Book Reviews -- Body Health -- General Health
Author: Ty Bollinger
Title: Cancer - Step Outside the Box
Book Review 18.04.2010
(c) 2010 by Heidrun Beer
Ty Bollinger: Cancer - Step Outside the Box
"I bought this for my ex-wife who had/has pancreatic cancer, and been told to 'go home and put your affairs in order'. She has found this book to be a constant source of useful information, and it is at least partly to thank for her amazing recovery and continuing good health. Highly recommended."
Anyone who has seen how relentless pancreatic cancer is (two cases in my family, one of them my own mother, and everybody probably knows the tragic battle of Patrick Swazey), will prick his ears at this statement. It is one of many success stories that have been selected to document the quality of this book, which has helped to save the lives of 10.000s of patients with intelligent and benign knowhow that is the very antithesis of mainstream medicine's destructive (and far too often unsuccessful) slash and burn procedures.
"I can tell you first hand that Cancer - Step Outside the Box is an accurate, honest, well-written assessment of the dark side of the industry that's been built around cancer. A factual word-picture describing what, I'm sure, the AMA, FDA, Big Pharma and the NCI would rather no one ever tell you about. My hat's off to this author. What an informative, thorough, accurate life-saving read. It's all there - just bring your highlighter and prepare to be enlightened!"
So it is also courageous in explaining what NOT to do, and why not, and how it is done nevertheless...
Here is all the information that we need to either get rid of any cancer, or even better, avoid it in the first place. Our western diet and lifestyle is BREEDING cancer. This book explains how, and shows the way out of this trap.
"I had terminal cancer and used Ty Bollinger's information on non-toxic supplements and the nutritional information along with traditional medicine. Anyone who has cancer, or knows someone with cancer should get this book and read it from cover to cover. I'm alive today because I did."
Do I need to say more?
See also Ty Bollinger's website at , and the website of websites, a real cancer university, at !