to be familiar with and be ready to use all the Left-hand buttons if needed. Here is the list of buttons: Suppress, Invalidate, Careful of, Nearly found out, Fail to reveal, Anxious about.
These Left-hand buttons can all be used in getting a question to read or F/N.11. Failure to recognize when a basic on an O/W Chain has been reached and the Chain has EP'ed.
The above errors are also errors in Confessional Procedure with exception of (3) and (4). Confessional procedure can be used for Justice purposes and to handle a pc with manifestations of missed withholds. But that would usually be done with the R-factor "I am not auditing you". This is not really the realm of Standard Clearing Tech as such uses are controversial and belong under 'Ethics' or in an ethics investigation. They may be done by a trained auditor but he has to realize what he is doing and tell the pc so beforehand.
The below errors belong more specifically to the FPRD steps:
12. Overrunning a session or Chain by trying to carry it past a spectacular release point or persistent F/N. This can happen when the auditor has too great expectations or is unfamiliar with that particular pc's way of expressing himself. "Spectacular release point" is expressed differently from one pc to the next. A Persistent F/N is of course more objective.
13. Auditor not knowing what an evil purpose or destructive intention is; but taking up good intentions, unrelated statements, computations or something else than what is asked for. An evil intention is a statement which, if acted upon or executed, would lead to harm of one or more dynamics. It is below 2.0 on the tone scale. Pc stating "Not to do...(something)" (example: "not to feed the pet bird") is not really what you are looking for as that would only lead to overts of omission. In confessional tech you have a withhold defined as: "it is always the manifestation which comes after an overt. Any withhold comes after an overt." In confessionals you would look for the earlier Done. Ideally in FPRD you would get an evil intention leading to a Done, an overt of commission and not a withhold, (a Done could be, "to torture a pet bird"). But this is a judgment call. You don't want to push it into an L&N action. Just clear it well with the pc at the beginning of the action or possibly reclear it in a later session if needed and have the pc really look and inspect the incident for what is there and available to him without pushing it into L&N.
The auditor needs to keep in
mind to go in the direction of
an evil purpose already on the
confessional steps. To try to find
an evil purpose behind an
insignificant overt is to try to
correct a bullet already fired.14. The above usually comes about as an error in the auditor's confessional procedure. The auditor should work on getting the 'Done' (overt of commission) to his original question from the printed form (see FPRD basic form Question 1). If he really gets the Done and takes it earlier similar he is on the hot trail of the evil purpose. When the overt Chain EP's per confessional procedure it should be right there. It may even be the pc's cognition (pc's cog: "I wanted to torture that damned bird and make it suffer"). So the auditor aiming his Confessional steps in this direction by knowing what he ultimately is after will have a lot less troubles with finding the evil purpose. He is taking good aim before he 'shoots'.
15. Not taking the evil purpose earlier (the same purpose located in an earlier incident) as Step D calls for.
16. Not educating the pc in the procedure or fully clear the commands with him beforehand. The pc has to understand what the auditor does and what is expected of him.
17. Taking up and try to run originated evil purposes, not really part of the trail down the specific Chain. The auditor would clearly mark these and circle them in his report for possible later handling. The confessional procedure is an unburden step that in most cases is necessary to successful running of evil purposes. Besides, taking up originations and acting on them is classic Q&A.
18. Trying to guess the pc's evil purposes and assess them as a prepared list or "check it on the Meter". This is heavy evaluation/invalidation and can really send the pc spinning.
19. Turning Step B (pulling the evil purpose) into an L&N action. You have to ensure two things though, (1) that the purpose you take up is an evil purpose and not something else. And (2) that it reads. Sometimes you can ask "Is there another evil intention/purpose there?" if the one you got (and put buttons in on) didn't read or if it wasn't an evil purpose. But this is delicate business as you don't want the pc to L&N. You may have to pull M/W/Hs and use other confessional tools to make sure the O/W part is complete. With this fully in the pc may just pop out the evil purpose. If an auditor has repeated difficulties in getting the evil purpose his confessional procedure should be crammed per # 13 and 14 above.
20. Not using the FPRD Correction List when needed in session. The FPRD procedure is different on this point from most other auditing. The FPRD CL is used - not only when you run into troubles, but also when you don't get the full spectacular EP. It is step G (optional) of the procedure itself.
With a pc fully set up for it and an auditor who knows what he is doing it usually runs like a charm and to spectacular results. It really takes the handling overts and withhold to a whole new level - and to permanent gains!
FPRD Commands - Print-out
FPRD - Basic Form - Print-out
FPRD - Correction List - Print-out
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