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Grade Three Processes
Many of the the Grade 3 Processes deal with Change, which is a primary Button behind ARC breaks.
If pc on any of the processes answers only "Yes", the auditor would ask: "What was it?" This keeps in the itsa line from the pc to auditor.
F1. "What does another want changed about you?"
"What does another want unchanged
about you?" Run alternately to
EP. _________
F2. "What do you want changed about another?"
"What do you want unchanged about
another?" Run
alternately to EP. _________
F3. "What do others want changed about others?"
"What do others want unchanged about others?"
Run alternately to EP. _________
F0. "What do you want changed about yourself?"
"What do you want unchanged about yourself?"
Run alternately to EP. _________
The basic process, you could say, is simply to enable the thetan to change his mind. Most thetans are heavily effect of mechanics. They have to be brought up to a point where they are not being handled by mechanics before they can simply change their considerations. If Changing Minds worked on any thetan it would then be the only process we would need; but this does not work on thetans who are stuck in MEST since they are being other things than themselves, and when they start to change their minds they are simply changing mechanics and not their minds, really.
When you have a thetan free of the mechanics of MEST and exterior, all you have to do is ask him to change his mind! He will simply do so, unless he is still badly influenced by mechanical considerations, which he has so thoroughly agreed to. This can make it hard on him and it takes some work.
These processes can be used on a non-exterior thetan, however, and on those who are uneasily about it. You have them stand in one place with an idea that they have to appear there, and then change their minds and disappear there. Or simply have them stand in one place until they change their mind, and then go to another place and change their mind, and go to another place and change their mind. This is done, actually, by moving the body around in a similar fashion as on the objectives.
When exteriorized, the thetan can change his mind very easily on any subject simply when asked to do so. Very often he does not realize that he can change the factors and elements of his life around simply by changing his mind. He has to be asked to do so by the auditor.
Both pc and auditor are walking around:
"Walk over to this spot."
"Now decide you have to appear there."
"Now change your mind and decide you have to disappear there."
"Now change your mind and decide you have to appear there."
to EP _________
"A note of warning: this does not work on interiorized preclears with any great value. This process can be used on a non-exteriorized thetan, however, and on those who are uneasily exteriorized, by having them stand in one place with an idea that they have to appear there, and then change their minds, and disappear there." R. Hubbard.
From Acceptance we get a great process. Whatever else you may do with a preclear, he must be brought to a point where he can accept the physical universe, his own and other bodies, all in the actual condition they are in. The way out is the way through. In Eastern practices, the goal was abandonment, desertion. ST's main difference from Eastern practices is this: it accepts in order to set free. That works. That which one cannot accept becomes a Chain around the foot. Things have to be acknowledged for what they are before change can take place. For instance, a person who has a disgust for sex will end up to become a victim or slave of sex. A dictator's motto could be 'make them resist', and his people would become enslaved. In history (around 1870) we saw the capitalists resisting Marx. In 1933 we suddenly find Marx the basis of many governments. Resistance and restraint are the barbed-wire around any concentration camp. Accept the barbed-wire and there is no camp. On test this process can even exteriorize people if run long enough.
This process is important because it is one of the few which does not have an element of change or alter-is in how it works. This is not, then, an altering practice. You have to confirm and acknowledge somatics and aberrations before you can free yourself. That which one cannot accept he cannot as-is. There is no confront in the latter case. Remember, this is not an altering process. If your preclear keeps putting conditions of change into everything before he can accept it, you must find things he can accept without changing them first.
"Find something about yourself which you can accept." Run repetitively to EP _________
"Find something about yourself which you can reject." Run repetitively to EP _________
"Find something in this room which you can accept." Run repetitively to EP _________
"Find something in this room which you can reject." Run repetitively to EP _________
"Find something about this universe which you can accept." Run repetitively to EP _________
"Find something about this universe which you can reject." Run repetitively to EP _________
Any energy or space condition survives only because it has been altered and is being altered (Alter-is'ness). The mind can change without liability. When a mind changes energy or space we get a persistence of that energy or space. We do not see alteration of energy or space as any crime. But when we alter only 'bad' conditions of space and energy we make the 'bad conditions' persist. Hence it would be of value to at least straighten out some of the times when the pc attempted to alter energy, spaces, or bodies of people. Failure is the biggest Lock on alter-isness of course. The preclear who is obsessively trying to change himself by self-auditing or by whatever means, has failed many times to effect a change in the condition of this universe or in the bodies of others; he is usually convinced of the space and energy of this universe being a stable constant.
F1. "Can you recall a time when you failed to change some energy in this Universe?" to EP _________
F2. "Can you recall a time when another failed to change some energy in this Universe?" to EP _________
F3. "Can you recall a time when others failed to change some energy in this Universe?" to EP _________
F0. "Can you recall a time when you failed to change some energy of your own?" to EP _________
F1. "Can you recall a time when you failed to change some space of another?" to EP _________
F2. "Can you recall a time when another failed to change some space of yours?" to EP _________
F3. "Can you recall a time when others failed to change some space of others?" to EP _________
F0. "Can you recall a time when you failed to change some space of your own?" to EP _________
F1. "Can you recall a time when you failed to change another's body?" to EP _________
F2. "Can you recall a time when another failed to change your body?" to EP _________
F3. "Can you recall a time when others failed to change others bodies?" to EP _________
F0. "Can you recall a time when you failed to change your own body?" to EP _________
NOTE: These Part C questions above are the ones you stress. "he may get nothing on space at all BUT such incidents are in his recall or space would not exist for him at all."
F1. "Can you recall a time when you failed to change a memory of yours?" to EP _________
F2. "Can you recall a time when you failed to change a memory of another?" to EP _________
F3. "Can you recall a time when others failed to change a memory of others?" to EP _________
F0. "Can you recall a time when you failed to change a memory of your own?" to EP _________
F1. "Can you recall a time when another successfully changed something of yours?" to EP _________
F2. "Can you recall a time when you successfully changed something of another?" to EP _________
F3. "Can you recall a time when others successfully changed something of others?" to EP _________
F0. "Can you recall a time when you successfully changed something of your own?" to EP _________
A thetan is understanding. A space or mass is no understanding. A Thetan is
no mass. An object is mass. Duplication is thus difficult. A thetan must be able
to be a mass or a space to a degree and to experience 'the incomprehensible' in
order to see spaces and masses. It is a new understanding to understand that
something can be incomprehensible. The tone scale is a study of varying degrees
of ARC. Affinity, Reality and Communication comprise understanding. With
knowingness at the top of the scale, we come down in 'understanding' (which we
can share), then down through relative understandings and increasing
incomprehensibility until at bottom scale (MEST) we have a total
non-comprehension. A 'difficult' case is simply an incomprehensible case.
The processing on this is done by the command: 'Spot something
incomprehensible', repeated many, many times. This raises perception and
"Spot something incomprehensible" Run repetitively to EP _________
F1. "Get the idea of another changing you."
"Get the idea of another not changing you."
Alternately to EP. _________
F2. "Get the idea of you changing another."
"Get the idea of you not changing another."
Alternately to EP. _________
F3. "Get the idea of others changing others."
"Get the idea of others not changing others."
Alternately to EP. _________
F0. "Get the idea of changing yourself."
"Get the idea of not changing yourself."
Alternately to EP. _________
NOTE: "The C/S may add "something" (HAS IVa), "somebody" (HAS IVb), or a Meter selected terminal (HAS IVc) to these commands at his discretion." LRH
The basic commands of CHANGE form a series of brackets.
The basic curve of change looks like the CYCLE OF ACTION:
(Cycle of Action)
(Curve of Change)
Therefore the basic versions of CHANGE would consist of Change, No Change and Failed Change.
The following process is built on that and the great many types of flows and terminals that can be involved.
You can use 'Think' or 'Get the idea' in commands. Use the one that produces most fall.
"Think (get the idea) of a change."
"Think of a no-change."
"Think of a failed change."
Run 1,2,3, 1,2,3... to EP _________
"Recall a change."
"Recall a no-change."
"Recall a failed change."
Run 1,2,3, 1,2,3... to EP _________
F1. "What change have you avoided?"
"What change have you sought?"
Alternately to EP _________
F2. "What change has another avoided?"
"What change has another sought?"
Alternately to EP _________
F3. "What change have others avoided?"
"What change have others sought?"
Alternately to EP _________
F0. "What change of yourself have you avoided?"
"What change of yourself have you sought?"
Alternately to EP _________
F1. "What no-change have you avoided?"
"What no-change have you sought?"
Alternately to EP _________
F2. "What no-change has another avoided?"
"What no-change has another sought?"
Alternately to EP _________
F3. "What no-change have others avoided?"
"What no-change have others sought?"
Alternately to EP _________
F0. "What no-change of yourself have you avoided?"
"What no-change of yourself have you sought?" Alternately to EP _________
F1. "What failed change have you avoided?"
"What failed change have you sought?" Alternately to EP _________
F2. "What failed change has another avoided?"
"What failed change has another sought?" Alternately to EP _________
F3. "What failed change have others avoided?"
"What failed change have others sought?" Alternately to EP _________
F0. "What failure to change yourself have you avoided?"
"What failure to change yourself have you sought?" Alternately to EP _________
1. "How have you changed ____?" (something or somebody)
2. "How has ____ tried to change you?"
3. "How has ____ changed another?"
4. "How has another changed ____?"
5. "How has ____ changed (self)?"
5a. "How have you changed yourself?"
6. "What have you not changed?"
7. "What has not changed you?"
8. "What has not changed ____?"
9. "What has ____ not changed?"
10. "What has not changed self?"
10a. "What have you not changed about yourself?"
11. "What have you failed to change?"
12. "What has failed to change you?"
13. "What has failed to change ____?"
14. "What has ____ failed to change?"
15. "What has failed to change self?"
15a. "What have you failed to change about yourself?"
Run Consecutively to EP. _________
An Other-determined change is an ARC break. Things changed and you could do nothing about it. On Grade One (Problems Intensive) we had 'Self-determined Change'. Here on Grade 3 we have Other-determined Change and Failed Change and other negative aspects of Change that life hands us. R3H is a powerful process in having the pc locate such major incidents in his life and handle the BPC.
9. R3H
F1. "1. Locate a change in life by L&N to BD F/N item:
"What change has another caused in your life?"
2. Get some data on it (don't run as an Engram) so you know what the change was.
3. Find out by Assessment if this was a break in:
4. and have the pc examine that briefly.
5. Taking the one found in ‘3' find out by Assessment if it was
Curious about ____
Desired ____
Enforced ____
Inhibited ____
No ____
E/S ARC/B etc to EP _________
F2. 1. Locate a change in another's life by L&N to BD F/N item:
"What change have you caused in another's life?"
2. Get some data on it (don't run as an Engram) so you know what
the change was.
3. Find out by Assessment if this was a break in
4. and have the pc examine that briefly.
5. Taking the one found in ‘3' find out by Assessment if it was
Curious about ____
Desired ____
Enforced ____
Inhibited ____
No ____
E/S ARC/B etc to EP _________
F3. 1. Locate a change by L&N to BD F/N item:
"What change have others caused in others lives?"
2. Get some data on it (don't run as an Engram) so you know what
the change was.
3. Find out by Assessment if this was a break in
4. and have the pc examine that briefly.
5. Taking the one found in ‘3' find out by Assessment if it was
Curious about ____
Desired ____
Enforced ____
Inhibited ____
No ____
E/S ARC/B etc to EP _________
F0. 1. Locate a change by L&N to BD F/N item:
"What change have you caused in your own life?"
2. Get some data on it (don't run as an Engram) so you know what
the change was.
3. Find out by Assessment if this was a break in
4. and have the pc examine that briefly.
5. Taking the one found in ‘3' find out by Assessment if it was
Curious about ____
Desired ____
Enforced ____
Inhibited ____
No ____
E/S ARC/B etc to EP _________
F1. " What could another make unknown to you about that (room object)?" to EP _________
F2. "What could you make unknown to another about that (room object)?" to EP _________
F3. "What about that (room object) could someone make unknown to others?" to EP _________
F0. "What about that (room object) could you make unknown to yourself?" to EP _________
End of regular processes for Grade 3
GRADE 3 FREEDOM RELEASE | Flow 1 | Freedom from upsets of the past. Ability to face the future. Ability to experience sudden change without becoming upset. |
Flow 2 | Can grant others the beingness to be the way they are and choose their own reality. No longer feels need to change people to make them more acceptable to self. Able to cause changes in another's life without ill effects. | |
Flow 3 | Freedom from the need to prevent or become involved in the change and interchange occurring amongst others. | |
Flow 0 | Freedom from upsets of the past one has imposed upon oneself and ability to cause changes in one's own life without ill effects. |
Re: Grade 3 - There do exist a compilation of all applicable processes developed by R. Hubbard for this Grade. They are published as HCOB of 14 November 1987. In the rare case, the pc does not make it on the processes included, the correct action would be: Go over the reports of auditing already done on the Grade (do a folder error summary). Interview pc about the difficulty. Handle any By-passed Charge (including missed earlier actions as needed). Correct anything found and flatten unflat processes. If necessary, use additional processes not run, including processes for the Grade from above HCOB.
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