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Service Computation Handling
Full Service Computation Handling
Using Engram Running (R3RA)
Routine Three SC-A
Note: The Engram Running Step is only done when the pc is OK'ed for running Engrams and R3RA. It should normally be done as part of this action if the pc has been educated in running R3RA as a pc. It can also be done as an early step of Engram Clearing which is the next Grade after Grade 4. Engram running is not done if the pc is already Clear. Also the auditor needs to have been trained fully in running Engrams with R3RA. In appendix, print outs - you will find the commands with and without the Engram steps. There are links to them at the end of this chapter.
Service Computation Handling by Steps
The first step in handling Service Computations is of course to find them. This is done by the Listing & Nulling questions included below. When found they are run on a set of commands, called the Brackets.
If the pc is C/S OK'ed for running Engrams you do that next. You want to find the pc's Service Computation and run it on the different flows. You do not want to find the Service Computations other people used on the pc. That is important to point out because it may be different from how flows are done on other subjects and processes.
So it is done like this: You find the pc's Service Computations, one at the time, through Listing and Nulling. When you have found one, you run out the fast automatic answers they have provided for the pc - the 'automaticities' of it. This is done with the auditing commands called the Brackets. There are three set of Brackets. (1) Right-wrong, (2) Dominate-escape domination, and (3) Help survival-hinder survival. You run each computation found in these Brackets so the pc can realize how he has used it.
When that is done you run the Service Computation itself on R3RA, Engram running by Chains. It is run to basic and full end phenomena for Engrams.
In this way you don't leave a Service Computation until you have taken it apart and blown it at its very roots.
Then you L&N for another Service Computation, using a different listing question, and handle it fully. Then another, and another. A pc can have many, many Service Computations. You peel them off until you find the main Service Computation at the core of the case. And you handle that one fully, as you do the others, using the steps above. Needless to say, you are going to see some remarkable results.
Full Service Computation Procedure
Beginning Steps:
A. Give pc a R (Reality) factor by telling him briefly what is going to be done in the session.
B. Clear "computation" very thoroughly with the pc. Use the Tech Dictionary, "service facsimile" and "computation", and any other references you feel the pc may need, including parts of this chapter. Have him demo it until you are certain he fully understands it.
C. Clear the Bracket commands (right-wrong, domination, survival) first, using "Eating apples" instead of a Service Computation. You clear the Bracket commands at this point so you can use these questions right after the Service Computation is found. Often it will start a torrent and you don't want to put stops on the pc's first rush of answers.
D. With that done you clear the listing question.
The Running
I. List and null for the pc's Service Computation in response to this question:
L&N (1) "In this lifetime, what do you use to make others wrong?"
You want a BD F/N item that is a computation (not a doingness, beingness or havingness).
When you get it, indicate the item. Then indicate the F/N. Then you go on to the Bracket step of the handling.
II. Run the Service Computation found in the Brackets:
1. In this lifetime, how would (Service Computation) make you right?
2. In this lifetime, how would (Service Computation) make others wrong?3. In this lifetime, how would (Service Computation) help you escape domination?
4. In this lifetime, how would (Service Computation) help you to dominate others?5. In this lifetime, how would (Service Computation) aid your survival?
6. In this lifetime, how would (Service Computation) hinder the survival of others?
The Brackets are run as follows:
Give the pc question (1) "In this
lifetime, how would (Service Computation) make you right?" and let him have
a go at it. Often there will be a rush of answers. He will have more answers
coming than he can say easily. Don't repeat the question unless the pc needs it.
Just let him answer 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (he may give you 10 or 50 answers). At some
point he will get a cognition or he runs out of answers or he inadvertently
begins to answer Question 2.
Then switch to Question 2: "In this lifetime how would (Service Computation)
make others wrong?" Handle this the same way: let him answer
2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 until he cognites or runs out of answers or starts to answer
Question 1. Then switch back to Question 1, same handling, back to Question 2,
same handling, as long as pc has answers coming easily. When he at some point
gets cognition and F/N you have the EP for that Bracket. You acknowledge,
indicate the F/N and end off on 1 and 2.
Now you go on to the next Bracket. Give him Question 3: "In this lifetime how would (Service Computation) help you escape domination?" and let it run by the same method as above. When this seems cooled off, use Question 4: "In this lifetime, how would (Service Computation) help you to dominate others?" Use Questions 3 and 4 as above, as long as pc has answers coming easily. When he at some point gets cognition and F/N you have the EP for that Bracket. You acknowledge, indicate the F/N and end off on 3 and 4. Now go on to the next Bracket.
Using the same method as above, give him Question 5: "In this lifetime, how would (Service Computation) aid your survival?" When he's run out on 5-5-5-5-5-5, switch to Question 6: "In this lifetime, how would (Service Computation) hinder the survival of others?" Use Questions 5 and 6 as above as long as pc has answers coming easily. Let him get off the torrent of answers and come to a cognition and F/N. Acknowledge and indicate the F/N.
At this point it is safe to end off on running the Brackets. The idea is not to beat the process to death. The pc will have automatic answers coming off fast and stumbling early in the run. This should all slow down and the pc be bright, F/Ning and VGIs before you end off. You are only handling the compulsive character of the Service Computation found and you get it inspected. The pc will be able to see what has been going on in his life at this stage. Especially when you follow up with Engram running there is no need to bleed the process of every bit of TA action possible.
Running the Service Computation in the Brackets should result in a major cognition. This can occur at any point during this running. When a major cognition does occur it is the EP of the Bracket steps of the Service Computation handling.
(Important: If the Service Computation found on a pc did not run on the Brackets, it would need to be Prep-checked. See sections "When To Prep-check" below.)
Engram Running Step
This step is of course only done when the pc is OK'ed for running Engrams
and R3RA. It should normally be done here, if the pc has been educated in
running R3RA as a pc. Or it can be done as an early step of Engram Clearing which
is the next Grade after Grade 4. Engram running is not done if the pc is already
Clear. Also the auditor needs to have been trained fully in running Engrams with
R3RA. In appendix, print outs - you will find a version with and without the Engram
steps. There are links at the end of this chapter.
III. Run the Service Computation R3RA Quad, each flow to EP. It is not run narrative and it is not pre-assessed; otherwise full Engram running with R3RA tech is used.
The Service Computation phrase itself is used as the Running Item.
The beginning commands for running a Service Computation on R3RA Quad Flows are:FLOW 1: "Locate a time when you used (Service Computation)."
FLOW 2: "Locate an incident of your causing another to use (Service Computation)."
FLOW 3: "Locate an incident of others causing others to use (Service Computation)."
FLOW 0: "Locate an incident of you causing yourself to use (Service Computation)."
Take each flow down its Chain of incidents to the basic and full Dianetic EP: F/N, postulate (postulate off = erasure), and VGIs.
That will be the end of all empowerment of that Service Computation.
IV. List for another Service Computation on the pc, using this L&N question:
L&N (2): "In this lifetime, what do you use to dominate others?"
When you have the Service Computation, repeat Steps II and III above.
Find another Service Computation on the pc with this L&N question:
L&N (3): "In this lifetime, what do you use to aid your own survival?"
Handle the Service Computation per Steps II and III above.
Continue to find and handle Service Computations on the pc, using the following listing questions (in that order):
L&N (4): "In this lifetime, what do you use to make yourself right?"
L&N (5): "In this lifetime, what do you use to escape domination?"
L&N (6): "In this lifetime, what do you use to hinder the survival of others?"
L&N (8): "What would be a safe method of handling your problems here and now in life?"
L&N (9): " What is a safe assumption about your environment?"
L&N (10): "What beingness would be a good solution for a tough environment?"
V. Also the pc's folder should be culled for Service Computations and each that is reading on the Meter should be run per steps above. Any such item that does not run on any of the Brackets must be Prep-checked to EP.
When you do L&N for a Service Computation you
are looking for a BD F/N item. Write down each computation the pc gives you exactly
as he states it, verbatim
no matter how odd, illogical or strange they may sound. Of course you mark the
read as well. They may not always sound like perfect computations. The only
reliable test is how they run in the Brackets.
The Service Computation works like a magnet while you're listing. The L&N question is close to the Service Computation and will trigger it. It will draw the pc's attention to it. He's listing along and suddenly he'll put a non sequitur item on the list. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't even answer the question, but there it is. Because his attention is being pulled to the inevitable conclusion. You're asking him for answers and he gives you the rightest answer he knows -"People always jump off high buildings." That's the solution. That solves everything. It blows the TA down. That's the Service Computation.
Indicate the item to the pc; then indicate the F/N.
You're now ready to run it in the Brackets.
Running off the Automatic Answers
If you've found a Service Computation the pc won't be able to stay out of it.
The first question is always how would it make him right. (Never how would it make him wrong.) The torrent of answers should start with the first question. If not, ask him how it would make others wrong. You almost always trigger it at the level of right/wrong. But don't make the mistake of thinking it can't be a Service Computation if it doesn't trigger there. Try it on the other levels. It can trigger at the level of dominate; it might be at the level of survival.
But if none of these immediately make the pc jump in and swim to drown, it's not it. If he tells you, "Well, let's see . . . make me right, no, hmmmm...." or "... escape domination ... no, doesn't make sense," then it is not a Service Computation.
If he says that isn't it, then that isn't it. Don't try to insist upon a wrong Service Computation because it's too easy to find a right one. They are all over the place on his case.
If he hasn't jumped in and swum madly to the center of the stream and gotten all caught up in this thing, it's not it. Because that's the first thing pc's want to do with a real Service Computation - drown.
When you have the right one you'll get a torrent coming off fast. Don't stop it with acknowledgements. Don't stop it with a new question. Let it run its course. It's not one auditing question for one answer. It's one auditing question for a torrent of answers.
When to Prep-check
When the item found as a Service Computation won't run in any of the Brackets
you Prep-check
it to EP (F/N, cog, VGIs).
A rightness-wrongness computation doesn't surrender to normal auditing because it is a Service Computation. The pc is actively holding onto to it. He won't be able to itsa it on a Prep-check. Thus, a Service Computation, if present, will turn on mass on a Prep-check (the datum with the rising TA equals no-confront.)
The Prep-check is a series of types of decisions thetans make about things. So if it doesn't run on Prep-check that action must be in conflict with the rightness and wrongness involved.
But it also follows, if it's not a Service Computation it will run on Prep-check, and you handle it by that method to EP.
Then go back and find a Service Computation that will run.
Should a real Service Computation surface during such a Prep-check it is handled the same way it would be in any other auditing. It is carefully noted, exact wording and read. It is circled and marked so the C/S can't miss it. It should be checked out and run if valid in the next session. In other words, the auditor finishes the Prep-check without Q and A and culls the Service Computation for future handling.
Handling Service Computations With R3RA
Even when the pc has gotten off the automaticities, has cognited and
apparently is free of the compulsive nature of the Service Computation, there is
more to be handled.
Running the Service Computation using R3RA enables him to run out what he has done with it to make others wrong, etc. These will be the actual most charged incidents in which he has used it, which will have accumulated in his wake as he went along substituting the Service Computation for himself and never inspecting the consequences. He will now be free to inspect those parts of the track as himself, and to inspect as well the effects of the Service Computation on the other flows.
Finally, the use of R3RA, Engram running by Chains, will make it possible for him to fully erase the somatics and Engram Chains which had their roots in the Service Computation as well as the postulates underlying them. He will cut the vicious cycle of the pc restimulating the Bank and the Bank restimulating the computation.
Full End Phenomena
Service Computation running can be ended off when you have fully run many
Service Computations. These should lead to the main Service Computation. When
the main Service Computation has been run to full EP, Service Computation
handling is complete.
It might happen in rare cases, that you get the main Service Computation on the pc on your first listing and nulling. It will be rare because the main one does not usually become accessible until the others have been taken off. You run it, of course. Any Service Computation run will produce change, but on the central one you will see the pc change character. The results are quite impressive and visible.
But you should also understand that he still has others, lesser Service Computations which do not simply disappear because the central Service Computation is now gone. They may have lost some power because they were leaning up against it. But you will still need to L&N for these and completely clean the pc of Service Computations.
The central Service Computation will be the one the pc has used as a solution to all of life. When found and run it will be unmistakable to both the pc and the auditor. When this one has been completed on all the steps above, as well as the lesser Service Computations surrounding it, you will have attained the EP on Service Computation running.
You will have brought about a complete
character change in the individual, returned his freedom of choice and his
freedom to inspect and have opened the door for him to be truly right. And that is the stuff of which sanity is
Technical Dictionary's definitions and quotes about Service Facsimiles, which here on ST 4 is called Service Computation:
Service Facsimile, 1. these are called "service facsimiles." "Service" because they serve him. "Facsimiles" because they are in mental image picture form. They explain his disabilities as well. The facsimile part is actually a self-installed disability that "explains" how he is not responsible for being able to cope. So he is not wrong for not coping. Part of the "package" is to be right by making wrong. The service facsimile is therefore a picture containing an explanation of self condition and also a fixed method of making others wrong. 2. this is actually part of a Chain of incidents which the individual uses to invite sympathy or cooperation on the part of the environment. One uses Engrams to handle himself and others and the environment after one has himself conceived that he has failed to handle himself, others and the general environment. 3. it is simply a time when you tried to do something and were hurt or failed and got sympathy for it. Then afterwards when you were hurt or failed and wanted an explanation, you used it. And if you didn't succeed in getting sympathy for it, you used it so hard it became a psychosomatic illness. 4. every time you fail, you pick up this facsimile and become sick or sadly noble. It's your explanation to yourself and the world as to how and why you failed. It once got you sympathy. 5. that facsimile which the preclear uses to apologize for his failures. In other words, it is used to make others wrong and procure their cooperation in the survival of the preclear. If the preclear well cannot achieve survival, he attempts an illness or disability as a survival computation. The workability and necessity of the service facsimile is only superficially useful. The service facsimile is an action method of withdrawing from a state of beingness to a state of not beingness and is intended to persuade others to coax the individual back into a state of beingness. 6. that computation generated by the preclear (not the Bank) to make self right and others wrong, to dominate or escape domination and enhance own survival and injure that of others.
R3 SC-A with Engram Steps (R3RA0 - Print-out
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