This is the roughest Confessional List in use. It is
called a "Jo'burg Confessional" as it originally was made in Johannesburg,
South Africa. There are many other Confessional Lists but this one is probably the most thorough one
in existence. The tough questions help pc reveal his most guarded secrets
(reference: 'Murder Routine' in Confessional Techniques).
Every reading item must be handled and F/Ned per Confessional Procedure.
Name of Person
Date _________________
Name of Auditor_______________________________________
1. Have you ever lived or worked under an assumed name?
2. Have you given me your right name?
3. Are you here for a different purpose than you say?
4. Have you ever stolen anything?
5. Have you ever falsified somebody else's signature?
6. Have you ever blackmailed anybody?
7. Have you ever been blackmailed?
8. Have you ever smuggled anything?
9. Have you ever been in prison?
10. Have you ever been drunk?
11. Have you ever done any reckless driving?
12. Have you ever broken into a place?
13. Have you ever embezzled money?
14. Have you ever assaulted anyone?
15. Have you ever been in jail?
16. Have you ever told lies in court?
17. Have you ever had anything to do with Pornography?
18. Have you ever committed Arson?
19. Have you ever been a Drug Addict?
20. Have you ever dealt in illegal Drugs?
21. Have you bought or sold stolen goods?
22. Do you have a Police File?
23. Have you ever raped anyone?
24. Have you ever been involved in an abortion?
25. Have you assisted in any abortion?
26. Have you ever committed adultery?
27. Have you ever practiced Homosexuality?
28. Have you ever had sex with a member of your family?
29. Have you ever been sexually unfaithful?
30. Have you ever had Anal Sex?
30a. Have you ever had sex with animals?
31. Have you ever engaged in sexual perversion?
32. Have you ever slept with a member of another race or color?
33. Have you ever killed anyone?
34. Have you ever bombed anything?
35. Have you ever murdered anyone?
36. Have you ever kidnapped anyone?
37. Have you ever dealt in the black market?
38. Have you ever betrayed anyone for money?
39. Have you ever threatened anyone with a gun?
40. Have you ever illegally owned a gun?
41. Have you ever been paid for giving evidence?
42. Have you ever destroyed something belonging to someone
43. Have you ever been a spy for an Organization?
44. Have you ever had anything to do with Communism or been
a Communist?
45. Have you ever been a news reporter?
46. Have you ever had sex while under the influence of
47. Have you ever had sex while under the influence of
48. Have you ever used drugs or alcohol to get sex?
48a. Have you ever used blackmail to get sex?
49. Have you ever ill-treated children?
50. Have you ever taken money for giving anyone sex?
50a. Have you ever paid money to get sex?
51. Have you ever had any connection with a brothel?
52. Have you ever had anything to do with buying or selling
small children?
53. Have you ever been a spy for the Police?
54. Are you afraid of the Police?
55. Have you ever done anything you are afraid the Police
may find out?
56. Have you ever falsified the books in any firm you
worked for?
57. Have you ever done anything your Mother would be
ashamed to find out?
58. How could you help yourself generally?
59. Have you committed any overts against yourself?
60. How could you help your family?
61. Have you committed any overts against your family?
62. How do you feel about sex?
63. Have you committed any overts against your
63a Have you committed any overts against others?
63b. Have you committed any overts against a group?
64. How could you help your group or organization?
64a. How could you help others?
64b. How could you help a group?
65. How could you help mankind?
66. Have you ever controlled people?
67. How do you feel about being controlled?
68. Have you committed any overts against mankind?
69. How could you help animals and plants?
70. Have you committed any overts against animals or plants?
71. How could you help material things?
72. Have you committed any overts against matter?
72a. Have you committed any overts against energy?
72b. Have you committed any overts against space?
72c. Have you committed any overts against time?
73. How could you help Spirits?
74. Have you committed any overts against Spirits?
75. How could you help God or Infinity?
76. Have you committed any overts against God?
76a. Have you committed any overts against Infinity?
77. What is Communism?
78. Do you feel Communism has some good points?
79. Have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?
80. Have you ever been a member of any group with similar
ideals as the Communist Party?
81. Do you know any Communist personally?
82. Have you ever injured your own school or group?
83. Have you ever committed any overts against your own
school or group?
84. Have you ever stolen anything from your own school or
85. Do you have any overts on Ron Hubbard?
86. Have you ever had unkind thoughts about Ron Hubbard?
87. Do you have any overts on Mary Sue Hubbard?
88. Have you ever had any unkind thoughts about Mary Sue
89. Have you ever injured a member of your own group?
90. Have you ever had any unkind thoughts about members of
your own group?
91. Have you ever betrayed your own school or group?
92. Do you know of any secret plans against Scn
93. Have you ever taken money to injure Scn?
94. Have you ever used the tech to obtain sex with someone?
95. Do you know of any plans to injure a Scn Organization?
96. Are you upset about this Confessional List?
97. In this confessional, have you told a half truth?
97. In this confessional, have you told an untruth?
97. In this confessional, has a withhold been missed?
97. In this confessional, have you told all?